Chapter 136 The Kiss of Punishment (2)
The white wolf is dissatisfied, and their wolf tribe will never associate with the word "ungrateful". Who knows that the wolf tribe values ​​the most affection, and will treat the people they identify, whether they are clan members, friends or their future partners. He will be with him throughout his life, and will never leave him.

He just didn't know whether the person who came was an enemy or a friend, and he just gave a symbolic warning twice, so he was said to be ungrateful, how could he not feel angry.

Because of his anger, Bai Lang gave Murong Jiuyou a vicious look, if he had the strength to stand up now, he would definitely bite this woman.

"Don't try to bite me. If you bite me, I might get rabies." Murong Jiuyou roughly guessed his thoughts from the white wolf's dissatisfied eyes, and was surprised that he was very human. Laughing and teasing aloud.

"He's a wolf, not a dog. Even if he is bitten by me, he won't get rabies, okay?" The white wolf rolled his eyes indecently and said in a low voice.

"Huh, so you can also talk? Could it be that you are also a beast?" Murong Jiuyou asked excitedly after hearing the white wolf's murmur.Could it be that this white wolf will be the fourth beast?Murong Jiuyou thought happily.

"He's not a divine beast, he's a monster." Seeing that Murong Jiuyou wasn't frightened by his ability to speak human language, and instead enthusiastically asked if he was a divine beast, his heart warmed a little.

Because ordinary humans generally treat talking beasts as monsters.He is very clear that he is only in the state of a first-level phantom beast. In the understanding of human beings, phantom beasts can only communicate with their contracted masters, and cannot speak human language.Murong Jiuyou, instead of being surprised by this, asked him if he was a divine beast, which made him less hostile to the stunning woman in front of him.

"A monster?" Murong Jiuyou saw that the white wolf's hostility towards him was much less, so he squatted down, took out a high-grade pill with excellent healing effect from the storage ring, and brought it to the white wolf's mouth. Signal him to open his mouth to accept.

Smelling the fragrance of the elixir that Murong Jiuyou had reached his mouth, the white wolf knew that it was a relatively precious high-grade elixir, although he was surprised that Murong Jiuyou would send a relatively expensive high-grade high-quality elixir It was given to him, but he did not refuse, but swallowed it without hesitation.

Because he felt instinctively that the stunning woman squatting next to him didn't have the slightest hostility towards him, and with his current body, even if the other party was hostile, he didn't have any strength to resist. The elixir that came out was indeed a good elixir, so he swallowed it without hesitation.

The elixir melted in his mouth, and a warm breath circulated in his body in an instant, and his heavy body gradually became lighter.From being unable to move at all just now, he was able to barely stand up.

"It doesn't matter if you are a beast or a monster, how about making a contract with me?" Murong Jiuyou's words scared the white wolf who had just stood up and fell to the ground in an instant, then managed to get up again and took a few steps back , looked cautiously but firmly at Murong Jiuyou and said.

"do not want!"

"Ah? Uh...why?" Murong Jiuyou was depressed, because she really liked the unyielding character of this white wolf. She wanted him to make a contract with her and become her beast pet, but who knew Without even thinking about it, she categorically refused, which hit Murong Jiuyou for a while. When did she become so unpleasant?
"No reason. If you don't want it, you don't want it." Because the family already has an owner.Bai Lang secretly added in his heart.

In fact, White Wolf is still very grateful for Murong Jiuyou's life-saving grace, but in his capacity, he cannot make a contract with humans and become a pet of humans, because he still has important things to do.

After hearing the white wolf's answer, Murong Jiuyou became even more depressed. This white wolf refused to be her animal pet without any reason, which made Murong Jiuyou's originally happy mood drop to the bottom instantly.Because if the white wolf does not agree, she cannot force the contract with him.

"Uh...that I actually don't hate you..." When the white wolf saw a look of disappointment flashing across Murong Jiuyou's beautiful little face, he suddenly felt a little unbearable, and crawled into Murong Jiuyou. After a few steps, he comforted her in a low voice.

"If you don't hate me, why don't you make a contract with me?" Murong Jiuyou continued to ask unwillingly.

"Uh... that... this..." The white wolf hesitated, he really couldn't find an excuse, but he couldn't directly explain the reason, saying that he came to the human world just to find someone, and he couldn't just make a contract with a human.

"Forget it, you should have your own reasons, so I won't embarrass you, but your injuries have not healed yet, do you want to stay here alone or go back with me, and leave after I heal all your injuries ?" Seeing Bai Lang's speechless look, Murong Jiuyou didn't force him, but instead asked him whether to stay here or leave with her.

In fact, Murong Jiuyou also had selfish intentions, she hoped that White Wolf would go back with her, maybe during the time she was healing him, he would change his mind and make a contract with her.

"I'll go back with you." White Wolf said without hesitation.

Because he is very aware of the severity of his injuries, and with his current weak body, it is impossible to find the person he is looking for. He can only continue to search after his injuries heal.

But it seems that after he recovers from his injuries, he may not be able to go back after finding the person he was looking for. It is all to blame for those hateful guys. Most of his profound energy was sealed, which made him turn into the white wolf he is now.But fortunately, he also injured those guys badly, so he didn't suffer a lot after all the calculations.

It's just that I don't know why those guys suddenly attacked me. It seems that I have just arrived and didn't offend anyone?Could it be the person he offended when he was in the underworld, so they took advantage of him to leave the underworld and come to revenge on him when he was weak?But those people don't seem to be from the underworld. Judging from their breath, they should all be human beings, but the level of profound strength is not low.

Just as the white wolf lowered his head in thought, he suddenly felt his limbs soaring into the air, and his body was lifted off the ground. He looked down and saw a pair of white and flawless jade hands wrapping around his waist, lifting him up from the ground.

"Although the size has become smaller, it still seems to have quite a lot of weight." Murong Jiuyou said, while making a gesture of padding up and down twice, as if padding pork, which made the white wolf black line endlessly.

"You...can you please don't hug me, I can walk by myself." Being hugged by someone for the first time, or being hugged by a beautiful woman, White Wolf felt extremely awkward and said aloud uncomfortably .

(End of this chapter)

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