Chapter 137 The Kiss of Punishment (3)
"You? Walk by yourself? Are you sure you can keep up with my pace with your current body?" Murong Jiuyou lifted him to his eyes and looked at each other.

Bai Lang didn't know what to say when he heard the words, because he knew that what Murong Jiuyou said was the truth, he really didn't have so much physical strength to walk now, let alone gallop.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, my name is Murong Jiuyou. What about you? Do you have a name?" Seeing that the white wolf didn't speak anymore, knowing that he let her carry him away by default, Murong Jiuyou started the moon lotus footwork He galloped forward and introduced himself.

"I'm a wolf!" Because the white wolf's face was covered by short white hair, Murong Jiuyou couldn't see his wolf face that had already turned red from shyness.

"Then I'll call you Little Wolf from now on." Murong Jiuyou said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Okay!" Although I was a little dissatisfied with Murong Jiuyou adding the word "small" in front of his name, but looking at his current appearance, it seemed that he was indeed a "little wolf", so he nodded without hesitation agreed.

This time, since no one was obstructing it, Murong Jiuyou quickly returned to Shangguan's house, and walked into the room that Shangguanhong had prepared for her.

Ever since he knew that Murong Jiuyou wanted to visit the imperial palace that day, Shangguanhong invited her and Ming Xichen to Shangguan's house in the capital of the Fire Nation.And arranged a secluded courtyard and a comfortable room for her and Ming Xichen.

Then Shangguanhong helped Murong Jiuyou draw a map of the palace, and also made her a maid's costume according to her request.

After everything was ready, Murong Jiuyou went to explore the palace alone tonight.

"Sister Xiaoyou, where have you been?" Murong Jiuyou who had just entered the door was startled by Ming Xichen's cold voice.

Because the lights in the room were not on before, she thought that she went out this time without anyone noticing, but Ming Xichen still found out and waited for her to come back in the dark room.

"Uh... that... Chenchen, why don't you turn on the light in the room? Are you trying to scare me to death?" Murong Jiuyou spoke to him in a thoughtful manner.

"Sister Xiaoyou hasn't answered Chenchen's question yet." Hearing this, Ming Xichen lit up the lampstand on the table and continued to ask.

" sister just couldn't sleep and went out for a stroll." Murong Jiuyou, who was holding the little wolf, turned around in embarrassment, with a flattering smile.

I don't know why, but Murong Jiuyou is very ignorant of Ming Xichen's domineering aura. Every time she hears him speak in this tone, she instantly loses her aura. After all, she was also a killer before. , but why would she feel afraid of the domineering Ming Xichen?
In fact, it is not entirely right to say that she is afraid, because she will feel embarrassed unconsciously when she faces Chen Chen's domineering and serious face when she has done something wrong.

But at this moment, Murong Jiuyou felt that he was wronged, he did not dare to face Ming Xichen's domineering gaze, and resentfully made up lies.

Because Murong Jiuyou had promised Ming Xichen before that if he would not act alone, he must be notified in advance if something happened, but this time when she visited the palace at night, she neither brought Ming Xichen nor informed him in advance, which is why Murong Jiuyou will feel that it is wrong.

When the little wolf in Murong Jiuyou's arms saw Ming Xichen, he was extremely excited and screamed: "Master..."

It's a pity that before he could say the word "zi", Ming Xichen glared at him and swallowed it into his stomach.

"Little wolf, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Murong Jiuyou saw the excited little wolf, and thought that something was wrong with him, so he hurriedly asked.

"I'm fine..." When the little wolf saw his master staring at him, it meant that the master recognized him, but he just didn't want to say it in front of this woman. As smart as he is, he wouldn't ruin the master's good deed, but My heart is still very excited.

Originally, he came here only to look for the hell butterfly king, but he unexpectedly found the master who had been missing for a long time by accident, but how did the master become the child in this picture now?But he still could tell from his breath that he was their master.

This white wolf is obviously the white-haired man who set out from the underworld and wanted to come to Longteng Continent to find Xiaodie.

"Little wolf, you go out first, if you have anything to talk about later alone." Ming Xichen told the little wolf in his heart, then turned his gaze to Murong Jiuyou again and said: "Do you still need to wear court ladies' clothes when you go out for a stroll? "

"Uh...that...little wolf, where are you going?" Seeing the little wolf break free from her embrace, Murong Jiuyou rushed forward, ready to hug him again, but Ming Xichen strode forward when he couldn't Come and block it.

"Sister Xiaoyou hasn't answered Chenchen's words yet?" Because of Ming Xichen's obstruction, the little wolf successfully left the room, found a remote corner in the yard, and waited honestly for the master to call him later.

Only Ming Xichen with an angry face and Murong Jiuyou who felt the pressure were left in the room.

"Okay, I'll just tell you the truth, I just came back from the palace." Murong Jiuyou said in a very low voice.

"Sister Xiaoyou promised Chenchen what?" Ming Xichen asked after hearing the words.

"I need to inform Chenchen in advance if there is anything in the future." Murong Jiuyou was forced by Ming Xichen, turned around, and took a few steps back towards the wooden bed in the room.

"Since sister Xiaoyou promised, why are you going to take the risk alone tonight?" Ming Xichen approached two steps again when he heard that, although he was not tall, he was still very domineering and powerful, and Murong Jiuyou kept backing away under pressure. .

"Let's not talk about this now, guess what news I found when I went to the palace?" Murong Jiuyou decided to quickly change the topic.

"Sister Xiaoyou is changing the subject on purpose?" Unexpectedly, Ming Xichen didn't give her the slightest chance, and took two steps forward again. When Murong Jiuyou was pushed to the edge of the bed, she was blocked by the edge of the bed and sat down on the bed all at once. .

"" Murong Jiuyou replied weakly, feeling a tragedy for himself in his heart.Why can't she overwhelm the little Ming Xichen in terms of momentum?Could it be that children nowadays have become so domineering?So stressful?

"Sister Xiaoyou is ignoring the promise she made to Chenchen before, so she has to accept the punishment." After Ming Xichen heard Jiu'er's pitiful answer, his anger disappeared long ago. In fact, he just Worried about Jiu'er's safety, now that she came back safe and sound, he let go of the worries he had been worrying all night.It's just that he won't let Jiu'er feel that he has forgiven him so easily, so he still pretends to be serious and domineering.

"Punishment is punishment. The worst is to be itched for a while. Come on, I'm ready." Murong Jiuyou murmured a few words in a low voice, then closed his eyes, and said with the expression of a strong man breaking his wrist.

(End of this chapter)

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