Concubine Defying the Sky: Domineering Little Xianggong

Chapter 199 Another Divine Beast, Mufa Communication

Chapter 199 Another Divine Beast, Mufa Communication (2)
And Yan Zhiru escaped from Tuku Island because she knew the news secretly. She didn't want to risk her life because of this unfounded rumor.

That's why after Yan Zhiru escaped from Tuku Island, the people from the Holy Palace hunted her down with such fanfare.

After listening to his grandmother's narration, Murong Jiuyou finally understood why Tantai Qing was so obsessed with those four precious medicinal materials. Now she said that those four medicinal materials were refined into Xisui Pill by her and given to people. After she fell, she had to change her plan and planned to use her blood to open the gate of the upper plane after she lifted the seal of the saint. The method of obsession.

On the other hand, the martial arts and profound strength of Murong Jiuyou's grandmother, Yan Zhiru, were not abolished, but were sealed by a master with profound strength.Therefore, during these ten days, Murong Jiuyou not only helped her grandma resolve the profound energy that sealed her skill with her internal strength and profound strength, but also allowed her to return to the previous middle level of Wuzhu Mozhu and high level of Xuanxiu Lanhong. He also refined a lot of high-level elixirs with his grandmother, plus some poisons.

Seeing that her granddaughter not only has profound martial arts profound strength, but also has such unfathomable levels of alchemy and poison refining, Yan Zhiru felt very relieved.

It was night, Yan Zhiru pulled Murong Jiuyou to her side, and said to her in a low voice: "You'er, after spending so many days together, grandma has observed that with your current level of cultivation plus our previous refining There are a lot of pills and poisons, it should not be difficult to enter the black valley."

"Heigu? What's that place? Is there any treasure?" Murong Jiuyou's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he blinked his big black grape-like moist eyes to his grandmother and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know if You'er has heard of innate visions in the Four Kingdoms before?" Yan Zhiru said to Murong Jiuyou with a mysterious face.

"Grandma is saying that the black valley is also the place where the vision was born?" Murong Jiuyou exclaimed in a low voice when he heard the words.

"It seems that You'er knows about the natural phenomenon. In fact, that Heigu is a name your grandma and I randomly named. More than 30 years ago, when my grandma was still free to enter and leave this holy palace, I went to that place and found that there is no matter where it is. It’s pitch black day and night, so I named it Heigu.” Hearing the word “also” in Murong Jiuyou’s words, Yan Zhiru smiled knowingly, it seemed that her granddaughter knew a lot.

"Well, not only do I know, I've also been to four other places with natural visions." Murong Jiuyou returned to his grandmother with a mysterious smile.

"Really? Talk to grandma and find some good treasures?" Although Yan Zhiru is a little older, she has a personality like a young man. She likes exciting and adventurous things. It's completely different, and this is why she was able to attract the hearts of so many young men back then.

When Murong Jiuyou saw his grandmother looking like a curious baby, he felt it was very funny, but he couldn't laugh out loud, so he couldn't help laughing at the places where the visions and what happened in the four places he had been to before, and what happened. He told his grandmother all about the contract animal pets. While talking, he also called out Xiao Hei, Xiao Long, and Xiao Hong to introduce to grandma, and also showed her the mysterious little flower egg.

Yan Zhiru was naturally very surprised when she saw that Murong Jiuyou had contracted so many high-level animal pets.

And then when a group of beasts saluted her very politely, Yan Zhiru's mouth was already too surprised to close.Because it was the first time she saw that a beast pet of the Eudemons level could speak human language.

In this way, one of the mother-in-law and grandson spoke in an orderly and thrilling manner, while the other listened with gusto and seriousness, and the night passed quickly.

On the second day, the two slept for a whole day, and the whole courtyard was as quiet as if there was no one there.This made the guards outside the yard mistakenly think that the people inside had escaped, and even reported to Tan Taiqing.

When Tan Taiqing led others into the courtyard, when he saw Murong Jiuyou and Yan Zhiru yawning and asking him what he wanted to do, his already cold and ruthless handsome face instantly turned extremely dark, and he stared coldly. He glanced at the masters guarding outside the yard, shook his sleeves and left.

Needless to say, those who guarded the yard were naturally punished quite a bit—each was given fifty rods.This also indirectly paved the way for Murong Jiuyou's travel at night, because those who were punished continued to guard the yard at night, but because they were punished during the day and were injured, they had to stay up late at night to guard. Naturally, the force cannot be concentrated well.

Ever since, Murong Jiuyou took this opportunity to sneak out of the yard quietly in the dead of night, and galloped towards the location that his grandmother had indicated to him earlier.

In fact, Murong Jiuyou also asked his grandmother before, since this black valley is a place of natural vision, why didn't the palace master of the Holy Palace go down to the bottom of the valley to find the so-called "miracle from heaven"?

Yan Zhiru's answer was that it's not that the Master of the Holy Palace did not send people to go down to the bottom of the valley to look for it, but none of the masters who went down to the bottom of the valley came up, and the Master of the Holy Palace himself was obsessed with practicing kung fu, and he was inconvenient to move, so he couldn't go down the valley in person. Therefore, I can only give up on this matter first, and want to wait until I return to my original state before going to the bottom of the valley to investigate.

Murong Jiuyou's grandmother also heard the news from the conversation among the masters outside her courtyard.

Because of Xiaodie's wayfinding before, Murong Jiuyou didn't encounter any obstacles along the way.Soon they reached the cliff of the holy palace.

Because the entire palace of the Holy Palace is built on the top of the mountain, there are steep cliffs behind the Holy Palace.And the black valley that Yan Zhiru mentioned refers to the deep valley directly below the cliff.

Because the valley was pitch black, Murong Jiuyou didn't dare to jump down hastily, even though she could call out Xiaohong or Xiaolong, turn her into a real body, and fly her into the deep valley, but the movements of Xiaohong and Xiaolong were extremely loud when they transformed. , will definitely attract the attention of others, so Murong Jiuyou can only dispel this idea.

At this moment, Murong Jiuyou couldn't help but miss giving Ouyang Yi and Ouyang Zi the eagle and python that he had tamed in the Flaming Valley. If they were there, he wouldn't have to worry about going down this deep valley now.

In desperation, Murong Jiuyou could only take out a very long rope made of bamboo and rattan that her grandmother had prepared for her from the storage ring. One end was tied to a strong tree trunk on the cliff, and the other One was tied around his waist, and then he took out a fist-sized night pearl, hung it on his waist, and while slowly letting go of the rope in his hand, he steadily fell towards the valley.

Murong Jiuyou, who was falling, was surprised to find that there was nothing inside this towering cliff, except for a few big trees on the top of the cliff. On the way of Murong Jiuyou's fall, he was surprised to find that the surrounding cliffs Let alone trees, there is not even a single weed.

(End of this chapter)

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