Concubine Defying the Sky: Domineering Little Xianggong

Chapter 200 Another Divine Beast, Mufa Communication

Chapter 200 Another Divine Beast, Mufa Communication (3)
At this moment, Murong Jiuyou had no choice but to be thankful that she was carrying a rope made of bamboo and rattan, otherwise, even if she was highly skilled, she would definitely be injured if she jumped into the valley without any branches and vines that could slow down the falling speed.

The ropes in his hands are getting less and less, and it seems that they will not be enough, but it is still dark below him, and he doesn't know when he will reach the bottom of the valley.

When the rope had been pulled to the maximum, Murong Jiuyou took out a large Xuanpin spar from the storage ring and threw it into the deep valley. He wanted to roughly judge the time when he wanted to fall from the spar and how far he was from the bottom of the valley. distance.

But who would have thought that the dropped spar didn't make a sound of falling to the ground for a long time, just when Murong Jiuyou was wondering how deep the black valley was, a piercing roar came from the bottom of the valley: "Who is so immoral?" Heart, throwing stones here and there? He also smashed my head into a big bag."

Murong Jiuyou was overjoyed by the sudden scream coming from below, it seemed that not far below should be the bottom of the valley.As a result, Murong Jiuyou quickly untied the rope tied around his waist, and jumped down using his lightness kung fu.

The place where Murong Jiuyou fell was not a hard ground, but seemed to be stepping on something soft, and then there was a miserable cry of pain: "Ah! It hurts... It was the guy who is not afraid of death who stepped on it. Is it on the young master?"

At the same time as the cry of pain sounded, the originally pitch-black bottom of the valley instantly lit up like daylight.

After adapting to the sudden light for a few minutes, Murong Jiuyou's eyes could finally see things clearly. While lowering his head, he met a pair of eyes shining with silver light, Murong Jiuyou couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

It turned out that the screams just now did not come from the mouth, but from the mouth of a strange-looking beast.

This beast was about the size of Xiao Hei, with a dragon-like head and a horse-like body, covered with shiny silver scales.And what illuminated the black valley as if it were daylight were those shining silver scales.

"Hey, I said how long are you going to stay with him?" The voice sounded again, and it was the strange-looking beast that was glaring at Murong Jiuyou who was speaking.

"Uh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall on you." Murong Jiuyou who was asked quickly jumped off the beast, because he was at fault in the first place, and he couldn't care about the tone of the beast , I can only apologize first with some embarrassment.

"You threw down that rotten stone just now?" Seeing Murong Jiuyou jumping off of him, Beast didn't speak as fiercely as before.

"That... I just wanted to find out how far away I was from the bottom of the valley, so I dropped a spar to listen to the sound to identify my position." Murong Jiuyou knew he was wrong, so he could only endure He explained carefully with his temper.

"Forget it, for the sake of your mother, let me forgive you, but you smashed my head with a spar and stepped on my body, so if you want to make up for me, I will let you Stay here and be my companion." The beast said in a tone that my lord has a lot of.

"Uh...mother...mother's?" It was the first time Murong Jiuyou heard someone, ah, no, it was a beast describing herself like this.

"That's right, can't you be a male if you're not a female?" Beast said with a natural expression.

"That... human beings are described as women." Murong Jiuyou corrected her with a good temper.

"I'm not human." Beast rolled his eyes indecently and said.

Three black lines dripped on Murong Jiuyou's forehead, the wooden method communicates, the wooden method communicates.

"I've been here for hundreds of years, and now someone has finally come down to accompany me. She's still a mother. It feels good." Seeing that Murong Jiuyou didn't speak, Shoushou took the initiative to provoke the topic.

"You mean you were the only one here before?" Murong Jiuyou didn't bother to bother with the word "mother" after hearing this, but felt a little strange about what Beast said.


"But there are many people who came down to investigate before me? Didn't you see them?" Murong Jiuyou remembered what his grandmother said before, those who were sent by the Lord of the Holy Palace to investigate were all there. Back, I thought it was killed by this beast.

"No, a barrier has been set up here, and no one has come down except you."

Beast's words made Murong Jiuyou even more surprised, and continued to ask: "Where did those people who came down here to investigate go?"

"How do I know, I didn't set the barrier. It seems that the barrier has existed since I can remember, and even I can't get out." Thinking of this, the beast had an angry expression on its face.I don't know which wicked guy trapped him here, he couldn't get out, and he didn't let anyone come down to accompany him, which made him lonely for so many years.

"I have a way for you to go outside, do you want to try it?" Murong Jiuyou was overjoyed when he heard this, and planned to trick this beast.

In fact, when this beast spoke, Murong Jiuyou concluded that he should be the fifth beast, and was thinking about how to make a contract with him, but she didn't expect that she would get the chance so soon.

"Really? Can you really take me out of here?" Hearing the words, Beast Beast's eyes gleamed with silver light, and the dazzling Murong Jiuyou couldn't open his eyes.

"Well, really, as long as you are willing to make a contract with me and become my contract beast pet, I can take you out of here." Murong Jiuyou felt that since he could break through the barrier and enter here, it means that he can also leave here , that's why I said so confidently.

"Really? Then what are you waiting for? Don't you hurry up and make a contract with me?" Beast Beast urged Murong Jiuyou with surprise on his face.

Murong Jiuyou was dripping with sweat when he saw this, it's a good thing someone put a barrier here, otherwise this guy is so easy to deceive, wouldn't he have been contracted a long time ago?
Murong Jiuyou wanted to return to her thoughts, but it didn't affect the movements of her subordinates. She slowly approached the expectant looking beast while pinching the tip of her index finger with her nails, a drop of bright red Blood oozed from the fingertips, and Murong Jiuyou quickly dripped it on the brow of the beast.

Immediately afterwards, a huge silver swastika symbol appeared at the feet of the beast and Murong Jiuyou, and the silver light emitted from the symbol enveloped the beast and Murong Jiuyou in it.Gradually, a silver bead slowly emerged from the beast's body, and quickly merged into Murong Jiuyou's body.The moment the silver light disappeared, the contract was completed.

At this moment, Murong Jiuyou suddenly felt a powerful profound energy pouring into her body, which made her profound strength level, which was originally at the peak of Zihong's high level, undergo a qualitative leap.She has actually been promoted, judging from the level of profound strength above Zihong that Ming Xichen described to her before, her current level of profound strength has reached the middle level of Xuanling.

(End of this chapter)

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