Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 200 Don't Subscribe

Chapter 200 Don't Subscribe
Several months have passed.

During this period of time, Liu Qi also married the sisters of the Qiao family in Jingzhou City, and held a large-scale wedding. The whole city celebrated with joy. Even Liu Biao, Cai Yong, Qiao Lao, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and others in Jiaozhou also came back to congratulate .

After the wedding is over.

Everyone also returned to their respective positions, and Jingzhou City returned to normal. No matter how the other states and counties changed, Jingzhou was still in an orderly manner without any turmoil.

Jingzhou City, in the Liu Mansion.

Liu Qi was sitting in the study, flipping through the documents sent from the city lord's mansion. Although he would hand everything over to Guo Jia and the others when there were no major issues, Guo Jia and the others would still copy the documents. Let someone send it to Liu's Mansion and ask him to read it over.

Today, he also enjoys the blessings of equal people, has three beautiful wives, and feels a lot of indebtedness to Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao. It has been a long time since the two of them came to Jingzhou with him.

The two sisters, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, have no complaints and no regrets. They have been waiting for a long time, and they still live in Liu's house. You must know that in this era, a girl lives in a man's house without any status. He would be pointed out, if Liu Qi himself was not the Lord of Jingzhou, but also had a high reputation in Jingzhou.

Then it's not just some people pointing fingers, but a lot of old men jumping out to criticize.

However, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao didn't care, at least they didn't show any performance in front of Liu Qi, and they endured everything silently.

Liu Qi didn't know, it's just that some time ago, he couldn't get out at all, so he could only procrastinate until not long ago, without any major events, a wedding was held, allowing Da Qiao and Xiao Joe and the two are no longer unknown, which is what he should do.

All in all, he still has a lot of debts to Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, and he can only repay them slowly in the days to come.

Shaking his head, he threw away the chores in his mind.

Looking at the documents copied from the City Lord's Mansion in front of him, he frowned unknowingly. Although they didn't have much influence on the territory he was in charge of, they were also related to the trend of the world.

First, Gongsun Zan was at odds with Liu Yu in Youzhou, which is a well-known fact. In terms of the treatment of the Karasuma and the Huns, one is the main war faction, and the other is the main peace faction. Each uses its own way to deal with it. Although the two sides are at odds, there is not much conflict.

However, after Gongsun Zan returned to Youzhou Beiping from Shouchun, for unknown reasons, Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan had a great conflict. In the end, Gongsun Zan led his troops to attack Liu Yu, beheaded Liu Yu, and took control of Youzhou land.

Second, a remnant of the Yellow Turbans rose up in Yanzhou, called the Baibo Army, and the commander was Zhang Baiqi, who divided the land of Yanzhou with Zhang Miao.

Three, Bingzhou Han Sui couldn't bear the temptation, wanted to become Liangzhou shepherd, turned against Liangzhou Ma Teng, the two sides fought, and fought fiercely at the junction of Bingzhou and Liangzhou, as if they were enemies of life and death.

However, when Han Sui and Ma Teng were fighting at the junction of Bingzhou and Liangzhou, they didn't know that Cao Cao in Chang'an and Yuan Shao in Jizhou were secretly stationed at the border of the two states, waiting silently. Want to be the last oriole.

Fourth, Sun Ce of Jiangdong has not yet given up, and stationed troops in Lujiang, intending to get his hands on the land of Jiangxia.

Fifth, Liu Bei, who took over Xuzhou and got half of Yuzhou, also developed rapidly, recruiting troops, expanding his influence, and at the same time sending people to Qingzhou to visit Kong Rong and Tian Kai.

And a whole lot of other information.

Liu Qi rubbed his head with his hands. It seems that these things don't have much impact on Jingzhou, but among these people, which one is easy to get along with, they all want to find softness Just pinch.

Moreover, the princes no longer have imperial power in their hearts, otherwise, Gongsun Zan would not openly attack Liu Yu, who was a descendant of the Han clan, and kill him, and directly take over the land of Youzhou.

The only one who has an obvious attitude towards Jingzhou is Sun Ce of Jiangdong. However, Jiangxia has a rebuilt [-] Jingzhou navy and [-] troops. With Gan Ning and Tai Shici as the main generals, they can completely resist , unless Sun Ce's entire army suppresses the territory, it will be difficult to win the land of Jiangxia even with twice as many troops.

"The feudal lords contend for hegemony, just like the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period!" Liu Qi muttered to himself, frowning.

Although frowning, his tone was full of excitement and excitement.

In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it was an era when big countries annexed small countries, and there were fierce scenes of great powers fighting for hegemony between big countries. In the end, Qin State stood out and unified the Central Plains.

Today, the rule of the Han Dynasty is divided by various princes. How similar it is to the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, it depends on which prince can stand out from it.

"Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, Liu Bei, Sun Ce!"

Although Liu Qi has always regarded Cao Cao as his biggest opponent, he did not underestimate other people. After all, today is not a history, at least after his arrival, many things have changed.

A little carelessness, even he may fall on this road.

The door of the study was suddenly pushed open.

Liu Qi also raised his head and looked towards the door of the study, only to see that Cai Yan was holding a tray with both hands.

"Husband, my two younger sisters and I made a bowl of soup, let's drink it while it's hot!" Cai Yan smiled.

While talking, he walked in.

The maid who followed Cai Yan was also the one who helped Cai Yan open the door. After Cai Yan walked in, she closed the door again and waited outside.

Before Cai Yan came over.

Liu Qi stood up, walked over, took the tray from Cai Yan's hand, and said, "Just let the people below do these things, why bother yourself!"

While talking, he walked to the desk near the window in the study.

"Serving your husband is the duty of a concubine and others!" Cai Yan said.

Liu Qi put the tray on the desk, scratched Cai Yan's nose with his hand, and said with a smile, "You!"

"Husband, drink it while it's hot, it won't be good if it's cold!" Cai Yan didn't care.

She also knew that Liu Qi was different from other people. In this strong man and weak woman, when Liu Qi stayed in the Liu Mansion, unless there were special circumstances, Liu Qi would cook by himself every day. If the outside world found out, she, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao are bound to be blamed by many people.

However, fortunately, in Liu's residence, only Liu Qi's cronies knew about it, and Liu Qi's subordinates didn't have any opinions.

Although she, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao have been persuading them all the time, every time Liu Qi blocks them with one sentence, that is: my wife, Liu Qi, is for pampering, not for Hurting and drinking, not to mention that I, Liu Qi, don't spoil my wife, who else should I spoil?

Whenever they think of this sentence, the three of them are very happy in their hearts. Although Liu Qi has always said that being able to marry the three of them is the happiest thing in this life, but the three of them think that being able to marry Liu Qi is theirs. the happiest thing.

"Well, I'll drink it!"

Liu Qi didn't say much, just sat by the table, picked up the steaming soup, blew on it, and slowly tasted it.

Cai Yan also sat across from Liu Qi, watching quietly.

"It tastes good, it's delicious, this is the best soup I've ever had!" Liu Qi said in admiration.

The voice fell.

Seeing Cai Yan beaming, he looked very happy.

"Husband, although I don't go out often, I also know that the Central Plains is turbulent. Is my husband really unmoved?" Cai Yan asked suddenly.

She knew that Liu Qi was someone who wanted to achieve great things, and she also knew that Liu Qi was very kind to them, so she didn't want to be a bondage to Liu Qi. After Yuan Shu's proclaiming emperor was over, Liu Qi stayed in Liu's residence for a long time.

Although Liu Qi was able to accompany them for a long time, she was very happy in her heart, but if Liu Qi was dragged into the mansion like this, they would feel uneasy.

"Haha, don't worry, I know my husband!" Liu Qi put the half bowl of soup left on the table and said, "Although the Central Plains seems to be in turmoil, it will not affect I am the land of Jingzhou, not to mention, even if I have a plan, I can't move it now!"

"Why?" Cai Yan asked suspiciously.

"It's just that the troops in hand are not enough. However, there is still one month at most. After the recruit training in Jiaozhou is completed, then we can start. Now is not the time!" Liu Qi laughed.

Although he wanted to take some action, but without soldiers and horses in his hands, it was simply impossible, and it was impossible to take out all the current soldiers and horses in Jingzhou.


Cai Yan nodded, and also knew why Liu Qi knew so much and was able to stay in Jingzhou forever, not because he didn't want to move, but because he couldn't move.

"And even if you want to send troops now, you have to beware of Sun Ce in Jiangdong, the whole army is overwhelming!" Liu Qi said lightly.

Regardless of the fact that Sun Ce is just stationing troops in Lujiang, without any definite actions, if Sun Ce finds an opportunity, he will not doubt that Sun Ce will directly suppress the whole army, capture the land of Jiangxia, and directly march to Jingzhou City. concerns.

Cai Yan frowned, she is also a talented woman, and she can think clearly about the things involved, but as a girl, she has never been in touch with these things.

After all, getting in touch with these major events is a bit too much, and it doesn't conform to the rules of etiquette. If you come here to ask questions today, it's only because of the entrustment of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao to understand, and I don't want Liu Qi to be corrupted because of them.

Gentle Township, Hero Tomb, this is not just talking.

Although I believe that Liu Qi will not be like that, I am just a little worried.

Then he said: "Husband, if there is a big change in Jiangdong, then even if Jiangdong wants to send troops to Jiangxia, there shouldn't be that time, right?"

Big accident?
Liu Qi's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "Haha, Yan'er, you reminded me!"


Cai Yan was a little confused, but he also felt that his words seemed to give Liu Qi an answer, and he felt a little joy in his heart.

"Haha, if there is a big change in Jiangdong, let alone sending troops to Jiangxia, it will be considered good if you can stabilize Jiangdong's situation!" Liu Qi explained.

Cai Yan's eyes lit up, and he asked, "What kind of big change is needed to cause chaos in Jiangdong?"

A ruthless look flashed in Liu Qi's eyes, and he said, "If Sun Ce dies, then!"

Under Cai Yan's reminder, he also remembered some things. Since Sun Ce has never given up on Jiang Xia and Jingzhou, he can't be blamed for doing something.

Although I don't know if there has been any change in that matter, but he can still push it, the so-called adapting to the weather.

"Sun Ce is dead?" Cai Yan was surprised, covered his mouth, and his face was full of disbelief.

Liu Qi nodded and said, "That's right, once Sun Ce dies and the dragons in Jiangdong have no leader, there will be chaos and they will not be able to send troops to Jiangxia. Even if they want to stabilize the situation in Jiangdong, they will have to be busy! "

He also didn't mean to hide Cai Yan, after all, they are all from his own family, so there is nothing to hide.

"How to implement it?" Cai Yan asked.

You must know that Sun Ce is the Lord of Jiangdong now, and he is living well, so how could he die so easily? If Sun Ce wants to die, he must have a plan.

Cai Yan was not surprised that Liu Qi wanted to kill Sun Ce, nor did she feel sorry for Sun Ce. You must know that Sun Ce blocked the path of her favorite person, that is, the existence of death without regret.

"Although Sun Ce controls Jiangdong, he doesn't bring any guards with him every time he goes on patrol. This is the opportunity to take his life!"

A ruthless look also flashed in Liu Qi's eyes. He never thought of taking action against Sun Ce, but Sun Ce became a stumbling block for him to conquer Yizhou.

He didn't want to lead the army to conquer Yizhou, and there would be chaos in his rear. Therefore, the only way to kick the stumbling blocks on the road was the most correct behavior.

As for the sense of guilt, it does not exist. It is not one or two who died in his hands. If you set foot on this road, that one did not come from the mountain of bones and the sea of ​​blood. It is enough for innocent people to strike with a clear conscience.

Cai Yan nodded, and didn't continue to say more. Knowing so much is enough. She also knows that once it starts, Liu Qi will continue to embark on the road of conquest and will not stay in Jingzhou City.

However, this is something that has always been known.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, this matter also needs to be carefully arranged, it can't be too early, and it can't be too late!" Liu Qi said, "However, Yan'er, you should go to discuss with Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao first. Let's go somewhere to play tomorrow!"


Cai Yan also performed a Wanfu ceremony and retreated. She also knew that Liu Qi just wanted to spend more time with the three of them.

Wait for Cai Yan to go out.

The light in Liu Qi's eyes kept flickering, thinking about how to proceed.

(End of this chapter)

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