Chapter 201 Yu Ji
Jianye City...

Originally named Moling, after Sun Ce took full control of Jiangdong, he settled here and renamed Moling to Jianye, which became the main city of Jiangdong.

After the crusade against Yuan Shu, he captured Shouchun, watched Yuan Shu commit suicide, and when distributing the victory, he also paid a little, so he took over Shouchun City, and the rest of Yuan Shu's territory in Yangzhou, completely controlling the land of Yangzhou , became the lord of Yangzhou.

When Shouchun's business is over, the results of the battle will be distributed.

Sun Ce left Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Han Dang, Cheng Pu and others in Shouchun to manage the land he had just taken over.

After all, the land that has just been won also needs to be managed, and then it will truly become his, and the people in the land will submit to him. Otherwise, winning it is the same as not winning it, and it will have no effect. It's better to just throw it away, so as not to drag you down.

After leaving Zhou Yu and others to manage.

Sun Ce also rushed back to Jiangdong with Huang Gai and others, returned to Jianye City, and sat in Jiangdong.

this day...

Sun Ce wandered around the city with Huang Gai.

During the period of time when he returned to Jianye, he also kept consolidating his position in Jiangdong, attracting all the gentry in the land of Jiangdong, subduing all the gentry in the land of Jiangdong.

At the same time, he kept stationing troops on the Lujiang River. He never forgot about the land of Jiangxia, and he always wanted to seize the land of Jiangxia. If Jiangxia was in his hands, then when the right time came, he would be able to directly capture Jingzhou City and seize the land of Jingzhou. land.

However, he also knew that this was not the best time to enter Jiangxia's territory, unless all the soldiers and horses in Yangzhou were mobilized, then it would be possible to win Jiangxia.

After all, Liu Qi is in control of Jingzhou. Taking Jiangxia City from him will strengthen the defense. There are two generals, Gan Ning and Tai Shici, and the rebuilt [-] Jingzhou navy, plus [-] guards. In one day, before Liu Qi could react, Jiangxia City could be taken down.

Otherwise, it will be a protracted war, a war of attrition, and it depends on who persists until the end.

Moreover, if there is a full-scale war, there will be Lu Bu in Yuzhou and Liu Bei in Xuzhou. This is one of the reasons why they did not directly enter Jiangxia.

"My lord!" Huang Gai, who was following Sun Ce, said softly.


Sun Ce, who had been touching his chin, meditating, and walking silently on the street, also came back to his senses.

But seeing the common people on the street, walking past him and Huang Gai in a hurry, walking in one direction quickly, it was obvious that something happened, and Huang Gai might have reminded him because of this.

Now, the land of Jiangdong is under his control, and Jianye City is under his control, and the people in the city are in such a hurry, it seems that it is not an ordinary thing.

Sun Ce cast a look at Huang Gai.

Huang Gai realized it, and stretched out his hand to grab a young citizen who was passing by in a hurry.

The young man was walking fast, with joy on his face, but he didn't expect to be grabbed by someone suddenly, and almost fell to the ground, and he was a little angry in his heart.

Then he turned his head and looked back, only to see a grey-haired veteran wearing a battle armor, holding his arm with one hand, no matter how he moved, he couldn't break free, and there was a young general beside him, who swallowed unconsciously, and also Know that something happened to me.

Nervously said: "Two, two adults, I don't know?"

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Sun Ce asked.

Seeing that the young people were no longer struggling, Huang Gai let go of the young people's arms and stood behind Sun Ce.

See here.

The young people also knew that Sun Ce was a great man, and when they heard Sun Ce's question, they showed a frenzied look on their faces, and said respectfully: "My lords, because there are immortals, they are passing through the city and are in the market. I want to go to pay my respects, just to look up at the face of the gods!"

After speaking, I saw Sun Ce and Huang Gai lost in thought.

The young people didn't hesitate either, since they had said all they had to say, they cupped their hands and ran quickly again, following the rest of the people towards the market, as if they were afraid that it would be too late and they wouldn't be able to see the gods.

"Immortal?" Sun Ce murmured.

He also ignored the young people who left, and continued: "Go, go and have a look!"

He didn't believe in such a thing in his heart, and wanted to see who was bewitching the crowd, who dared to act like this on his territory, and what was the difference from Zhang Jiao and others before.


Huang Gai responded, but his face was thoughtful.

The two also followed the flow of people and walked quickly to the market, both wanting to see what kind of abilities this 'immortal', whom the common people worship so much, possessed.

From time to time
Sun Ce and Huang Gai also followed the flow of people to the market.

I see.

A man, wearing a crane cloak and holding a quinoa stick, stood in the center of the market, and the people who came all burned incense and worshiped.

Looking at the enthusiastic expressions of the common people, it is as unique as seeing a 'fairy' for real.

"Who is this?" Sun Ce's eyes flashed sternly, and he suppressed his anger.

You must know that he is the Lord of Jiangdong, and he has not been able to convince the people of Jiangdong so much. However, a Taoist, just passing by, has such treatment, how can he suffer.

What's more, in the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the reason why there were millions of Yellow Turbans was that Zhang Jiao and others "acted by the sky", cast amulets to save people, and performed the so-called "fairy" behavior.

But now, the Taoist in the center of the market is so similar to Zhang Jiao and others. Once this Taoist has enough time, there will be countless people who respond to his call, endangering his position in Jiangdong, and there will be chaos. He didn't want such a situation to happen. Even if the Taoist had no such intention, the Taoist's reputation among the people would not allow it to continue.

"My lord, I have heard of this Taoist from time to time when I have been in Jiangdong for a long time. If I am not mistaken, this Taoist, surnamed Yu, named Ji, lives in the east, travels to and from Wuhui, spreads talisman water, and saves people from all kinds of diseases. Once it is fulfilled, the common people will call it an 'immortal', and he should be a strange person in the world!" Huang Gai said.

Before, when he heard the words of the young people, he had guessed. Seeing the image of this Taoist, he knew that the rumors he heard before might be true, but he hadn't really seen it.

However, he didn't see Sun Ce's expression, nor did he know what Sun Ce was thinking.


Sun Ce scolded: "This is a monster talking to confuse people. What kind of 'fairy' is there in the world? Do you still remember the yellow scarf? Hurry up and catch this person!"

The voice fell.

Huang Gai was stunned for a moment, then his expression turned cold, and he cupped his hands and said, "No!"

Then he walked towards the center of the market, and he also understood what Sun Ce said. You must know that the cause of the Yellow Turban Rebellion was precisely because the three Zhang Jiao brothers were like Yu Ji, and they finally responded with one call and summoned a million Yellow Turbans.

Thinking of this, he also understood why Sun Ce scolded him. Although there is no such sign now, who can guarantee that in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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