Chapter 453 Untitled
Before Jiang Dong received the information and took action.

Zhao Yun, who was guarding Runan, had already received the information from Qingzhou early in the morning, and sent someone to rush the information to Yizhou.

As the head of the four generals, Zhao Yun also possesses part of the power.

After receiving the information.

He also sent someone to call Kuai Liang to discuss the matter.

Kuai Liang and Kuai Zirou, after leading the army with Zhao Yun to hold Guan Yu back, did not return to Jingzhou and stayed in Runan to work under Zhao Yun's command.

"I don't know why the general asked his subordinates to come here late at night?" Kuai Liang said.

Just bent down to salute, after all, Kuai Liang lost an arm, even if he wanted to bow his hands and salute, he couldn't do it.

Zhao Yun nodded and said, "Zi Rou, please sit down!"

Kuai Liang was not pretentious either, he walked to the side and sat down, then looked at Zhao Yun.

He also knew that if there was nothing important, Zhao Yun would not have sent someone to call him over late at night. If he hadn't expected something wrong, something must have happened.

"According to the news from the spy report hidden in Qingzhou, Qi Wang Liu Bei did not hide a large-scale dispatch of troops in Linzi, Qingzhou, and his intention is not clear!" Zhao Yun said directly without hiding.


Kuai Liang also showed a look of surprise, and then frowned. He thought something happened, but he didn't expect Liu Bei to make such a big move.

"Could it be that the king of Qi wants to mobilize troops before winter is about to enter?" Kuai Liang guessed.

Zhao Yun nodded and said, "Nine times out of ten, I just don't know where the target is!"

"What does the general think should be done?" Kuai Liang said.

He also couldn't guess what Liu Bei's intentions were, and what his intentions were, and there were too many goals, including Jizhou, Yanzhou, Runan, and Yangzhou Shouchun.

Without decisive information, he couldn't guess it.

Zhao Yun shook his head and said, "When I received the news, I wrote another memorial and sent someone to rush it to Chengdu to report the matter to the lord. I haven't thought of how to deal with it yet!"

"General, the king of Qi has made some moves. If he wants to mobilize troops, it is nothing more than Jizhou, Yanzhou, Runan, Shouchun and other places. When the memorial is delivered to the Lord, the king of Qi may have already sent his army. I have to wait." Guard!" Kuai Liang said.

After all, it will take time to send the information from Runan to Chengdu, even if they are traveling non-stop for days.

It is best to make a decision first.

Hear Kuai Liang's words.

Zhao Yun also frowned, and he also thought of the key point. If he waited for the order before acting, it might be too late. Moreover, Liu Bei was already dispatching troops in Qingzhou, and he would be able to mobilize troops within two days. At that time, the intelligence also arrived in Chengdu.

Then he said, "How does Zirou think it should be done?"

"General, you can write a letter and send it to General Zhang in Yanzhou and General Wei in Jizhou to strengthen their defenses. If King Qi takes action against us, we can do things cheaply. We support each other everywhere, and one place is under attack. Send troops to support the other two places; write a letter and send it to General Ma of Jingzhou, asking him to gather troops and strengthen Jiangxia's defenses, just in case!" Kuai Liang suggested.

Zhao Yun also stroked his chin, thinking deeply.

Before knowing Liu Bei's true thoughts, such an arrangement is indeed the best, and the defenses everywhere are strengthened to deal with all changes.

Moreover, Ma Chao was asked to gather soldiers and horses in Jingzhou to deal with sudden changes, and to send troops to support everywhere at any time. In order to prevent Liu Bei from joining Sun Quan, Jiang Xia's defenses were also strengthened.

Facing the current unknown situation, it is also the best way to deal with it.

"That's great! Without further ado, I'll write the letter now and send someone to send it out quickly!" Zhao Yun said.

Kuai Liang also nodded.

After all, winter is about to enter, and they never thought that Liu Bei would still think about mobilizing troops at this time, but Liu Bei has made moves, and they have to deal with it well.

This kind of arrangement is also the only best way to deal with it that can be thought of now. There are others, but they are not suitable.

The rest is to wait for the information to be sent back to Chengdu, and then see what arrangements Liu Qi has.


Zhao Yun didn't hesitate either, and took pen and ink on the spot, wrote three letters, and sent someone to send them out overnight.

After work.

Zhao Yun and Kuai Liang continued to discuss and discussed some details.

In the end, Kuai Liang also left.

Because of Liu Bei's dispatch of troops and generals in Linzi, Qingzhou, the atmosphere in the Central Plains became tense, and there was a feeling that a storm was about to come.

There is a letter from Zhao Yun.

Wei Yan, who was guarding Jizhou, and Zhang He, who was guarding Yanzhou, also strengthened their defenses and kept an eye on the situation of the Qi army.

Moreover, Ma Chao of Jingzhou, after receiving Zhao Yun's letter, knew that the matter was urgent, so he called Pang De, Pang Tong, Ma Dai, Kuai Yue and others to discuss.

In the end, half of the soldiers and horses stationed in Xinye were transferred to Nanyang to prevent accidents.

The wind is blowing.

And wait for Liu Qi, and when Cao Cao in Chang'an receives the news.

Liu Bei, who dispatched troops and generals in Qingzhou, also took action.

Hundreds of thousands of troops.

On the one hand, Zhang Fei was the commander, and Sun Qian was the commander of the army, and set off for Jizhou, crossed the Yellow River, and took Nanpi; on the other hand, Guan Yu was the commander, Guan Ping was the deputy general, and Mi Zhu was the commander of the army, leaving Qiao County to take Runan; All the way, led by Liu Bei himself, accompanied by Xu Shu, Xu Huang, Shenpei, Jian Yong, and Chen Deng, went out from Mount Tai to take Dongjun.

Finally, there was Mi Fang who led [-] troops and stationed in Pengcheng to prevent Jiangdong's troops from sneaking into the rear.

It is no different from the plan proposed by the judge.

As soon as the news came out.

It also shocked the world.

Liu Bei's approach was not hidden, and his mighty march was obviously about wanting to compete with Han Wang Liu Qi, and he was not prepared to make small troubles at all.

This accident.

It also made Zhao Yun and others a little overwhelmed.

They originally thought that Liu Bei would attack one place with all his strength, but now it seems that Liu Bei is going to go to war in an all-round way, and he has also used all his troops, but he not only wants to take one place, but wants to directly capture three places.

As such.

The plan that one place was attacked and the other two places were supported had to be abandoned.

They can only deal with the enemy forces everywhere.

Zhao Yun also let Ma Chao do his own thing. If he couldn't hold on there, he would lead his army to support there. After all, the only ones who could provide quick support now were the soldiers and horses in Jingzhou.

And Jiang Dong also knew that Liu Bei had no intention of attacking Shouchun, so he sent people to station in Pengcheng to guard against them.

Zhou Yu in Lujiang also did not move, just stood still and waited for the development of the matter.

After all, it has nothing to do with them.

It is also the most suitable way to watch the play first.

Of course, if there is a suitable opportunity, then maybe, this is also the reason for stationing troops in Lujiang.

It would be best if both sides were hurt.

Central Plains' eyes were also placed on Liu Qi and Liu Bei. Both of them were clan relatives of the Han family, but now they are fighting in the same room. It depends on the final outcome.

Cao Cao also stood still.

(End of this chapter)

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