Chapter 454
Yizhou Chengdu...

After capturing Jizhou and Yanzhou, because Liu Bei abandoned Youzhou, he had a truce with Cao Cao and withdrew to Qingzhou.

Liu Qi also gave up continuing to fight, and asked the generals to lead troops and horses to guard various places, and then led the army back to Yizhou, waiting for the next opportunity.

After all, it was impossible to fight against Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan at the same time.

After returning to Yizhou.

Liu Qi also recruited a large number of soldiers. The states together recruited 30 recruits, and captured Yuan Shao's territory. In addition, the territories of the states and counties were enough to support a large number of soldiers.

After all, if you have soldiers, you also need to have enough money and food.


You don't need to be attacked by others, you have already been dragged to death by a large number of soldiers and horses, and you are talking about conquering the world and competing in the Central Plains.

No money, no food, no soldiers willing to work hard for you.

During these two stable months.

Liu Qi also allowed his subordinates to develop rapidly and increase their own strength.

Moreover, Yuan Shao's family also lives in Chengdu, which is also Liu Qi's arrangement. He is not a saint, and he will not believe that Yuan Shao's family will have no resentment against him.

What's more, although Jizhou was captured by him, it was Yuan Shao's base camp after many years of operation, and many officials in Jizhou still had their hearts towards Yuan's family.

Then the best way is to take Yuan Shao's family members away from Jizhou.

Once and for all.

At least in Chengdu, Yuan Shao's sons will not have any bad thoughts, and there are two people, Yan Liang and Wen Chou, if they are not stupid, they will know that there is no such thing as Yuan's in today's world.

If this is the case, if they are still obsessed with their obsessions, Liu Qi can't help breaking his promise to Yuan Shao and making some gaffes.

Of course, if it is safe, it is good for both parties.


In the palace of the King of Han.

"Drive, drive, drive!"

Haha ...

I saw, in the courtyard, a young man in a white robe with a bronze complexion, with a look of joy on his face, crawling on the grass with a smile on his face.

There is a little girl on her back who is yelling "吚吉,吚呀". She probably hasn't learned to speak yet, and can only cry "吚吹,吚呀".

A pair of white and tender hands grabbed the collar of the young man's neck, with an innocent smile on his face, and a pair of small feet kept waving, as if he was really riding a horse.

And there are two little boys who are the same age as the little girl behind, and they can only speak 'Yah Ya', crawling behind and chasing after them.

There were also innocent smiles on the two small faces, as if they had encountered something amusing.

And on the grass side.

There are also three very beautiful and somewhat mature women, all with smiles on their faces and loving eyes.

"Two sisters, if your husband behaves like this, if others see it, he might lose his dignity, hee hee!"

Among the three women, the younger one was talking with a smile, her tone was obviously joking.


The other two women just smiled helplessly and shook their heads.

And these people are Cai Yan, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao, and it is Liu Qi who is riding on the back of the little girl. Those three children are also their children.

"My husband insists on this, but I can't persuade him!" Cai Yan said.

There was no blame in the tone, but full of warmth.

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao also nodded in agreement. They have also been with Liu Qi for many years, and the people next to them are also very familiar with Liu Qi's character.

Once something is established, it is difficult to change.

Moreover, Liu Qi's behavior didn't mean anything, which also meant that Liu Qi didn't care too much, he really loved them, and treated the children equally, and didn't favor anyone.

There is no patriarchal view.

So, what do they have to blame.

When the three of them first started, they also persuaded them, but Liu Qi didn't care, and they had no choice but to let Liu Qi be like this.

However, in order to maintain Liu Qi's image.

The three of them would also keep the servants in the mansion away from the courtyard every time and not come close.

But sometimes it would be seen by Liu Qi's subordinates. After all, Liu Qi had an order. If there was an urgent matter, he could come in without notification.

Fortunately, as Liu Qi's subordinate, even if he saw him, he wouldn't talk nonsense outside.


When I saw Liu Qi playing with three children.

The three of them also showed warm smiles, looked at each other, and smiled knowingly.

At this moment, Liu Qi didn't care about his own image either, he was playing around on the lawn with his three children, just like a child.

For one's own blood, do you need to pay attention to other people's strange eyes?

Not at all, this question can be answered without even thinking about it.

Of course, he will not spoil his three children too much, that will only harm the life of the three children, and let the three children learn what needs to be learned.

I will not force it, and what achievements I will have in the future will only depend on the three children themselves.

He will not help the three children arrange their paths. How to choose is completely in the hands of the three children. Whether it is right or wrong, the three children will choose for themselves.

After all, if he wanted to arrange the road, it would be meaningless.

The path of life is always chosen by oneself, so it has meaning.

So, until now he has no idea of ​​establishing a prince, and even if his subordinates propose, he refuses. He has not discussed such a matter, and Cai Yan, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao will not let Cai Yan, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao feel that he is partial.

Or because of certain positions, some barriers arose in the hearts of the three women.

This is not what he wants to see.

But happy times always pass quickly.

At this time.

A burly general came in from outside the courtyard.

It also attracted the attention of everyone in the courtyard.

The three daughters Cai Yan, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao also saw someone coming, and it was Liu Qi's personal guard commander Dian Wei.

Then he took a step, walked to Liu Qi's side, and picked up the three children.

Liu Qi also stood up from the lawn, patted the grass clippings on his body, and tidied up his somewhat messy clothes.

"I have met the lord, the three mistresses!" Dian Wei came up to him and cupped his hands.

He has seen Liu Qi playing with the three children since he stepped into the courtyard, but he has long been familiar with such things. During these two months, every time he came here, he could basically see such a situation.

"What's the matter?" Liu Qi asked.

He also noticed Dian Wei's dignified look, obviously something important happened, otherwise, Dian Wei would not show such an expression on ordinary things.

"Returning to my lord, my lords invite my lord to go to discuss the matter. General Zhao sent back a memorial, King Qi launched troops against our army, and there are also news from other places!" Dian Wei said quickly.


Liu Qi also frowned, and also realized the seriousness of the matter, so he looked at Cai Yan and the other three women beside him.

"Husband, don't worry, I will take good care of the mansion!" Cai Yan said.

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao nodded in agreement.

Liu Qi was not pretentious either. He nodded and said, "Let's go to the City Lord's Mansion!"

Then he walked towards the outside of the courtyard.

Dian Wei also saluted Cai Yan, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao before turning around and walking out behind Liu Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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