Chapter 464
One hundred thousand Qi troops.

Under the leadership of Guan Yu and Guan Ping, they also withdrew back to the Qi army camp.

In the two battles, Zhao Yun kept his hand in the first battle, and Guan Yu kept his hand in the first battle.

It seemed that the two had also fought a tie, but everyone knew that Zhao Yun had won this battle. If Zhao Yun hadn't held back before, there would be no subsequent events.

As early as the first battle, it was over.

And Guan Yu also understood the key point. He already had his own arrogance. In the second battle, he used the knife-dragging strategy, but he didn't use his strength, and he just slashed with the back of the knife.

In the end, he planned to truce first and lead his troops to leave.

I saw Guan Yu and Guan Ping leaving with their troops.

Zhao Yun didn't have any opinion. With a flick of the spear in his hand, he turned his horse's head and led five thousand cavalry back to the camp.

After all, Guan Yu led his troops to leave, and it was impossible for him to lead his troops to pursue them. Not to mention anything else, as far as the strength of the Qi army was concerned, it was twice the strength of his troops.

Once chasing up, the outcome is unpredictable, and it is possible to lose in one battle.

What's more, he was just planning to delay the time. Qi Jun's departure was also in line with his mind, so how could he add accidents to himself.

And he didn't beat Guan Yu either.

Han army camp.

In the main account.

Zhao Yun waited for Guan Yu and Guan Ping to leave with their troops. They also led the [-] cavalry who had left the camp and returned to the camp. Soldiers who patrol and stay in various parts of the camp.

After all, the [-] Qi army has retreated, and there is no need to face the enemy as before. ,

"How is the general?" Kuai Liang asked.

He had been in the camp before. After all, when Zhao Yun went out to fight, the soldiers and horses in the camp also needed someone to command them. What's more, he was not capable of fighting between generals.

"It's not advisable to retreat the Qi army. In a single fight, Guan Yu and I are on equal footing. No one can do anything to the other. If it is not for the favorable terrain, the Qi army may also be ready to attack by force!" Zhao Yun sighed. .

There is a gap in military strength, and it is definitely not a good way to go head-to-head.

And if you want to attack the camp, you need to have an opportunity. With Guan Yu's personality and Mi Zhu's support, it is not easy to find a good opportunity.

Kuai Liang also nodded.

He also followed the battle between Zhao Yun and Guan Yu the whole time, and knew that Guan Yu's force was not inferior to Zhao Yun's, otherwise, they would not have taken a defensive stance to delay the time.

Already led the army to fight out.

As for Zhao Yun keeping his hand during the war, he wouldn't say much.

Scholars have the arrogance of scribes, and generals also have the arrogance of military commanders, there will be no conflict, and Zhao Yun will not have the idea of ​​betraying Liu Qi.

It's just some decisions and won't have any impact.

After concentrating for a while, he opened his mouth and said: "General, although the Qi army is retreating now, Guan Yu also understands that if this continues, he will definitely be dragged here by our army, and Guan Yu should also know that the lord led his troops from Yizhou. The news will not be delayed forever, there may be a strong attack, and our army's camp will be captured in the first battle. Once the camp is captured by the Qi army, if we go to Runan, there will be no dangerous place to resist the Qi army!"


Zhao Yun's eyes flashed too.

How could he not understand this situation, but there was nothing he could do. Guan Yu knew that he could not use tactics to capture the camp, and it was not impossible to carry out a strong attack.

Although the Dao camped up, it also occupied a favorable terrain, but it was only flat land, but the Qi army had an army of 15, which was several times their strength. If they were not careful, the camp would fall.

She touched her chin and said, "What does Zi Rou think?"

"The only way I can think of now is to burn down the camp, withdraw to Runan, send people back to Jingzhou, and let General Ma lead the troops to come to support!" Kuai Liang said with a wry smile.

After scouting and reporting, he also knew that the Qi army's camp was heavily defended, and there were still many Qi troops wandering outside. If he wanted to attack the camp, he didn't have that chance.

It is not advisable to lead the army out and fight the Qi army on the plain, head-to-head.

"This matter is impossible!" Zhao Yun refused without hesitation, "Zi Rou should also know that Runan can be lost, but Yanzhou must not be lost. If there is any change in Yanzhou, Jingzhou's soldiers and horses will be the fastest to support it and stabilize it. Once the army of the situation comes, it will be dragged here again, and there will be changes in Yanzhou, you and I are both sinners!"

Kuai Liang did not refute either.

He is also clear that if there is a problem in Yanzhou, then Jizhou will be separated. In comparison, losing Runan is nothing.

Moreover, Liu Bei personally led 20 Qi troops to attack Yanzhou.

Before Yanzhou passed by, Yuan Shao emptied all the food and supplies in Dongjun, and now he has not recovered much. Zhang Yun, who is guarding Dongjun, has only [-] soldiers and horses under his command.

After thinking about it for a while, he said, "In this way, the general can send a thousand soldiers in advance to go out on the left and right sides, and go two miles away in the dense forest to cut down trees and dig holes!"

"Why?" Zhao Yun asked with some doubts.

"You can first place fire oil and other flammable objects around the camp. Once the Qi army forces an attack and cannot hold the camp, light the fire oil and set fire to the camp, so as to block the pace of the Qi army and withdraw. Runan City, guarding against the city, will be able to hold back the Qi army for a while!"

"And the soldiers who went to the left and right sides don't need to go back to the camp, in case the fire spreads!" Kuai Liang said with a flash of light in his eyes.

This is also a last resort.

If they can't resist the Qi army's strong attack and burn the camp, they will be able to stop the Qi army, so that they can retain some troops and retreat to Runan City.

That is to prepare for retreat.

In addition, the soldiers and horses staying in Runan City can also stop the Qi army for a certain period of time, and the main thing is that they can also consume the strength of the Qi army.

After listening to Kuai Liang's words.

Zhao Yun also calmed down, stroked his chin, thought for a while, and then said: "Just follow Zirou's instructions, but make sure that the fire will not spread to the surrounding area!"

After all, the deep mountains and dense forests on both sides occupy a very large area, and they are connected to many places.

If the fire cannot be controlled, the consequences will not be a little bit, which is not what he wants to see.


Kuai Liang also agreed.

And he didn't think about including the deep mountains and dense forests on the left and right, otherwise, Zhao Yun would not have sent people out to cut down trees and dig holes.

That is to prevent the fire from spreading along the deep mountains and dense forests.

You must know that winter is about to enter now, once it burns, the fire will not be controlled by manpower.

So prepare ahead of time and keep things to a minimum.

(End of this chapter)

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