Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 465 Guan Yu's Arrogance

Chapter 465 Guan Yu's Arrogance

While Zhao Yun and Kuai Liang were discussing countermeasures.

Guan Yu and Guan Ping also led [-] Qi troops and returned to the Qi army camp.

Only then did he appear in front of the Qi army camp.

Then I saw Mi Zhu welcoming him at the gate of Daying.

After the [-] troops are settled.

The three of them also returned to the main tent together. After all, taking down the Han army camp is the most important thing for them at present.

"General, I don't know how the battle is going?" Mi Zhu asked.

He stayed in the camp and didn't know the situation ahead. Guan Yu and Guan Ping led their troops back. Presumably it was the same as when they were in Qiao County, nothing more.

Even though I think so, I also want to know the real situation, and I still have some prayers in my heart.

Had Guan Yu defeated Zhao Yun, many things would have been different.

"I lost!" Guan Yu shook his head and said.

There was a flash of light in his half-closed eyes, and he didn't think that he and Zhao Yun were tied because of the last incident, but he really thought that this time, when he fought against Zhao Yun, he lost to Zhao Yun.

The arrogance in his heart did not allow him to lie.

If you lose, you lose, and there is nothing you can't admit. If you don't even dare to admit this, then the achievement will be like this, and you will never be able to grow again.

This will become his demon.


Mi Zhu was also surprised, his eyes widened. According to what he knew, Guan Yu and Zhao Yun were at best tied.

To know when in Qiao County.

The two never fought less, and every time it ended in a tie, no one could do anything to the other.

If it is said that it is possible to defeat the other side, it can only be said that one side has already broken through its current strength and made progress.


"The adoptive father did not lose to Zhao Yun, it was just that the horse made a mistake and fell forward, knocking the adoptive father away from the horse's back, and later the adoptive father let Zhao Yun go!" Guan Ping was still a little dissatisfied .

Although he also knew that this was sophistry and had seen the whole process, he still didn't think that Guan Yu's loss to Zhao Yun was just a result of some accidents.

The voice fell.

"Nonsense!" Guan Yu yelled angrily, "If you lose, you lose, so why bother to quibble, if Zhao Yun hadn't kept his hand earlier, how could there be anything later!"

Guan Yu, who was originally red-faced, turned even redder, obviously angry, and opened his half-closed eyes.

"On the battlefield, it is a matter of life and death, and there will be many changes. The horse stumbles, which is a common occurrence. The two sides are in a hostile relationship. It is normal to be killed, and because of this, I was able to survive in Zhao Yun's hands. , in the last battle, even if I keep my hand, it will only pay back the love!"

"I lost in the first battle, and there should have been no last battle!"

After Guan Yu finished speaking, he also stared at Guan Ping, looking a little annoyed that he was invincible. If he lost, he lost. He didn't have any complaints. It was only his problem that the horse stumbled.

On the battlefield, even if Zhao Yun shot him, it was the most normal.

Seeing Guan Yu's angry appearance.

A swipe.

Guan Ping knelt down on one knee and lowered his head. He knew that what Guan Yu said was not wrong, but he was a little bit aggrieved. After all, the foster father he respected most in his heart, because of the mistake of a war horse, if Zhao Yun hadn't kept his hand, He was about to die in Zhao Yun's hands.

"General calm down, Tan Zhi is just defending the general!" Mi Zhu said.

After hearing Guan Yu's words, he also understood the process roughly, and also understood that what Guan Yu said was the truth. If Zhao Yun shot Guan Yu directly when the horse stumbled, there would really be nothing behind.

And Guan Yu died.

Their army along the way is useless, so they can only withdraw to Qiao County.

In this way, there will be problems with all the arrangements, and it will be difficult to continue the plan proposed by the judge.

"Hmph!" Guan Yu snorted, and then half-closed his opened eyes, before saying, "Get up!"

How could he not know that Guan Ping was defending him against injustice, but the fact was that, if he refuted it, it would only make Zhao Yun think that he couldn't afford to lose.

How could he afford to lose.

Otherwise, they would not have retreated directly after using the knife-dragging trick, but continued to fight.

You must know that the longer the delay, the less beneficial it will be for them.

"Thank you foster father!"

Guan Ping cupped his hands before standing up.

"Zizhong, what should we do now?" Guan Yu asked.

He didn't continue what he had said before, because it was all over, and it would be useless to say more. What needs to be considered now is how to take down the Han army camp and take Runan City directly.


Mi Zhu also became thoughtful.

a while.

Only then did he say: "General, the enemy's general, Zhao Yun, is not much different from the general in terms of force. It is not advisable to remove the enemy's general first, to damage the morale of the enemy army, and easily capture the Han army's camp!"

"And the King of Han, who led his troops from Yizhou, has now arrived at Baidi City, and will arrive within three days. Time is running out. The only way now is to attack by force. With the advantage of troops, he will directly capture the Han Dynasty. Army battalion, take directly to Runan City!"

"What's more, the original intention of our army is to hold back the Han army here, so that it can't support it. If the loss is greater, there will be no problems. As long as the general stops the enemy's leader, and frankly Once an army enters the enemy's camp, great things will be accomplished, but there will be certain losses!"

"This is also the fastest way to capture the camp of the Han army and bring troops to Runan. It can also be completed before the King of Han leads his troops to arrive. But at that time, we can no longer continue to march towards Jingzhou. Even if we take Runan City, we can only stick to it." In Runan City, it's just to hold back the Han army!"


Mi Zhu also looked at Guan Yu. After all, Guan Yu was the only one who could make a decision. Although he made a suggestion, it would be of no use if Guan Yu disagreed.

Moreover, a strong attack is equivalent to filling up the lives of the soldiers, and a frontal strong attack will cause the greatest loss.

He listened to Mi Zhu's suggestion.

Guan Yu also thought about it.

He frowned, and then said: "So, let's follow Zizhong's suggestion. Let the soldiers rest for a day today, and let them have a full meal for dinner. Tomorrow morning, we will go straight to the camp of the Han army!"


Both Mi Zhu and Guan Ping agreed.

As for Guan Yu not planning to launch a strong attack today, they would not say anything.

And it is also very clear that Guan Yu said that he would truce today and stop attacking the Han camp, so he would definitely do it, and he would not change his mind for any reason.

and so.

Mi Zhu also did not propose to forcibly attack the Han army camp at night.

There is no need for that, and there is no need to mention it.


Guan Yu also asked Mi Zhu and Guan Ping to make arrangements for tomorrow's battle.

in this way.

The two armies did not continue to fight on this day, and nothing happened to each other. Only the scouts of the two armies searched everywhere and monitored each other's camp.

In case of any accident.

(End of this chapter)

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