Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 553 Leaving Xiegu Pass

Chapter 553 Leaving Xiegu Pass

Wait for the spies to leave.

Liu Qi also sighed, but didn't say much.

After eating almost.

He also stood up, brought two blood-clothed guards with him, paid the bill, and walked out of the restaurant, led the horse, and headed towards the city gate.

After all, this is Wei Jun's territory, and it is still very unsafe. If you are not afraid of [-], you are just in case. If you are recognized, it will be difficult to leave.

And his plan to get away is also very risky.

Before, when he came to Chang'an, he had never entered the city. In addition, there are no generals around him now, only two blood-clothed guards are following him, and no one would have thought that he would be so bold to enter the city directly, with the help of the inclined valley. Guan left, while Xia Houyuan and the others also focused on the trail.

But once he reacted, if he hadn't left, he would be the one who was in danger.

It is also necessary to leave Xiegu Pass before Wei Jun comes to his senses.

As long as he left Xiegu Pass, even if Wei Jun found his trace, he would have no choice but to watch him leave.

And this time, choosing to take such a risk this time, entering Xiegu Pass and exiting from Xiegu Pass, has another purpose.

You must know that before Cao Cao raised his troops, he secretly sent Sima Yi to lead an army from Xiegu Pass to raid the land of Hanzhong, causing him heavy losses.

And next.

Whether he wants to or not, a battle with Wei Jun is unavoidable.

In this way, it is also necessary to investigate the situation of Xiegu Pass. By the way, see if there is any opportunity to use Xiegu Pass as a breakthrough to plan the land of Chang'an.


Perhaps Cao Cao had used such a strategy before, and he was prepared to strengthen the defense of Xiegu Pass.

It is also difficult to plan the land of Chang'an with the help of Xiegu Pass.

thinking about things.


Liu Qi also brought two blood-clothed guards to the entrance of the city gate.

There are also many people coming in and out, and there are also Wei Jun holding spears on both sides, guarding the side, patrolling the people entering and leaving the city, but they don't check one by one.

Just looking at some carriages.

Glancing around.

Liu Qi also noticed that the secret agent who reported to him in the wine shop was nearby, and there were some vendors, who were always watching the situation in front of the city gate.

It is obvious that there is some concern.

The spies deployed in the city also gathered and stood guard in front of the city gate to prevent any accidents when he left the city.

Can cover him out of the city at the first time.

And the two blood-clothed guards behind them also tensed up, protecting Liu Qi's left and right sides.

See here.

Liu Qi didn't say much either.

Not to mention blaming these spies. Although it is not easy to get a group of loyal spies in a city, once they are all exposed, it will not be possible to train another batch. of.

But he also knew that these spies gathered around the passage of the city gate only for his safety.

Even if you want to blame, there is no way to talk about it.


Be aware of your surroundings.

Liu Qi didn't stop either. He pulled the horse and walked slowly towards the passage of the city gate.

The two blood-clothed guards also pulled the horses and followed Liu Qi. Although their bodies were tense, they didn't show anything on their faces.

They are also very clear about whether they can show any abnormalities when they get here, otherwise they will tell others clearly that they have something to do, which is easy to attract attention.

The horses that Liu Qi and the two blood-clothed guards rode were just ordinary horses, and they didn't attract any attention.

If you are pulling a famous horse, something will happen.

Therefore, Liu Qi did not bring his own exclusive mount - Chasing Shadow Jade Dragon Drive.

No surprises.

There was no Wei Jun guard at the city gate who stepped forward to stop the inspection.

Liu Qi and the others also entered the city gate passage and headed out of the city.

Soon they left Xiegu Pass.

After walking out of the city gate passage and out of the city.

The two blood-clothed guards also breathed a sigh of relief, after all, they were also afraid of accidents.

Being selected as Liu Qi's entourage, they also felt a lot of pressure in their hearts. They were not worried that something would happen to them, and only Liu Qi was worried.

Now that he was able to leave Xiegu Pass without any danger, he let go of the big stone in his heart.

They have already left the city gate, even if they are discovered, they are not afraid of being stopped, and Xiegu Pass is the land of Hanzhong, which belongs to them.

What's more, when he was in the city, the spies also said that Wei Yan had led five hundred soldiers to meet him in secret.

After walking out of the city gate.

Liu Qi also got on his horse, glanced at the city wall of Xiegu Pass, pulled the reins, and galloped towards the main road.

The same is true for the two blood-clothed guards, who followed Liu Qi on horseback.

When entering and leaving the city.

Riding a horse is not allowed, unless it is Wei Jun.

But after leaving the city, there are no such regulations, and Wei Jun can't control it. After all, it's just people leaving, not galloping into the city on horseback.

On the main street in front of the city gate passage.

The gathered spies of more than a dozen Han troops saw Liu Qi and two blood-clothed guards passing through the city gate passage without any danger, and then rode away on horseback.

He also felt relieved, and withdrew his gaze from staring at the passage of the city gate.

Liu Qi was able to safely pass through the city gate and walk out of Xiegu Pass, so they didn't need to continue to worry, they could breathe a sigh of relief.


More than a dozen spies of the Han army also slowly disappeared into the crowd, dispersed, and continued to hide in Xiegu Pass, looking for news.

Liu Qi left safely from Xiegu Pass.

They also need to do their own things. After all, they also have their own identities in the city, which are used to hide their identities as agents of the Han army.

Moreover, there are still many things that need them to do.

After leaving Xiegu Pass.

Liu Qi also took two blood-clothed guards, and flew away all the way, slowly getting farther and farther away from Xiegu Pass.

During the period, nothing happened.

After all, they just took the opportunity to check the situation of Xiegu Pass by way of Xiegu Pass. They didn't come here to cause trouble, and it would be best if they didn't cause any accidents.


Liu Qi and the others were also about to leave the range of Xiegu Pass.

And the three horses are ordinary horses, not even war horses, and their endurance is not that strong.

When it was about to leave the range of Xiegu Pass.

The speed of the three horses also slowed down significantly, and they looked a little tired.

(End of this chapter)

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