Chapter 554 Zuo Ci Nanhua
It was almost time to leave the Xieguguan area.

The speed of Liu Qi and the others also slowed down.

After all, the three horses are all ordinary horses, not even war horses, and the continuous galloping along the way also consumes a lot of energy.

Although Liu Qi and the two blood-clothed guards didn't feel tired, the three horses obviously couldn't hold on anymore, and looked a little exhausted.

"Take a break in front, and continue on your way!" Liu Qi said to the two blood-clothed guards.

It is also necessary to let the horse rest.

Otherwise, if the horses get tired, they will have to walk back to Hanzhong, and there is still some distance from Hanzhong.


The two blood-clothed guards also had no objections.

Now it can be regarded as a safe place, so there is no need to worry.

What's more, they also knew that these horses were exhausted. If they continued to run, they might die from exhaustion. This was not what they wanted, so it was necessary to stop and let the horses rest.

And if you want to go back to Hanzhong, you won't be able to arrive in a short while.

in front.

There is a small hill next to the main road, and there is a pavilion on the hill. I don't know who built it, but it is also a good place to rest.


Liu Qi, and two blood-clothed guards also came to the gazebo.

However, there were already people in the gazebo.

I see.

There were two old men sitting opposite each other in the gazebo, with a chess set in the middle, and a cup of steaming tea was placed in front of them, and a boy was making tea beside them.

The two old men were dressed like a Taoist priest, like a Taoist.

see this situation.

Liu Qi's eyes were also fixed.

Because he noticed that there was an extra cup of tea beside the two old men, and this was what he was most concerned about.

Two people, three cups of tea.

Either there are still people who haven't arrived; or it is.

"Since you're here, why don't you take a seat, have a rest, drink a cup of tea, and continue on your way?"

While Liu Qi was thinking.

One of the two old men spoke directly, which also confirmed what Liu Qi was thinking, that he was waiting for him.

"Presumptuous, my master is..."

Hearing the address in the words of an old man, Xue Yiwei was also angry, and when he was about to curse, Liu Qi stopped him.

"That's great!" Liu Qi laughed.

Stopping the blood-clothed guards' words, Liu Qi got off his horse too, handed the horse over to the two blood-clothed guards, and walked towards the gazebo. After all, he also wanted to know who these two were and why they were waiting for him here.

To know his whereabouts, not many people know.

See here.

Although the two blood-clothed guards were dissatisfied with the two old men, they didn't say anything more. They also got off their horses and let the horses rest aside, while the two of them paid attention to the gazebo.

“Good tea!”

Liu Qi walked into the gazebo, sat down without hesitation, picked up the cup of steaming tea that was ready, and took a sip.


The two old men just smiled and continued to play chess without opening their mouths.

And that boy was still making tea.

Liu Qi didn't continue talking, put down his teacup, and watched the two old men play chess without saying a word, appearing very patient.

"I don't know where my little friend came from, and where is he going?" an old man suddenly asked.

"Come from everywhere, go wherever you go!"

Liu Qi answered without a single pause.

"Wouldn't the King of Han be afraid of some misfortune when he walked through Xiegu Pass alone?" Another old man asked.

But there was no pause in the hand, and a chess piece was placed on the board.

Liu Qi narrowed his eyes and said, "If you were afraid, you wouldn't be sitting here now, would you?"

He didn't feel any surprise that his identity was guessed. After all, these two old men were obviously waiting for him here. It would be strange if they pretended not to know.

And the two old men obviously knew him.

"Little friend is really different!"

The two old men also looked at each other and laughed.

"I don't know why the two old men are waiting for me here?" Liu Qi asked.

"Because we want to see the demeanor of the King of Han!" said an old man.

"A long time ago, we wanted to meet you, King Han, but we never had the chance. We feel that King Han's fate has changed a lot, and now he has the power of an emperor!" Another old man said.

There is something in the words.

Before Liu Qi could speak.

"But now that I see it, it's over and I'm worried!" said an old man.

The other old man nodded in agreement.

The voice fell.

Liu Qi also stared intently at the two old men, as if trying to see something from their faces.

Many thoughts also popped up in his heart. After all, the words of the two made him feel a little uneasy, and some thoughts also popped up.

"The King of Han doesn't need to worry too much. The two of us are just cultivators. We just think that the fate of the King of Han is a bit weird, so we want to find out. It's purely out of curiosity. As for the affairs of the world, the two of us don't want to know. I don’t want to participate, after all, it doesn’t fit with the two of us!” said the old man on the right as if he had seen Liu Qi’s thoughts.

"Exactly!" The old man on the left agreed.

"It's the best!" Liu Qi said lightly.

After all, these two old men made him feel a little pressure, but he also chose to believe that he had no intention of harming him, otherwise, it would not be the two of them here, and there would be an extra group of Wei Jun.

"Little friend, the person who came to pick you up is here, let's just leave here!" said the old man on the left.


Liu Qi also looked at one place.

Sure enough, he saw a group of hundreds of soldiers coming from a distance, and if nothing else happened, it was the soldiers and horses led by Wei Yan.

"I don't know the names of the two old men?" Liu Qi asked.

"My name is Zuo Ci, and his name is Nan Hua. Both of us are from the mountains!" The old man on the right laughed.

Zuo Ci, Nan Hua!
Hear the names of two people.

Liu Qi was also shocked, no wonder.

"I've heard about the two people for a long time. It's my good fortune to meet you today. If you have the opportunity, the two old men can come to Yizhou to get together!" Liu Qi cupped his hands and said.

"The king of Han has won the prize. After today, the two of us will go back to the mountains to practice. This trip is just to see the heroic appearance of the king of Han. I hope the king of Han will not be offended!" Zuo Ci said.

"It's such a pity!" Liu Qi sighed, "Then let's go!"

He also understood that these two people would not refuse his invitation, after all, they pursued different things.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out of the gazebo, got on his horse, led two blood-clothed guards, and headed towards the hundreds of soldiers and horses.

Wait for Liu Qi to leave.

"How?" Nan Hua asked.

"Can't figure it out, can't see it through!" Zuo Ci shook his head and said.

Nan Hua also nodded in agreement, and said, "However, this has nothing to do with us, does it?"

"That's right!" Zuo Ci was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

After all, what they are concerned about is not the affairs of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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