Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 557 Lu Bu Leaves the Southern Man

Chapter 557 Lu Bu Leaves the Southern Man
I inspected the project of the altar and the huge stele.

Liu Qi also took Dian Wei and Li Ru back to the city.

After all, I have already understood, and there is no need to stare at it all the time, it is of no use.

From time to time
Liu Qi, Dian Wei, and Li Ru also entered the city and came outside the mansion of the City Lord's Mansion.

From here, one can also see the outline of a huge palace in the center of the city, and many civilians are busy in that outline.

That's where the palace was built.

The people who originally lived there also moved out of their original places, but they were not oppressed. Instead, they were given enough money and helped them find a place to live before they were allowed to move out.

And these people are also very clear why they were asked to move away.

Nothing happened either.

What's more, Liu Qi also gave them enough money, which is equivalent to buying their houses and helping them find another place to live, let alone any complaints.

To know.

In such a society, even if Liu Qi ignored them and drove them away, even if they were angry and resentful, they would not dare to say anything.

But Liu Qi didn't do that, and they wouldn't go looking for trouble, and they got a lot of rewards.

Liu Qi glanced at the palace that was still under construction, and without stopping, he walked into the City Lord's Mansion and headed for the meeting hall.

Dian Wei and Li Ru also followed closely behind.

In the chamber.

Now there are also a large number of people gathered, dressed as military generals and counselors, and they are all under Liu Qi's command.

Gathering in twos and threes, talking about things.


I saw Liu Qi appearing at the door of the meeting hall.

The discussion of the crowd also stopped, and they all stood up and bowed their hands to Liu Qi.

"Sit down!" Liu Qi nodded.


He also walked to the main seat and sat down.

Everyone also sat down one after another, and Li Ru and Dian Wei also walked to their own seats and sat down, all looking at Liu Qi.

Liu Qi also glanced at everyone present.

Now the generals and counselors from all over the place have also gathered together again.

At the generals' table, there were Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, Ma Chao, Dian Wei, Pang De, Jiang Wei, Chen Dao, Liao Hua, Zhang Ren, Wen Pin, Gan Ning, Tai Shici, Ma Dai, Liu Cong, Meng Huo and others. .

On the counselor's table, there were Guo Jia, Li Ru, Jia Xu, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Fa Zheng, Zhang Song, Kuai Liang, Kuai Yue, Jiang Wan and others.

It can be said to be full of talents.

"Although there is no war in the Quartet now, what needs to be guarded against is still needed. The vigilance of all places must be strengthened, and there must be no slack. Although the parties may not choose to use troops at such a time, they still need to be on guard against it. In case something happens, we can react quickly and make arrangements!" Liu Qi said.


Everyone present also responded.

They also knew that what Liu Qi said was true.

Although they all tacitly agreed that at such a time, they would not raise troops, but that was only when there was no chance. If there was some negligence, a mistake made, and people found an opportunity, then it was not necessarily true.

It's like being able to directly seize the land of Chang'an.

They will also not let go of such an opportunity, even if it disrupts the whole arrangement, it is worth doing.

After all, there are two sides to things, good and bad.

It's just how you look at it.

Liu Qi also nodded, he didn't want to continue talking about this issue, and he also believed that everyone present would handle it well, there would be no big omissions, and people would find opportunities.

Some things only need to be mentioned a little bit, and there is no need to say more about the rest.

"How's the situation in Nanban?"

Liu Qi also set his sights on Liu Cong and Meng Huo.

Liu Cong has also changed a lot now, in simple terms, he has matured a lot.

As for Nanman's affairs, Liu Cong and Meng Huo had always been handling them, so he didn't pay much attention to them, and besides Liu Cong was assisted by Jiang Wan, and Lu Bu was in Nanman to support him.

Now, Nanman can be considered to be in full control, at least there will be no troubles, and Meng Huo will not have any bad thoughts.

That's enough.

"Returning to my lord, the situation in Nanman is still relatively stable, and there is no unnecessary words, and the remaining two marshals are the same. Now there are more than [-] elite soldiers in Nanman, who can join them at any time!" Meng Huo stood up and replied.

"It's so good!" Liu Qi squinted and said.

Among the Marshals of the Three Caves, one of them, Ah Huinan, was beheaded by him, leaving only two of them.

Because of the surrender, he didn't dismiss those two people from their official positions, but let them hold their original positions. As long as he didn't have other embarrassments, he would not do anything to these people.

However, if you have bad thoughts, unless you don't act, otherwise...

"Brother Wang!"

At this time, Liu Cong also stood up.

Liu Qi as King of Han.

Although Liu Cong is Liu Qi's biological brother, he still needs to use his honorific title. After all, he is not discussing things in private, but discussing things now.

Liu Qi nodded, signaling Liu Cong to continue.

"Marquis Wen has left the land of the Southern Barbarians!" Liu Cong continued.


Liu Qi narrowed his eyes and said, "When?"

"Just when I came to Chengdu from Nanman, Marquis Wen took General Gao, General Zhang, and Chen Gong and others, led [-] Bingzhou wolf riders, and [-] elite soldiers from Nanman leave the land!"

"Marquis Wen once said that he couldn't wait any longer and wanted to go out for a walk. He hoped that when he came back, Brother Wang would give him an answer to what he promised him!"

"And he also said that he doesn't want to get involved in the current Central Plains affairs!"

Liu Cong also told the whole thing, without any concealment.

However, he was also wondering what kind of agreement Liu Qi had with Lu Bu. You must know that Lu Bu never got involved in the muddy waters of the Central Plains, but helped Liu Qi guard the Nanman.

If there is nothing in it, no one will believe it.

Otherwise, with Lu Bu's own ability, plus the two generals Gao Shun and Zhang Liao, a counselor like Chen Gong, and the heroic Bingzhou wolf cavalry, it is not impossible to occupy a place in the Central Plains.

Rather than stooping to be in Liu Qi's territory.

"Have you already left? After so many years, Marquis Wen still doesn't want to help me!" Liu Qi sighed.

He can also know that there is such a day.

Still feel a little pity.

However, he also knew what Lu Bu was thinking, and he didn't want to get involved, but if the Central Plains were unified, it would be different.

Now Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty is dead.

He, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, and Cao Cao also started to make moves.

And Lu Bu was able to know what he wanted to do, so he chose to leave at this time, expressing his attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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