Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 558 Decided to Proclaim Emperor

Chapter 558 Decided to Proclaim Emperor
Regarding Lu Bu's departure.

Although Liu Qi felt a little pity, he was not too surprised.

After all, there are some things that cannot be forced. If Lu Bu doesn't want to, he will not ask for it, and it is very likely to have the opposite reaction, so the gain outweighs the loss.

What's more, it is not impossible without Lu Bu.

Moreover, between him and Lu Bu, it was just a verbal agreement, and now Nanman has stabilized.

With Liu Cong and Jiang Wan, it is now enough to stabilize Nanman without any accidents.

And if Lu Bu stays in Nanman and refuses to help him, it will be the same as living in Nanman for the elderly, and leaving is also a good choice.

Hear Liu Qi's words.

The people present also did not speak.

They only knew a little about the matter between Liu Qi and Lu Bu, they didn't fully understand it, and they didn't know where to start.

It should be said that apart from the two of them, no one can understand the things between them.

It is said that Lu Bu voted under Liu Qi's command, but Lu Bu has never done anything for Liu Qi. If Liu Qi wants to use Lu Bu's power, he also needs to borrow it, and it is only a general under Lu Bu's command. As for the soldiers and horses under his command, he has not moved. .

If it was said that Lu Bu did not vote under Liu Qi's command, but Lu Bu had always been in Liu Qi's territory, Liu Qi was also relieved to let Lu Bu be stationed in the Nanman land.

Cooperation is not like cooperation, alliance is not like alliance, and taking refuge is not like taking refuge.

"Okay, there is no need to discuss this matter, and there is no need to send someone to track down Wenhou's trace. If Wenhou wants us to know, he will send someone back to convey it!" Liu Qi said lightly.

He also knew in his heart that Lu Bu would lead his troops there.

After all, if you don't want to get into the muddy waters of the Central Plains, there is only one place to go.


Everyone present also responded.

They would not think about making troubles, not to mention that Lu Bu was not their enemy, and there was no conflict of interest, so they would not turn Lu Bu into an enemy for no reason.

Liu Qi nodded, looked at Liu Cong and Meng Huo, and said, "Second Brother, Man King, from now on Nanman will be fully managed by you!"

When Lu Bu was in Nanman before.

There was still a place where neither Liu Cong nor Meng Huo had room to intervene. This was also what he had confessed. That was where Lu Bu was stationed, and he was not allowed to interfere in its affairs.

It is completely managed by Lu Bu himself.

"Promise, we will live up to our trust!" Liu Cong and Meng Huo said in unison.

Meng Huo had no other thoughts now.

Although he was defeated by Liu Qi before, and it was because of his own internal problems, at the beginning, he was very dissatisfied.

But at that time, people were under the eaves and had to bow their heads.

But with the passage of time, he no longer has such thoughts in his heart. After such a long contact, he can be regarded as understanding Liu Qi's personality.

And there is nothing wrong with working under Liu Qi's command.

He is also very aware of Liu Qi's current power and influence. If he still has any intentions, he only needs to be led by a general and an army to get rid of him.

Moreover, Liu Cong also took control of Nanman, and the people of Nanman have now adapted to Liu Qi's management.

Liu Qi waved his hand and told Liu Cong and Meng Huo to sit down.

Immediately, a pair of tiger eyes flashed, and he said: "According to the news from Chang'an's spies, Wei Wang has built an altar five miles away from Chang'an, and he intends to proclaim himself emperor half a month later, at the beginning of winter." ;Although Jiangdong and Qingzhou do not have accurate information yet, judging from the progress of the altars and palaces they built, they will also be in progress at that time!"

"According to what the master of ceremonies said, half a month later, the beginning of winter will also be the best day. What do you all think?"

The voice fell.

Obviously, the eyes of everyone present were full of excitement, and their faces were also filled with joy.

"My lord, since it's the time given by the master of ceremonies, there won't be any problems, and my subordinates also think that the time of Lidong is very good when watching the stars at night, not to mention that the altars, palaces, steles, etc. that are built are basically in the middle of the night. It will be completed within ten days, and there is still time left, so make arrangements!"

"Furthermore, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty passed away. The great Han Dynasty is dead. The lord is a descendant of the clan of the Han family. It is justified to inherit the great line. I ask the lord to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor at the beginning of winter!"

Guo Jia stood up and spoke, and at the end, his tone was a bit more serious, and he seemed a little excited.

"Subordinates wait for second!"

The rest of the people also stood up to petition.

After all, they had long believed that Liu Qi should be proclaimed emperor, but Han Xiandi was still there at that time, and Cao Cao did not abolish Han Xiandi, but made himself emperor. ,

After Liu Qi became a clan member of the Han Dynasty, he also had some concerns, so he didn't raise them.

But now, he no longer has any worries.

The death of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, coupled with the fact that there are no successors, means that there is no master in the world today, so even if you become emperor, you will not lose your tongue.

What's more, Liu Qi still controls several states.

"In this way, set the date at the beginning of winter in half a month's time, and carry out the matter of proclaiming the emperor in Chengdu, and at the same time, announce the news to the world!" Liu Qi said with a gleam in his eyes.

This is also something that has been decided long ago, and there is no need to be too hypocritical.

Otherwise, after knowing the news of the death of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, he would not have arranged for people to build palaces, altars and other things. There is no need to cover up things that are obvious.


Everyone present responded.

There was also a look of joy in his eyes.

After all, Liu Qi proclaimed the emperor, and they were also the founding ministers of the country, and they had waited for a long time. Even if the Central Plains had not been completely unified now, this gave them more goals to strive for.

"Zilong, Hansheng, Mengqi, Wenchang, the four of you will handle military affairs, and the generals will also be dispatched by you. After all, the current affairs are not really over!" Liu Qi ordered.


Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Ma Chao, and Wei Yan also had no objections.

They are also very clear that the soldiers of their Han army now have more than enough defense, but not enough offense, and after Liu Qi becomes emperor, they will definitely carry out their troops.

Then you need soldiers and horses.

Moreover, there are hundreds of thousands of recruits in Yizhou who need them to train.

It is still far from enough.

"So, if you don't have anything else to do, let's disperse, make arrangements everywhere, and when the time comes, we will carry out the matter of proclaiming the emperor, and there must be no omissions!" Liu Qi said, looking at the crowd.

After all, what should be ordered has already been ordered.

Moreover, the matter of proclaiming the emperor was confirmed from his mouth.

Then there will be no doubts.

For the rest, there is nothing else that needs to be dealt with by him.

(End of this chapter)

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