Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 642 The Battle of Linzi

Chapter 642 The Battle of Linzi ([-])

Leave from the attic.

Xu Shu walked all the way outside the palace.

He wouldn't stay in the palace, and he didn't comply, let alone allow it.

What's more, he wants to go back and think about how to deal with the affairs of the Han army outside the city. No matter what, he is still loyal to Liu Bei. He needs to help Liu Bei share his troubles, resist the attack of the Han army, and keep the existence of Qi. .

This is his responsibility as the prime minister of Qi.

all the way.

The imperial guards guarding the palace all knew Xu Shu and did not make any inquiries or inquiries.

Of course, this is also because Xu Shu didn't go to places that he couldn't go to, but just walked all the way to the outside of the palace, so that they wouldn't have any opinions.

In addition, Xu Shu was also summoned by Liu Bei.

There was no outrageous behavior, and they, the imperial guards guarding the palace, would not stop the questioning.

Moreover, as far as Xu Shu's status is concerned, no matter if it is a passing eunuch or court lady, even they will salute.

Xu Shu didn't pay much attention to it.

Along the way, he walked quickly to the outside of the palace without stopping at all, and staying in the palace had no effect.


Xu Shu walked out of the palace.

At the gate of the palace.

There is a carriage and a servant waiting, this is the servant of Xu Shu's mansion.

After hearing Liu Bei's summons, Xu Shu came from his mansion in a carriage.One must know that his mansion is still some distance away from the imperial palace. It would take a lot of time to walk, but taking a carriage is much faster.

However, he could only come to the gate of the palace city, and he could not move on. When he entered the palace, he could only walk in.

Not everyone can enter the imperial palace if they want to, and it is not allowed to enter on horseback or with weapons.

This is for the safety of the palace.

After leaving the gate of the palace city, he walked towards the carriage.

When the servant saw Xu Shu's figure, he quickly took out a small stool, placed it under the carriage, stepped back, and prepared to help Xu Shu into the carriage.

Xu Shu came to the carriage and was about to board the carriage.

He glanced in the direction of the city wall inadvertently, then stopped suddenly, his eyes showed surprise, as if he saw something amazing.


The servant was stunned for a moment.

Originally, he planned to help Xu Shu into the carriage, and then send Xu Shu back to the mansion.

However, just as he was about to reach out his hand, he saw that Xu Shu stopped there instead of moving, which made him very puzzled.

He opened his mouth to remind.

Hear the servant's words.

Xu Shu who stopped stopped reacted, and ignored the servants, with a look of panic on his face.

Turn around and run towards the palace gate.

The servant with a confused face was left behind, not knowing what was going on.

You know, Xu Shu has never shown such an expression in his acquaintance, even in the face of suppression from Jian Yong and others, he has always been calm.

But now he looked panic-stricken.

It made him a little puzzled.


Xu Shu didn't know what the servant was thinking, even if he knew, he didn't have time to worry about it.

"Quick, open the city gate!"

Xu Shu drank loudly as he ran towards the gate of the city.

It also looks a little messy.

As for the gate of the Imperial Palace, before he came out, it was only a road for one person to pass through, and after he came out, it was closed again.

Today, if he wants to enter the palace, he still needs to open the city gates with the imperial guards guarding the palace.

City gate upstairs.

There are also guards guarding them, and what Xu Shu can notice, they can also notice. Standing tall, they can see far away.

It should be said that the Forbidden Army above the gate tower noticed the direction of the city wall earlier than Xu Shu.

Looking at Xu Shu who has gone and returned, there are other words.

The partial general on the city gate tower immediately shouted: "Open the city gate and let the prime minister come in!"

Although Xu Shu had already walked out of the palace, if he wanted to enter the palace, he would have to be summoned by Liu Qi again before he could enter the palace, but the situation is different now, and he can't take too much into account.

And he believed that even in the end, Liu Bei would not blame him.

The imperial army who had just closed the gate of the imperial palace again heard Xu Shu shouting loudly from the general above the gate.

It started to move again, ready to open the city gate that had been closed not long ago, and let Xu Shu enter.

The imperial guards guarding the city gate didn't know what was going on, but it didn't affect them obeying the general's orders.

At the city gate, they all obeyed the orders of the generals above the city gate.

A piercing sound sounded.

Then he saw a gap in the closed city gate.

Immediately, the two thick city gates opened to the left and right sides, and some flames were revealed from the opened gaps.


The city gate opened to the left and right, revealing a gap through which half people could pass.

Xu Shu, who just ran to the city gate, had no intention of waiting, turned his body sideways, and walked through the gap that was open for half people to pass through.

The Forbidden Army is pushing the two heavy city gates.He was also taken aback by Xu Shu's behavior.

Even the movement of pushing the city gate stopped.

The flustered Xu Shu didn't have time to pay attention to it too much. After walking sideways through the gap, he said quickly: "You quickly let the ministers enter the palace, and the two of you, please quickly invite General Zhang and the other generals. come over!"

Finally, two people were specifically pointed out.

Xu Shu's words made the guards pushing the city gate look at each other, not knowing what happened, let alone whether to obey or not?

After all, they cannot be mobilized by just one person, even if Xu Shu is the prime minister, he does not have the power to mobilize them.

They are responsible for guarding the palace.

In addition to their Shangfeng, there is Liu Bei, and they don't need to obey the orders of other ministers or generals.

"Hurry up!" Xu Shu shouted anxiously as he saw that the imperial guards were not moving.

If it was before, he wouldn't lose his composure like this, but now and then, he can't take too much into consideration.

"But...?" A small captain of the forbidden army stood up and was about to say something.

"According to the prime minister's orders!"

A loud shout came.

I saw that the partial general who was originally on the city gate tower had already walked down at some point, and was walking towards here at a fast pace.


With the opening of the general, all the imperial guards quickly responded.

After all, it will be their peak.

Immediately, they pushed open more city gates, and ran out of the palace one after another.Prepare to do what Xu Shu just said at the beginning.

"Prime Minister, what should my subordinates do?" Pian Jiang came to Xu Shu and asked with cupped hands.

There was also a look of panic on his face, and he didn't even think about what he saw.

Xu Shu was not polite, and quickly said: "You quickly mobilize all the forbidden troops, make arrangements, and talk about it after I go to meet His Majesty!"

"No!" The general replied.

Generally speaking.

He wouldn't obey Xu Shu's orders, that would be an overreaching thing, but faced with what he saw.

I don't know how to deal with it, but with Xu Shu's orders, I feel more at ease.

The two headed towards the palace.

After walking out of the passage, they separated and left.

The Forbidden Army is going to mobilize all the Forbidden Army, but Xu Shu is going to meet Liu Bei.

Both have different affairs.

And those forbidden soldiers who were going to follow Xu Shu's orders, after walking out of the city gate, understood why Xu Shu did what he did.

His complexion also changed, becoming ugly.

Now they didn't have any hesitation, so they dispersed without stopping, and headed towards the streets of various places, following Xu Shu's orders.

I saw...

In the direction of the city wall, under the dark night sky, it can be seen very clearly. The sky above the entire city wall is bright red, and there are many white smoke rising.

That's fire.

It is not the scene reflected by the torch or the fire plate, but the sign of a big fire.

Only with a big fire can the sky be dyed red, so that they can see clearly even if they are far away.

However, such a scene can explain one thing, that is, there is a problem with the direction of the city wall, and it is still a big problem.

They also knew why they had such expressions when they saw Xu Shu before, and why their boss asked them to obey Xu Shu's arrangement.

That's because something big is about to happen.


At the city wall of Linzi City.

In front of the city gate passage, there is a raging fire burning, and the scene in the sky is reflected from here.

Let the rest of the city, and a long distance outside the city, be able to see the changes here.

After all, it is impossible not to attract attention to the scene of such a fire burning.

In front of the city gate passage, there are many soldiers, densely packed, holding weapons in front of the city gate passage, and the direction the weapons are pointing is exactly in the city gate passage.

And in the passage of the city gate, there are also hundreds of soldiers standing in it densely, and facing the city, the first soldiers are all holding shields in their hands, and together they are like a solid wall.

The soldiers who approached the city gate at the back did not hold weapons, but opened something against the city gate, obviously wanting to open the city gate.

In the middle, there are two people standing on horseback. One is dressed as a military general, holding a spear in his hand; the other is dressed as a scholar, with guilt in his eyes.

There are also many guards around, protecting the two of them.

What separated the two parties was a fire.

More than a hundred carts loaded with flammable materials were placed there, lit up, and burned instantly, forming a big fire that separated the two sides, and the heat of the fire could be felt.

And where the fire is burning.

It can also be seen that there are some soldiers in green clothes and black armor lying in it, with blood flowing out.

"Mi Zhu, Mi Fang, you two brothers have betrayed the Qi State, so stop now and arrest them without a fight, and ask for His Majesty's forgiveness!"

In front of the passage of the city gate, a general came out on horseback, drinking loudly.

There is also anxiety in his eyes, after all, if the city gate is opened then...

He didn't dare to imagine any more, he could only pray that things wouldn't be so bad.

"If you rebel, you rebel, so what?" Mi Fang shouted.

Mi Zhu didn't say a word, they have reached such a point, and there is no turning back, so they can only keep going, even if they stop now, Liu Bei will still not let them go.

It would be okay if he was the only one, but it wasn't, there was only one way to go to the dark.

Before, when he agreed to Mi Fang's suggestion.

Mi Fang had already started to prepare, and the Han army hadn't arrived in Linzi at that time, so it was considered to be prepared in advance.

Moreover, the soldiers in the passage are the servants who are loyal to their Mi family.

You know, because of the previous incident, Liu Bei has taken back the military power of thousands of soldiers and horses controlled by Mi Fang. Although he can still lead the army now, they are not trusted people. They dare not use such a thing at all.

And among them there are more than [-] secret agents of the Han army hiding in Linzi.

The previous letter was also sent by the Han army.

This time, the two of them joined forces to open the city gate, welcome the Han army into the city, and take Linzi.

down for a few days.

With today's plan, a large amount of kerosene and other flammable items are secretly prepared.

After taking down the city gate passage, more than a hundred vehicles of flammable materials were set ablaze to buy time for them to open the city gate.

And the defenders on the city wall didn't react slowly, if they hadn't stepped up a little faster and had already ignited these carriages, causing the fire to ignite.

Maybe this time the arrangement is going to go wrong.

At that time, relying on their hundreds of people, it was impossible to resist the soldiers of the Qi army coming down from the city wall.

The final result will be death.


Can't hold back for long now.

Even if there is a big fire, it can only be resisted for a while. Once the fire weakens, the soldiers of the Qi army in front of the city gate will inevitably charge.

All that needs to be seen is whether they can open the city gate during this period of time, which is the most important thing.

If the city gate is opened, then their plan will be successful; if it cannot be opened, then they will all be buried here.

"Stubborn!" shouted the general who came out on horseback, "Shoot the arrows and kill them!"

It's not that he doesn't want to charge directly, but more than a hundred burning trains have blocked the road, and rushing over with such a fire is just to die.

huh, huh, huh...

The archers who had been prepared early in the morning, after hearing the general's order, also shot the arrows in their hands in the passage of the city gate.

The densely packed arrows formed a rain of arrows, falling from above the fire into the passage of the city gate.

Ding, Ding~
Many arrows landed in the passage of the city gate, and hit the shield held by the frontmost shield soldier, making a tinkling sound.

Although not all of them were blocked, most of them were blocked.

Some rushed past the shield soldiers, but were also chopped down by the rest of the soldiers with their weapons.

However, there were also casualties, but not so much.

(End of this chapter)

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