Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 643 The Battle of Linzi

Chapter 643 The Battle of Linzi ([-])

Countless arrows fell from the sky above the fire towards the passage of the city gate.

Although there are many shield soldiers holding on to the shields, densely arranged together, standing in front of them, also resisting most of the arrows, but there are still many arrows, passing through the formation of the shield soldiers, and shooting to the crowd behind among.

The fall of the arrow still caused casualties to the servants of the Mi family.

"Quick, speed up the opening of the city gate!" Mi Fang shouted.

He knew the current state, but he couldn't hold on for long. Only by opening the city gate would they have a chance to leave here alive.


All of them will be buried in this place.

Even when making a decision.

He had planned for the worst, knowing that once the matter unfolded, there would be no turning back, but he was unwilling to give up even if there was a chance.

After all, there is a great chance that it can be done.

If he didn't even have a chance, he wouldn't make such a decision, and there would be no benefit to speak of.

But if the benefits outweigh the risks, it would be enough for him to fight for it. The most important thing is that Hao Liu Bei's actions made him feel very bad.

Not so.

How could he risk his life and bring the whole Mi family with him to do such a thing.

In fact, there is no need for Mi Fang's orders.

Facing the current situation, the soldiers who were opening the city gate also understood the urgency of the situation and tried to open the city gate quickly with all their strength.

No matter what the reason was, they were already tied to the Mi family, and luck and misfortune depended on each other. If they could not successfully open the city gate, their ending would not be so good.

Therefore, after capturing the passage of the city gate, they also used all their strength to move away the objects that were holding up the city gate, intending to open the city gate.

You know, after Liu Bei prepared to defend Linzi City to the death, before Liu Qi led the army to arrive, he had already asked the soldiers to move many big logs to support the city gate.

Otherwise, if the city gate was closed before, there would only be a crossbar.

They had already pushed the city gate early in the morning.

Look at the fire in front of you.There is also the movement of the rebels in the passage of the city gate.

The general of the Qi army, who was originally guarding the city wall, saw that the big logs holding up the city gate were moved away by the rebels, and gradually decreased. There were not many obstacles to open the city gate, and he was very worried. anxious.

But he didn't have much to do.

The archers could only let the archers, round after round, shoot dense rain of arrows into the passage of the city gate.

I want to use this to hinder the rebels from opening the city gate.

With shield soldiers holding shields in their hands to block the front, the damage caused by arrows is greatly reduced, which cannot stop the rebels from opening the city gate.

But with the barrier of the fire, he had no way to let the soldiers break into the passage of the city gate and take down these rebels.

of course.

He didn't just let the soldiers shoot arrows, and at the same time let the soldiers put out the fire, and use a long gun to pry open burning carts.

In the current situation, it depends on who is faster.

at the same time.

The general of the Qi army ordered the soldiers to rush to the palace to report the situation here. After all, such a major event was not something he could resist.

In the passage of the city gate.

Mi Fang's eyes were shining brightly.

He is not someone who just sits and waits to be killed. He also let the archers counterattack, but the target is the soldiers of the Qi army who want to pry open the cart that ignited the fire.

He knew where his advantage was. If it wasn't for the fire blocking the front, there would be no way for hundreds of them to persevere.

What's more, among these hundreds of people, almost all of them are servants of their Mi family, not soldiers who have fought on the battlefield. Compared with the soldiers of the Qi army, there is still a gap.

If the passage to charge was opened by the generals of the Qi army, they would not be able to hold on until the moment the city gate opened.

Although there was still a lot of confidence on his face, there was a little anxiety in his heart.

"Mi Fang, Mi Zhu, if you two brothers give up now, there is still a chance, otherwise, His Majesty will definitely punish you and the other nine clans!" Qi Jun yelled.

While waiting for the opportunity to attack, he also wanted to hit Mi Zhu and Mi Fang's emotions with words.

And he also knew in his heart that the behavior of the Mi family this time was a great crime, they would never be spared, and there would be no results, but he still wanted to disturb the emotions of Mi Zhu and Mi Fang.


Mi Fang's eyes flashed, and she shouted: "You should worry about yourselves. If I open the city gate, whether Qi will still exist is a question!"

"What's more, Liu Bei's son is worth your life. What benefits have I gained since I followed Liu Bei?"

"I waited in front to fight, but because of a defeat, I was about to be beheaded. Even if I turned against me now, it was all forced by Liu Bei!"

He didn't know what the general of the Qi army was thinking, but the general of the Qi army could talk about him in words, so of course he could take the opportunity to respond.

Most importantly, what he said was almost true.

When he was still in charge of the army, there were quite a few complaints in the army, but it was not exposed. At that time, he was more optimistic about Liu Bei. After all, everyone wanted to be a founding hero.

Now put it aside, that is also without scruples.

Moreover, it can also hit the emotions of the soldiers of the Qi army.

When Mi Fang said the last thing.

The general Qi Jun screamed in his heart: I will suffer!

as predicted.

Hearing Mi Fang's words, the young generals and soldiers around had strange expressions in their eyes.

Even the continuous attacks of the archers paused.

He also knew that what Mi Fang said was the truth, and he had to know that the system in the military did not favor those who were able and those who were not, unless there were really great abilities, there would be some exceptions.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for those who do not have some connections and backgrounds to hold important positions in the army.

There have also been incidents of deduction of military pay.

He became even more anxious. Facing the current situation, he didn't know how to make a decision, and the generals of Qi State Guan Yu and Zhang Fei hadn't arrived yet, so he felt a lot of pressure.


He hadn't thought of how to stabilize the soldiers who were disturbed by Mi Fang's words.

Suddenly, there was a soft sound from the city gate, which was the sound made when the city gate was about to be pushed open.

After this not long time.

The servant of the Mi family who was opening the city gate also removed all the big logs that were holding up the city gate, removed the crossbar, and opened a small gap between the two thick and wide city gates.

Hear this sound.

Qi Jun's face changed drastically, and panic appeared in his eyes.

On the other hand, the people in the passageway of the city gate were all happy.

(End of this chapter)

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