Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 660 Cao Cao's Response

Chapter 660 Cao Cao's Response

When Liu Qi, Zhao Yun and others were splitting up in Rencheng.

In the city of Chang'an in Wei State.

After experiencing the Battle of Qishan, the Han army burned down the food and grass of the army, but they were unable to capture the Han army's camp.

Cao Cao led the army to retreat, stopped attacking the land of Yizhou, and retreated to Chang'an, and he also lost the opportunity to seize the land of Yizhou, and it would be difficult to do anything if he continued.

There is still a great possibility that he will be left in Yizhou by the Han army.

In the imperial garden of the Chang'an City Imperial Palace.

A gazebo.

Cao Cao and Xi Zhicai sat opposite each other, playing Go.

"Now that Emperor Han has achieved great power, it will be even more difficult to plan the land of Yizhou!" Cao Cao sighed.

Smoothly drop a white chess piece on the board.

Even though he said that, there was no embarrassment on his face, but his eyes were full of light, as if facing such a situation, he didn't feel any surprise or difficulty at all.

"What Your Majesty said is true!" Xi Zhicai smiled wryly, and continued: "It's all because of the miscalculation of the subordinates. I didn't expect that Zhang Ren, who guarded Qishan, would be so decisive. He set an example and led hundreds of dead soldiers. , Desperately want to burn our army's food and grass, and have to retreat!"

Speaking of this matter, he also had a look of pity on his face, and an expression of appreciation in his eyes.

You know, using the land where grain and grass are hoarded to attract the Han army and take the opportunity to eliminate the strategy of the Han army, but he facilitated it. The plan is good, and the same Han army has also taken the bait.

With their strength, there would be no problem if they wanted to encircle and suppress the Han army. Except for this group of Han troops, they would be able to drive straight in and attack the land of Chengdu, which can be said to be very perfect.

But did not expect.

When encircling and suppressing the Han army, something happened.

The only mishap.

That is, after the Han army knew that they were in the middle of the trap, and the land of hoarding food and grass was real, even if they broke through, a large number of soldiers and horses would be damaged here. It would be very difficult to stop their army in Qishan .

Zhang Ren, a general of the Han army, gave up his life for benevolence, and directly led his army to rush into the grain and grass, set fire to the grain and grass, and even himself and hundreds of soldiers were buried in the sea of ​​flames.

The Han general Wei Yan and Wei Wenchang broke through the siege, returned to the camp at Qishan, and organized troops to guard the camp.

Without food and grass, and unable to quickly capture the Han army camp that could not hold on, in desperation, they had to evacuate Qishan.

It's a pity that the strategy didn't succeed in the end; I appreciate Zhang Ren.


"The fault of this matter is no longer with you. It is up to people to plan and succeed. Neither you nor I can guarantee anything. What's more, Emperor Qi lost the land of Sanhan, and Emperor Han has already captured Qi. We will lead the army back to help and prevent our army from taking the entire Yizhou land, and it may turn into a tug-of-war in the end, and the class may fall into a situation where we cannot advance or retreat!" Cao Cao waved his hands.

He knew that Xi Zhicai's plan did not have any problems, and it could be said to be very successful, but the only miscalculation was the determination of the Han army.

That desperate determination.

Giving up any chance to save their lives will cause them heavy losses in the end.

in this time.

Although they ambushed the Han army, caused heavy losses to the Han army, and let the general of the Han army Zhang Ren burn himself to death, but they also suffered certain losses. Not to mention the casualties of the 50 army, the food and grass for the 50 army for three months , Burning them all is enough to hurt them.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy to withdraw troops.

After all, the food and grass are gone, and they can still be mobilized from the rear.

However, it is a pity that they do not have enough food and grass in the rear. If they are forced to recruit, it is likely to affect the rule. As a last resort, they can only withdraw their troops to ensure development.

Thinking of Zhang Ren, and the figures of the hundreds of dead soldiers of the Han army.

It also gave him a big impact, and he sighed: "If our soldiers are like Zhang Ren, why not be able to get things done, what a pity!"

That being said.

But he also knows that there are such loyal people in his subordinates, but not everyone is like this, even Liu Qi's subordinates are like this, not everyone will work hard for Liu Qi like this.

I want everyone to be like this, that's just a thought
"Indeed, even if the ways are different and we don't conspire with each other, I have to admit that I have admiration for General Zhang Ren of the Han Army in my heart!"

Xi Zhicai is telling the truth, this has nothing to do with the faction, the issue of hostile relationship, it's just a personal opinion.

"So do I!" Cao Cao nodded.

Although Zhang Ren is a general of the Han army, it can't be denied that the current hostile relationship is just that they have different plans, and they can't say anything.

A man is worthy of respect.

Therefore, after the fire was extinguished, he still ordered Zhang Ren's ashes and weapons to be packed up, sent to the camp of the Han army, and returned to Wei Yan's hands.

"Your Majesty, let's not talk about Zhang Ren's matter. Now Emperor Han has fully taken over the land of Qi, and according to the news from various reports, Emperor Han has also led his army back from Qingzhou, and the battle situation in Jiangxia is also based on Wu Jun It will end with the Han army losing both ways!"

"If the Han Emperor rests, he will definitely mobilize troops against Wu. If Wu falls again, our army will have many disadvantages facing the powerful Han army. After this time, the Han army has also entered a weak state. The period is suitable for planning!"

Xi Zhicai said analytically, his eyes glistening.


Cao Cao's tiger eyes also flashed brightly.

How could he not know that the current Han country is short of troops, which is just suitable for planning.


"Having said that, Ke Zhicai, don't forget that our army doesn't have too much food and grass. Although the loss of the army is not big, the most important thing is that we don't have enough food and grass to conquer Han!" Cao Cao sighed road.

Facing such an opportunity, but due to some reasons, he couldn't make a plan, and he also felt a pity in his heart.

Hear Cao Cao's words.

Xi Zhicai also reacted, he only thought about the shortage of troops in the Han Dynasty, but ignored the fact that they had no food and grass, and it was because of the lack of food and grass that they withdrew from Yizhou.

"I'm not thinking enough!" Xi Zhicai shook his head and said with a wry smile.

Cao Cao waved his hand and didn't care. After all, even he was very moved. Otherwise, it would not be an easy task to wait until Liu Qi took over the land of Qi, consolidate the situation, and then plan.

"This matter can be planned slowly. After all, I have nothing to do, but Emperor Han can't make any more moves under such circumstances!" Cao Cao said.

Xi Zhicai also nodded, agreeing with Cao Cao's words.

"It may be quiet for a while now, but if you have enough confidence, you can plan something!" Cao Cao said seriously, "Also send people to keep an eye on Shouchun's situation!"

"No!" Xi Zhicai replied.

The two didn't continue to talk about this matter, and played chess seriously.

As if nothing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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