Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 661 Wu Kingdom Controversy

Chapter 661 Wu Kingdom Controversy

It doesn't matter to Cao Cao's.

And in the imperial palace of Jianye City.

As the king of Wu, Sun Quan, was full of anger.

After all, although Cao Cao suffered losses, after returning to Chang'an, Liu Qi did not have any effect on the land of Wei; Also recalled to Jianye.


However, there was still news that Chen Dao and Ma Dai, who were originally guarding Pengcheng, had defeated the more than [-] troops he sent to attack Xuzhou, and took the opportunity to move south to take the land of Shouchun.

And although Liu Qi rushed back towards the land of Yizhou.

However, a group of generals and counselors left behind, leading an army of more than [-], also rushed towards the land of Shouchun.

It is obvious that they want to take the opportunity to seize the land of Shouchun.

Faced with such a situation, how could he not be angry.

Attacking the land of Jiangxia, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, because of the decision of the Jiangxia defenders, many soldiers were buried in the river, and less than half of the soldiers and horses were able to return, and some generals died in battle.

The veteran of the three dynasties—Huang Gai and Huang Gongfu also lost an arm because of this battle, and he is still recuperating.

It can be said that the loss was heavy.

However, such a situation had to be dealt with, so everyone was called to discuss the matter in the hall, looking for a solution.

"Everyone, the Han army is coming aggressively now. It first annexed the land of Qi, and now it wants to seize our territory and bring the land of Shouchun under its command!"

Speaking of it.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Sun Quan looked around at the people in the hall, his eyes flashed fiercely, and said: "I want to dispatch the army to fight the Han army, and let them know that my country of Wu will not It’s not the Qi State, so they can let them step in at will, what do you think?”

The obvious behavior of Liu Qi made him feel very uncomfortable.

Now in the Central Plains, Liu Bei led his army away from the land of the Three Hans, leaving his Wu State, Cao Cao's Wei State, and Liu Qi's Han State, standing on the same footing.

Wei Guo also attacked Han Guo.

However, Liu Qi did not take any drastic actions against Wei, but let the army attack his territory.

To put it nicely, it is to avenge Jiang Xia; to put it bluntly, it is his Wu State, which is weaker than Wei State and lacks strength.

Not surprisingly.

The last statement is the most accurate.

This is the reason why he is most angry. He is the king of a country, how can he admit that he is weak, and the only way to show it is to send soldiers and horses to defeat the Han army who stepped into his territory and drive him out. in the territory.

Let Liu Qi know that his territory is not something he can set foot on if he wants to.

There is a price to pay for wanting to come.

Hearing Sun Quan's question.

A very elegant and handsome man in the hall stood up from the crowd, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I think you can give up the land of Shouchun!"

"One, our army is newly defeated. Due to the last battle in Jiangxia, the morale of the army is unstable, and the mood of the soldiers is also very depressed. It is not suitable to continue to fight!"

"Second, the vanguard of the Han army is about to arrive at the land of Shouchun, and there are thousands of defenders in the land of Shouchun, and it is not enough to hold on, let alone fight. Although they can hold on and wait for reinforcements, they can wait When the reinforcements sent by our army arrive, the follow-up troops of the Han army will also arrive, and the outcome is unpredictable. Because of this, Emperor Han let Zhao Yun and others lead an army of more than [-] to the land of Shouchun. I want to break it with strength and take Shouchun by force!"

"Third, if you send troops from Lujiang to go there, regardless of the morale of the army, Jiangxia will have no soldiers to look out at that time. At that time, the Han army only needs to send a soldier to enter from the land of Jiangxia, and they will be able to attack directly. Our imperial capital, our army will be in trouble!"

"Therefore, I think that there is nothing to be done now, so why not just take back Shouchun's soldiers and horses, give up Shouchun, preserve your strength, and make another plan!"

Everyone looks.

The speaker was none other than Zhou Yu and Zhou Gongjin, the commander-in-chief of the three armies of Wu.

After listening to Zhou Yu's statement.

Everyone in the hall was also discussing in a low voice, considering the gains and losses.

Sun Quan's eyes flickered, and he rubbed his chin in thought.

Although he was very angry, it can be said that he was dazzled by anger before saying such words, but after waking up and hearing Zhou Yu's analysis, he had to admit that what Zhou Yu said was very reasonable .

Don't say anything else.

The soldiers and horses that can be mobilized now are only the soldiers who have retreated from Jiangxia to Lujiang. Once the soldiers and horses from Lujiang are transferred to fight the Han army who seeks to seize Shouchun, there will be a stalemate.

Liu Qi sent another army out from Jiangxia.

At that time, he will not have the strength to resist the Han army coming from Jiangxia, and he may also step into Liu Bei's footsteps because of this.

You must know that the Han army also suffered heavy losses, but if they want to mobilize troops, they can still mobilize tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and tens of thousands of soldiers and horses are enough to directly attack the empty state of Wu.

As Zhou Yu said, he will be in trouble.

But, just give up the land of Shouchun so easily and let the Han army take it away.

He was also unwilling, and would make the world think that he was afraid of Liu Qi and did not dare to fight with him.

There is also some hesitation in my heart.

When Sun Quan hesitated. ,

Zhou Yu below also felt Sun Quan's thoughts, but didn't say anything more, and waited. After all, he had already said what he wanted to say. As for how to make a decision, that was what Sun Quan had to consider.

As a subject, he is only making suggestions, but the decision-making power is still in the hands of the master.

Otherwise, it is an act of ultra vires.

At this time.

"Your Majesty, I think the advice of Governor Zhou is lacking!"

In the main hall, a general in armor stood up and refuted Zhou Yu's opinion.

Everyone looked, it was Lu Meng and Lu Ziming.

When he saw that it was Lu Meng who stood up and refuted Zhou Yu's opinion.

Among the people in the hall, many people's eyes flashed, and they felt like they were watching a good show.

They all knew that Zhou Yu was an old minister of Sun Ce and was the last to assist Sun Quan; while Lu Meng was single-handedly promoted by Sun Quan.

What's more, one is the commander-in-chief of Wu's soldiers and horses, and the other is the deputy commander-in-chief.

It is well known that Lu Meng wants to replace Zhou Yu, and it is not a matter of a day or two.

However, although Lu Meng wanted to replace Zhou Yu, he was aboveboard and did not use any tricks. He even tried to challenge Zhou Yu directly at the court meeting, and wanted to replace Zhou Yu and become the commander-in-chief of the Wu Kingdom. .

Seeing Lu Meng stand up.

Sun Quan also had a twinkle in his eyes.

But before Sun Quan opened his mouth.

"Oh, I don't know why General Lu saw it?" Zhou Yu said flatly.

It seems that what Lu Meng refuted was not his suggestion.

(End of this chapter)

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