The strongest warm marriage

Chapter 117 Yoyo My Wife

Chapter 117 Yoyo My Wife (Part [-])
Lu Xuening was a thorn stuck in her throat.

Seven years ago, she snatched Qiao Zijin away from her with ease, and the two almost got married.For this reason, she abused herself, mutilated herself, and even committed suicide.Back then, Qiao Zijin told her so firmly that the person I love is Lu Xuening.When she was in love with Qiao Zijin, he never told her that he loved her.Sometimes he would nod and say "love" when he was annoyed by her questions.The word "love" was forced by her.

Lu Xuening is even more the devil in her heart.

She once occupied all the beauty of Qiao Zijin.After she and Qiao Zijin broke up, she had secretly followed Qiao Zijin and saw him getting along with Lu Xuening.Qiao Zijin was very gentle and kind to Lu Xuening.That and being in front of her are like two different people, one is in the sky and the other is underground.Lu Xuening wouldn't know how jealous she was?
In the past few years, Lu Xuening has been abroad.But the Xu family has a special background, as long as she wants to, it is really easy for her to kill Lu Xuening without knowing it.In fact, she had thought of this countless times.She hated Lu Xuening, there was no doubt about it.She hated her for taking away Qiao Zijin, hated that Qiao Zijin loved her instead of herself.Even though she knew in her heart that there was no reason to hold grudges like this.After all, if Qiao Zijin really loved her, Lu Xuening wouldn't be able to snatch her away even if she had all the skills.After all, it was just that Qiao Zijin didn't love her.

However, Qiao Zijin didn't love her, which was the fact she was least willing to admit at that time.So she could only tell herself over and over again, and lie to herself again and again.Qiao Zijin loved her, and it was all Lu Xuening's fault.At that time, it was because of this hatred that she survived the most difficult period.But looking back, that was also the self she was least willing to face.Because at that time, I was too embarrassed and unbearable.At that time, she became what she hated the most - like a bitter woman, giving up on herself, complaining about others, cowardly, blindly escaping, and losing all courage.

Lu Xuening was still the deepest fear in her heart.

Seven years later, between her and Lu Xuening, Qiao Zijin still chose Lu Xuening.Seven years ago, Qiao Zijin said, I don't love you, so I chose Lu Xuening.Seven years later, Qiao Zijin said, I love you, I have always loved you, but I still chose Lu Xuening.How can she believe in such love?Qiao Zijin said that Lu Xuening was just a friend.In that case, how could she believe it?No matter it was seven years ago or seven years later, she always fell to the same place, that place was called Lu Xuening.As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of grass ropes for ten years.How could she not blame Lu Xuening?How can I not hate Lu Xuening?

Grief is born of love, fear is born of love.And all her worries and fears came from Qiao Zijin, and her heart knot was on Lu Xuening.It's not that she's hypocritical, but that she's really scared.Seven years were wasted between her and Qiao Zijin because of Lu Xuening.And it took her seven years to get out of that pain and regain her courage.So this time, what she wanted was not only Qiao Zijin's love, but also to cut off all the rotten peach blossoms around him.What she wanted was a Qiao Zijin who belonged only to her, and she wanted his wholeheartedly.Especially Lu Xuening, she was determined not to tolerate it.

Therefore, she did not really want to do anything to Lu Xuening and the Lu family when she took action against the Lu family this time, she was just testing Qiao Zijin's attitude.From the beginning to the end, what she cared most about was Qiao Zijin.However, after all, it was her extravagant wish.No matter how long it takes, no matter how hard she tries, Lu Xuening will always stand between her and Qiao Zijin.She wanted to move out, but Qiao Zijin refused.

What she wanted was the purest love, and Qiao Zijin couldn't give it to her seven years ago.Seven years later, Qiao Zijin still couldn't give it to her.After spending seven years waiting for such an answer, she should give up.

So be it!Xu Xinyou.

You laughed and cried for him.You loved him and you hated him.You used to be as desperate for him as a moth, but you were the one who burned yourself in the end.So be it!Really too tired!
She wiped away her tears, stood up, and left without looking back.


The sign of a mature person is probably that even if the heart hurts, he will no longer yell, but will only heal silently by himself, just like Xu Xinyou.After returning from Fenglin night that day, her life didn't seem to have changed much, but something was different.In the past, she had to be pressured by her family to go to a blind date, but now she took the initiative to ask her family to help her arrange a blind date.She began to work desperately, busy day and night...

In the end, Xu Muhan couldn't stand it anymore, and locked her study room to prevent her from continuing to draw design drawings.

"Xu Xinyou, what's the matter with you?" Xu Muhan pointed to the design drawings on the table, frowned, and said, "Do you see what kind of shit you've drawn these days?"

"No inspiration, haven't I been repairing?"

Xu Xinyou said indifferently.

"Don't lie to me!" Xu Muhan said in a deep voice, "Have you quarreled with Qiao Zijin again?"


Xu Xinyou's expression was indifferent, and her tone was indifferent, as if Qiao Zijin was an insignificant person.

quarrel?There's nothing else they can argue about.

Xu Muhan stretched out his hand to hold Xu Xinyou's shoulder, and shook her, as if wanting to wake her up.He hated iron and said: "You are such a ghost, who else could it be except because of him?"

"Don't mention him in front of me again." Xu Xinyou raised her eyes to look at Xu Muhan, and said calmly, "He and I are already over."

"What happened?"

Xu Muhan understands his younger sister too much, she loves her passionately, once she falls in love, she will be like moths to a flame, desperate to take care of herself.For so many years, if she wanted to turn back, she would have turned back a long time ago, and she would not wait until now.

"It's nothing."

Xu Xinyou obviously didn't want to talk about it.

"That's right! You're finally smart." Xu Muhan stretched out his hand and patted Xu Xinyou's shoulder, comforting him: "That kind of scumbag should have been dumped long ago. Brother knows a lot of elite men, and I'll introduce you to a few tomorrow. "

"it is good!"

Xu Xinyou replied listlessly.

"Then rest early tonight, and brother will take you on a blind date tomorrow."

"it is good!"

Xu Xinyou turned around and went back to the bedroom.

Her figure disappeared at the door, and the smile on Xu Muhan's face disappeared instantly.

That bastard Qiao Zijin made Xinyou sad again!If it wasn't for his worry, he really wanted to shoot that bastard down with one shot.


After Qiao Zijin returned from Fenglin that night, he left City A by plane that night.He told Ye Chun that yes, he received a temporary job and had to go abroad immediately.As for why, it is not known.

The Secretary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs has been very troubled recently, because the gentle Minister Qiao has recently lost his temper for some reason.Although he only made a face occasionally, it was scary enough.There was a typo in the document handed in by a staff member yesterday, and he tore the document to pieces in front of that person on the spot, and smashed it on the person's face.That scene, until now, he still has lingering fear in his heart.

What's even more strange is that Minister Qiao went to the bar to drink last night, and he was very drunk.He has worked with Minister Qiao for several years, and he never drank alcohol during his work.What's even more weird is that when he helped Minister Qiao out of the bar, he just rushed to the toilet for a while, but Minister Qiao was covered with a sack and beat him hard, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. None.

Originally, he planned to pursue this matter to the end.Minister Qiao woke up this morning, also furious.It's just that when he answered the phone later, he vaguely heard the word "Xu Muhan", and then, Minister Qiao told him to leave it alone.


Xu Xinyou met Lu Xuening at a banquet. Although they knew each other a long time ago, she really didn't like Lu Xuening, so she didn't even bother to say hello, and turned around to leave.

"Miss Xu."

Unexpectedly, Lu Xuening stopped her.

She pretended she didn't hear it and kept walking.

He only heard the sound of high-heeled shoes behind him, and then Lu Xuening chased after her.

"Miss Xu, can you take a step to talk, I want to chat with you."

Xu Xinyou turned around, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, and replied: "I don't think there is anything to talk about with Ms. Lu, I'm very busy."

Lu Xuening naturally felt Xu Xinyou's hostility towards her, but she still had a kind smile on her face.

"What are you afraid of?"

But what she said carried a huge lethal force.


Xu Xinyou sneered.

"Then do you dare to come with me?"

Obviously, Lu Xuening used the aggressive method.

Xu Xinyou naturally knew that she was motivating herself, but she was just losing.She had already lost too much in front of Lu Xuening, and she didn't want to lose even her momentum.

"Who's afraid of whom?"

Xu Xinyou followed Lu Xuening into an elegant seat, and Lu Xuening walked in first and sat down.Xu Xinyou sat down on the seat opposite her without saying a word.

There is a pot of hot tea on the table, it is piping hot, it seems that it has just been brewed.Lu Xuening made a cup for Xu Xinyou and herself, and Xu Xinyou immediately understood that this place was prepared by Lu Xuening early in the morning.

"If you have anything to say, let's start!"

Lu Xuening was not in a hurry, picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and said, "This tea is not bad, Miss Xu can try it."

"Miss Lu, I'm not here to drink tea with you. You have time to spare, but I don't."

Xu Xinyou said coldly.

"This is Zijin's favorite tea."

Lu Xuening said suddenly.

"Miss Lu, are you showing off to me?"

Xu Xinyou's expression was cold, her voice was like nine feet of ice, enough to freeze thousands of miles.

"Show off?" Lu Xuening suddenly smiled, but that smile was extremely bitter. "What do I have to show off? Show off that I have loved Qiao Zijin for 15 years, from 13 years old to now 28 years old? Show off that I have confessed to him ten times, but was rejected by him ten times? Show off that he is willing to be with him Am I married and don't love me at all?"

"What do you mean?"

Xu Xinyou didn't know these things, she didn't expect these words to come from Lu Xuening's mouth.

"Xu Xinyou, I know you don't like me, but I actually don't like you either." Lu Xuening squinted at Xu Xinyou, with a mocking smile on her lips. "Don't think that you are the only one who loves Qiao Zijin the most in this world. I love him no less than you. When Qiao Zijin broke up with you and came to ask me if I would marry him, I was really happy I am very happy. I know that he does not love me. The reason why he is willing to marry me is because he needs the Lu family behind me. At that time, the Qiao family suffered a sudden change, and he was forced to have no choice. He needed the support of our Lu family to be able to I have the bargaining chips to get through that difficult time. He didn't hide it from me. My marriage with her was actually a deal. Chance can stand by his side, even if it's not for love, but what does it matter? We will be married, and I have a lifetime to make him fall in love with me.

At that time, I was very naive.I feel amazing because I can help him and help his family through this and there is nothing you can do for him except give him trouble.I worked hard to convince Grandpa to support him and let him stand out in that election.I tried my best to play the role of a good wife, looking forward to our upcoming engagement banquet, looking forward to becoming his fiancée, or even Mrs. Qiao.

Until one day, he went back to a party and got drunk and called me.He must have made a mistake on that call.I was very happy because it was the first time he took the initiative to call me.But when I got on the phone, I only heard him calling Yoyo over and over again for half an hour, until I hung up the phone, he kept calling your name repeatedly.I was worried about him, so I went to the apartment he was renting.He vomited all over the place because he was drunk, and his shirt was dirty, so I had to change him.As I undressed him, I saw a prominent tattoo on his back.There are only four words - Yoyo my wife. "

(End of this chapter)

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