The strongest warm marriage

Chapter 145 160 Don't Let Your Mom Know

Chapter 145 160 Don't Let Your Mom Know (Part [-])

Qiao Nianzhi looked at Qiao Hongrui in shock, and asked, "Dad, how do you know that I have met Xiao Ding?"

Qiao Hongrui smiled and said: "A few days ago, your mother and I went grocery shopping and encountered a strange thing. Both your mother and I were pulled out of our hair a few times. When I came back, the more I thought about it, the more wrong it became, so I went to check it, and then I found some clues. After following the clues, I found the Xiao family. I guess he wanted to get my and your mother's hair with all his heart, probably because he wanted to do DNA. Verification. So, I knew he would find you sooner or later. I just didn't expect him to be so fast."

Qiao Nianzhi nodded and said, "Yes. He showed me a DNA report."

Qiao Hongrui glanced at Qiao Nian, with a bit of apology in his eyes, and said, "As you can see, you are indeed Xiao Chuhuai's biological son. Your mother doesn't want you to have anything to do with the Xiao family, so after all these years, We have been keeping it from you, and even used our relationship to change your birth month when we registered for the household registration. I don’t need to tell you about the Xiao family, you know that there are too many bloody storms. The main purpose of concealing your life experience is to protect you , I hope you can understand your mother's painstaking efforts."

He didn't defend himself, but kept explaining for Ye Chun.

"I know, I don't blame you."

"Xiao Ding came to you because he wanted you to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors?"

Qiao Hongrui asked.

"Yeah." Qiao Nianzhi nodded, paused for a moment, glanced at Qiao Hongrui, and said again: "I listened to him, he seems to want me to avenge Xiao Chuhuai."

The corner of Qiao Hongrui's mouth curled into a sarcasm, and he said in a deep voice, "To tell you the truth, I did design what happened to Xiao Chuhuai back then. Just the things he did to your mother are enough to kill him a hundred times."

Even though so long had passed, even though Xiao Chuhuai was dead, Qiao Hongrui still had a grudge in his heart, and he gritted his teeth in hatred.

Qiao Nianzhi stood up suddenly, then knelt down towards Qiao Hongrui.

"Dad, thank you and mom for letting me be born; thank you for raising me for so many years and treating me as your own; thank you for protecting me for so many years. Thank you!"

When the sound fell, he kowtowed three times to Qiao Hongrui.

He could deeply feel Qiao Hongrui's hatred for Xiao Chuhuai, just as he could deeply feel Qiao Hongrui's love for him.Xiao Chuhuai had hurt his mother deeply, and for Qiao Hongrui, he felt the hatred of taking his wife, and it was a shame as a man.But his existence always reminded Qiao Hongrui of that unbearable past.Even if Qiao Hongrui can't get over the hurdle in his heart, it is very likely that he will never have the chance to be born.

But from the beginning of his memory, he only felt Qiao Hongrui's full fatherly love for him.For so many years, let alone hate, I never even felt dissatisfied with him.To do this, how difficult and rare is it, and how many obstacles in the heart need to be overcome?Is it because I love my mother very much?That's why I accepted him and loved him.So, he was really lucky.

Qiao Hongrui stood up quickly, went to help Qiao Nianzhi, and said in surprise, "Nianzhi, what are you doing? Get up!"

Qiao Nianzhi still knelt on the ground without moving, and said, "Dad, I already knew about those things back then, as well as about my life experience. When I was in college, I was obsessed with painting. At that time, Both you and my mother strongly opposed my learning to paint. When I asked you why, you just said that the road of being a professional painter is too difficult, and you don’t want me to live too hard in the future. But I didn’t understand you at that time, and I was very rebellious. Later, my eldest brother came to me and told me about that part of the past, as well as my life experience.

Later, I voluntarily gave up painting.You think I've figured it out by myself, but I'm not.But at that time, I had already made a choice.I don't want to have anything to do with the Xiao family, I just want to be your son.So those previous grievances, no matter who is right or wrong, let it pass!I don't want to get involved, and I don't want to get involved.I just want to be Qiao Nianzhi, the past has nothing to do with me.So, please rest assured, I will never do anything to make you and your mother sad. "

"Good boy, get up!"

Qiao Hongrui nodded in relief. Qiao Nianzhi was taught by him, and he always believed in him.And now, he really did not disappoint him.


Only then did Qiao Nianzhi stand up.

"Xiao Ding is extremely stubborn, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to give up?"

Qiao Hongrui said with some concern.

"I've made it clear to him today." Qiao Nianzhi nodded and said, "Don't worry about this matter. You and my mother have protected me for so many years. This time, let me handle it myself." He slightly After a pause, he said again: "Dad, you trust me, I can handle it well."

"Okay!" Qiao Hongrui reached out and patted Qiao Nianzhi's shoulder, and said, "Don't let your mother know about this, lest she worry."

That period of the past was a nightmare for Ye Chun.Fortunately, she was pregnant with Qiao Nianzhi back then, the so-called mother is strong, so she survived the most difficult period.Back then, he managed to get her over that hurdle, so now he doesn't want her to remember it again.

"it is good!"


(End of this chapter)

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