The strongest warm marriage

Chapter 146 161 Gap

Chapter 146 161 Gap (one more)
Xiao Yi hurried to the hospital. Mr. Xiao was fine, but he was very angry, and he would be fine after waking up and resting for a while.

Xiao Yi drove Mr. Xiao back home, and Mr. Xiao didn't say a word all the way. Xiao Yi wanted to speak a few times, but he saw Mr. Xiao leaning on the back seat with his eyes closed, looking very tired. , there is no sound.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Mr. Xiao returned home, he would lose his temper and smash everything he saw.


It doesn't matter if you smash something, Xiao is also worried that Mr. Xiao will hurt himself, so he hurried forward to pull him.


Mr. Xiao seemed very angry, and shook off Xiao Yi's hand violently.

Although Mr. Xiao is old now, he also broke through the hail of bullets when he was young, and his skills are extraordinary.At this time, he was getting angry and exerting great force, Xiao Yi was caught off guard and was thrown to the ground by him.Porcelain pieces were shattered on the ground, Xiao Yi touched the ground with his hands first, and both palms were cut by the pieces of porcelain, the blood was drenched in the forest, which was a bit shocking.

However, Mr. Xiao didn't even look at him, and continued to throw things to vent his anger.He fell and scolded: "What's the use of me raising you? You are a wolf-hearted dog, and you eat everything! You know that Qiao Nianzhi is my grandson, but you have been hiding it from me. If I didn't check it myself this time, would it be waiting for me? You won’t even know when the sky has fallen into the earth?”

Only then did Xiao Yi realize that it turned out that his grandfather was blaming him for being so angry.

"Grandpa, it's my fault to hide it from you. But brother himself doesn't want to..."

Xiao also tried to explain.

He and Qiao Nianzhi are college classmates, maybe it's because blood is thicker than water!They always hit it off, and then became buddies.It was Qiao Nianzhi who took the initiative to meet him at the beginning, and he was very happy. It turned out that he had an older brother.At that time, he proposed the idea of ​​letting Qiao Nianzhi return to Xiao's house, but Qiao Nianzhi refused decisively, and asked him to keep this secret.Later, he persuaded Qiao Nianzhi several times, but he was firm and said that if he brought up the matter of returning to the Xiao family again, he would not recognize him as his younger brother.So, he had to give up.

Later, when he slowly took over the power of the Xiao family, he began to understand the reason why Qiao Nianzhi insisted not to return to the Xiao family, because even he himself was getting tired of this kind of life of beating and killing, so he became more and more unwilling to let Qiao Nianzhi return to Xiao's house. Thoughts come in.

But Mr. Xiao didn't listen to his explanation at all, and interrupted him eagerly.

"You bastard! Don't think I don't know what you're up to? Aren't you just afraid that Qiao Nianzhi will take away everything you have now when he returns to Xiao's house?" Mr. Xiao pointed at Xiao Yi's nose and said coldly : "Let me tell you, I'm not dead yet, your wolfish ambition is exposed too early."

Xiao Yi's eyes were full of shock, then sadness.He didn't expect that the grandfather who loved him and loved him for so many years, the grandfather he had respected and loved for so many years, would look at him like this.Since when, grandpa turned into a completely unfamiliar appearance to him.

"Grandpa, you taught me, don't you know me? Don't tell me, I regard Qiao Nianzhi as my own brother. As long as he wants everything I have now, I will give it to him with both hands. Even if I really Isn't it right for a wolf to be ambitious and greedy for everything that exists? Qiao Nianzhi and I are both your grandsons, and we both shed the blood of the Xiao family. It is only natural to inherit the family business. Why do you have to favor him so much? Am I not your grandson?"

At this moment, if it is said that Xiao Yi is not sad, it is a lie.He and Qiao Nianzhi are both grandsons of grandpa, and he has even been with grandpa since he was a child.In terms of relationship, it is obvious that he and grandpa are deeper.If grandpa wants to be eccentric, he should also be eccentric.But why did grandpa's attitude towards Qiao Nianzhi completely change after he knew about Qiao Nianzhi's existence?

"How dare you talk back!"

It was said that Mr. Xiao was going to beat Xiao Yi.

There was a "slap", and a slap was slapped on Xiao Yi's face.Mr. Xiao was taken aback for a moment, his eyes flickered, he seemed very surprised, surprised that Xiao Yi didn't avoid it.

And Xiao Yi stood there in a daze, like a sculpture, with tears in his eyes, but he just looked at Mr. Xiao stubbornly.

He didn't dodge, he thought grandpa wouldn't really slap, but the slap was so loud.

Then, he suddenly laughed, with an incomparably sarcastic smile.


Mr. Xiao seemed to come back to his senses in an instant, his eyes flickered, and seeing that Xiao Yihang's hands on both sides were still bleeding, he reached out to pull his hand.

But Xiao Yi took a few steps back, looked at him coldly, and said, "I'm wrong to keep things from you. But brother is an adult, and if he doesn't want to, no one can force him to do some things." The Xiao family may be a sweet bun in your eyes, but in my brother's eyes, it is worthless, and he even dismissed it. I have been keeping you a secret about my brother's life experience, one is because my brother himself is unwilling; It's because of the Xiao family's life wandering in the dark like this. Even people like me who grew up in the Xiao family are tired of it. I can't bear to bring my brother in again. If the Xiao family is a responsibility to our two brothers, my My hands are covered with blood, isn’t it enough for me to shoulder this responsibility? I just hope that my brother can live the life he wants to live. I don’t think there is anything wrong with doing this?”

Mr. Xiao looked at Xiao Yi with deep eyes, and didn't speak. He didn't know whether he was speechless or had nothing to say.

"Whether grandpa believes it or not, if it's not because of grandpa, I actually don't want the mess of the Xiao family."

After the sound fell, Xiao Yi turned and left.


After the two quarreled, Xiao Yi stayed in the hotel and didn't go home for several days.

Then, he suddenly received a call from Ah San, saying that Mr. Xiao had fainted at home.Xiao Yi rushed home in a hurry, but saw Mr. Xiao sitting in the living room refreshed, and suddenly realized that he had been cheated, turned around and was about to leave.

"Ayi, are you still angry with Grandpa?"

Mr. Xiao stood up and said with a smile.

Xiao Yi stood still and did not speak.

"Grandpa apologizes to you, okay?" Mr. Xiao walked in front of Xiao Yi, his eyes were full of apology, and he said, "Grandpa was so angry that he fainted that day, so he kept his mouth open. Then It's not what Grandpa said in his heart, it's all anger, so don't take it to heart."


Xiao Yi responded lightly, he was really sad that day, but he was not really angry with grandpa.After all, the relationship between the two of them for so many years, it is impossible for them to quarrel just once and the quarrel will be gone.

Seeing that Xiao Yi let go, Mr. Xiao took his hand, sat down on the sofa, and said kindly: "I specially asked Chen Ma to make your favorite sweet-scented osmanthus cake. You should try it."

"it is good!"

Seeing Xiao Yi pick up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and start eating it, Mr. Xiao said, "Grandpa only has you and Nianzhi as relatives now. Grandpa would love to see you two loving each other. Grandpa was You only said those words when you were confused. Don’t take it to heart. Sooner or later, the Xiao family will be handed over to you two brothers. With your and Nianzhi’s abilities, if you can join forces, I believe that the Xiao family will definitely be able to make the Xiao family happy. Go up to another level. Now Nianzhi doesn't want to come back, and I won't force him. You young people have your own ideas. Although I don't agree with it, I can understand it.

Nianzhi repulses the Xiao family very much now, you have a good relationship with him, try to persuade him if you have time, no matter what, the blood of our Xiao family flows in his body, he is always my grandson.Grandpa is old now, and he has no other wishes. I just hope that you two brothers can spend more time with me as an old man.Your father has passed away for so many years, if he is in Tianling, he must also hope that Nianzhi can recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors. "

Hearing this, Xiao Yi paused while eating the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and looked at Mr. Xiao with doubts.But only for a moment, it was back to normal.

Mr. Xiao didn't notice Xiao Yi's abnormal gaze, and continued: "Your father's death has nothing to do with Qiao Hongrui, and he is now accepting a thief as his father. After so many years, your father may not be able to rest in peace. I just thought, If you two brothers can avenge the murder of your father, then I will have no regrets in this life."

Xiao Yi just finished eating a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and turned his head to look at Mr. Xiao, with even more suspicion in his eyes.

"Well. I'll go and talk to my brother."

He had a lot of doubts in his heart about what his grandfather said just now, but he didn't show it at all on his face, and he agreed perfunctorily.I don't know if it's his illusion, but he always feels that grandpa is trying to curry favor with him.For the matter of avenging his father, brother decisively rejected grandpa at the beginning.Now grandpa is proposing in front of him again, it seems that he wants to use him to shake brother.

Grandpa has always been stubborn, and when the two had disagreements and quarreled before, he was always the one who admitted his mistake first.This was the first time Grandpa apologized to him.No matter how you look at it, it's a bit weird. Ever since grandpa found out about the fact that he hid his brother's life experience, it seems that the relationship between him and grandpa can't go back to the past.


The smile on Mr. Xiao's face became brighter and brighter.


(End of this chapter)

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