The strongest warm marriage

Chapter 161 179 Love Her Addiction

Chapter 161 Chapter 179
The morning sickness reaction came as soon as it was said, and Xu Xu belonged to the particularly serious one. I vomited whatever I ate, and finally vomited yellow water when there was nothing to vomit.Xu Xu was already thin, but after all this hard work, she lost another ten catties, which made Qiao Nianzhi very distressed.

As soon as Xu Xu took two mouthfuls of chicken soup, he started to feel nauseous again. He leaned on the toilet and began to vomit.Qiao Nianzhi squatted aside, doing nothing but patting her on the back to give her a smooth ride.

"Mom, what can Xu Xu do?"

Then, he started calling Ye Chun again.Ever since Xu Xu had morning sickness, Qiao Nianzhi would call Ye Chun more than ten times a day.

Ye Chun walked in hurriedly, seeing Xu Xu's appearance, he could only sigh.

"Pregnancy is so hard, we won't have a baby, we won't have a baby!"

Every day Qiao Nianzhi watched Xu Xu vomit dizzily, his whole heart was torn.Xu Xu is suffering, and he suffers every day.

Ye Chun, who was behind him, knocked on the top of his head with a blow, glared at him, and said, "You brat, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Qiao Nianzhi said "Ouch", touched the top of his head, curled his lips and said, "I don't like it when it's always tossing slowly."

"You want to be beaten, don't you?"

Ye Chun slapped him on the back of the head again.

"Mom, don't you feel sorry for Xu Xu?"

Qiao Nianzhi was a little unhappy.

"How did you talk?" Ye Chun wanted to beat Qiao Nianzhi again, and said angrily, "Of course I feel sorry for Xu Xu."

"I'm fine. Pregnancy is like this. Just bear with it and it will pass."

It was a little funny to hear Qiao Nianzhi's childish words, but at the same time, she was very moved. She knew that Qiao Nianzhi loved her because of her love.

"But now what to eat and what to throw up, when will it be a head?"

Qiao Nianzhi said with a bitter face.

"It will be better in three months, it's okay, don't worry."

Xu Xu forced a smile and replied.

"It's such a worry-free little thing. When you come out, I must teach you a lesson."

Qiao Nianzhi said to Xu Xu's stomach.


Xu Xu was amused by Qiao Nianzhi's appearance.


The first three months are a critical period, and a little carelessness may cause a miscarriage, so Qiao Nianzhi is particularly nervous.Not to mention that as long as he stays at home, he will guard Xu Xu every step of the way, and if something happens to go out, he will remind his family to take good care of Xu Xu.

"Your Qiao Nianzhi is too nervous."

Qiao Nianzhi went out on business, Xu Xinyou immediately sat down and chatted with Xu Xinyou.After all, if Qiao Nianzhi was at home, they wouldn't be able to get close to Xu Xu.

Xu Xu spread out his hands, expressing his helplessness.Then imitated Qiao Nianzhi's tone and said: "After all, this is my first time becoming a father, so you have to understand me."

Xu Xinyou couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Qiao Nianzhi is so funny!"

"That's not it!" Xu Xu sighed, and said again: "Is the elder brother also like this?"

"Compared to Qiao Nianzhi, I think Qiao Zijin is really normal now." Xu Xinyou paused for a moment, and then said: "However, the more nervous this man is about you, the more he cares about you."

"Well. He's always been nice to me."

Xu Xu nodded and said.

"Although I often make fun of Qiao Nianzhi, Xu Xu, I really envy you. Qiao Nianzhi treats you really well!"

"Come on less!" Xu Xu curled her lips and said, "Yuyou, elder brother treats you like a treasure?"

Xu Xinyou smiled and said, "Yeah. He also treats me very well, very nicely."

Xu Xu put his arms around Xu Xinyou's shoulders and said, "That's great! Yoyo, we are all married to the man we love so much, and we are all so happy."

"Yes, we are all happy now."

Pregnant women are more sensitive, and they tend to think wildly, and their emotions come as they say.For example, at this time, the two of them were fine a second ago, but suddenly their eyes turned red as they talked.

"Look at us, what are we doing so well?"

Xu Xinyou reached out and wiped away the tears from the corners of Xu Xinyou's eyes.

"That's right, why do you suddenly become so sentimental." Then Xu Xinyou laughed, "This is not my style. It's really three years of being pregnant and stupid!"

"Yuyou, do you want this baby to be a boy or a girl?"

"Actually, it's all right, as long as the child is healthy. However, if it's a boy, it will be more perfect. After all, we already have little red beans in our family. In this way, it just makes up a good word." Xu Xinyou asked: "What about you? "

"I just hope that whether it's a boy or a girl, as long as it's like Qiao Nianzhi."

"You two!" Hearing this, Xu Xinyou shook her head and laughed, and said, "Before, Qiao Nianzhi told Zijin that both boys and girls are fine, as long as they are like you. Why do you two seem to have the same answer? It seems that I am really envious of this person."

"Qiao Nianzhi has good genes!"

Xu Xu said with a smile.

"Qiao Nianzhi also said that you have a good personality. Sure enough, you are not a family, and you will not enter a family."


Xu Xu is relatively weak due to morning sickness, and is always prone to sleepiness during the day.But I slept too much during the day, and couldn't sleep at night.This made Qiao Nianzhi suffer, he had to take care of Xu Xu during the day, and because Xu Xu couldn't sleep at night, he also accompanied him.

For this, Xu Xu felt very guilty.So urging Qiao Nianzhi to sleep became her homework every night.

"Nian Zhi, you don't have to force yourself to stay with me, you rest first, I'll brew it up, maybe I'll fall asleep later."

"I'm not sleepy yet, let's chat for a while."

It's just that Qiao Nianzhi can't sleep if he doesn't sleep slowly.Xu Xu worked so hard, how could he leave her alone and go to sleep by himself?
"All right!"

Qiao Nianzhi was very persistent, but Xu Xu couldn't help it.Qiao Nianzhi couldn't rest unless she slept first.

"Shall we discuss what to name our baby?"

Qiao Nianzhi said with trembling spirit.

"Okay!" Immediately, Xu Xu came to his senses and asked, "Have you thought about it?"

"Not yet. This name will be with the baby for life, so it has to be better."

Qiao Nianzhi said.

"Yes. I think so too. My previous name was chosen by my grandma, and I liked it quite a bit, but the readers always got ridiculed by my classmates for being too nasty. So our baby, you can get Choose a one-in-a-million, unique name."

"Did you say the name Xu Furong?"


Slowly nodded.

"How do you say this name? Actually, I quite like it."


Xu Xu was a little surprised. To be honest, the word "Furong" is indeed a bit old-fashioned.

"Xu Xu, I'll call you Afu from now on, okay?"

Qiao Nianzhi's answer was somewhat irrelevant.


Qiao Nianzhi laughed, extremely gentle.

"Afu, my Afurong."


Xu Xu became more and more confused as he listened.

"Afurong, also known as poppy. Xu Xu, you are my drug addict."

Qiao Nianzhi looked at Xu Xu with burning eyes and said.

The smile on Xu Xu's face instantly bloomed, she knew what he meant: loving her is addictive.

"Good! I like it."


Qiao Nianzhi yelled again with a smile.


Slowly and sweetly replied.

Then, the two began to discuss the matter of naming the child.Xu Xu didn't know whether it was because she slept too much during the day or because she was more excited tonight. The two discussed for almost an hour, but she still didn't feel sleepy at all.

Although Qiao Nianzhi was a little tired, he wasn't tired either.For a while, he has researched many ways to lull Xu Xu to sleep.For example, bedtime stories, for example, humming lullabies...these are all methods he specially collected from books and the Internet.

Time passed by second by second, and the sound of even breathing came from beside him, and he gradually fell asleep.Qiao Nianzhi smiled softly, stopped singing the lullaby, lowered her head and kissed Xu Xu's forehead, and said, "Good night, Afu!"


The next morning, Xu Xu woke up late, while Qiao Nianzhi had already woken up.

She went to the bathroom first, but when she peed, she found blood on her pants.Not only that, but there was also bloodshed.

She was taken aback. The first three months were a time of instability.Once bleeding occurs, it is very likely to be a precursor to miscarriage.

"Mind it."

She hurriedly called Qiao Nianzhi loudly.

"what's up?"

Qiao Nianzhi also arrived very quickly.

"I'm bleeding and we have to go to the hospital right away."

Xu Xu said solemnly.

Qiao Nianzhi was taken aback for a moment, then his expression changed, and he immediately picked him up slowly and walked out.

"Xu Xu, don't worry! We'll go to the hospital now, and our baby will be fine."

Although he told Xu Xu not to worry, his voice was trembling.

 Not surprisingly, the second watch was before 10:30 in the evening.

  In addition, this article is already in the final stage, and it will be finished soon.

  The new article "Junmen Xiao's Pet Lingering Endlessly" has been opened, let's make an appointment!
(End of this chapter)

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