The strongest warm marriage

Chapter 162 180 Dragon and Phoenix Twins

Chapter 162 Chapter 180

The whole family was in a panic, and even Xu Xinyou went to the hospital with her big belly.

Emergency rescue was carried out at the hospital. Although the baby was saved, but because of Xu Xu's special constitution, he had to stay in bed until three months later.Fortunately, it was delivered in time, otherwise the child would have been lost.

"Thank God, the ancestors of the Qiao family are blessed."

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat, and Ye Chun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the doctor say that the child was saved, and quickly clasped his hands together and bowed reverently.

"Don't worry! The child will be fine again."

Qiao Hongrui on the side held Ye Chun's hand and said.

Xu Xu's face was a little pale because he had just come out of the operating room. Qiao Nianzhi was sitting in front of the hospital bed, holding her hand tightly, his eyes were red.

"It's okay, the baby is strong, it's okay."

Instead, Xu Xu began to comfort him.

"Sorry, I should have been more careful."

Qiao Nianzhi was very guilty, thinking that he hadn't noticed Xu Xu's strangeness.If he could be more careful, today would not be so dangerous.Fortunately, they were rescued in time, if the child really... He couldn't imagine how sad Xu Xu would be.

"We will all be more careful in the future, the baby needs both father and mother to protect him!"

Xu Xu smiled weakly and said.


Qiao Nianzhi nodded.

"Mom, dad, brother, Xinyou, you go back first! It's enough for Nianzhi to stay and take care of me."

Xu Xu turned to look at Ye Chun and the others and said.

"Sister-in-law is still pregnant, so it's not good to stay in the hospital all the time. I can take good care of Xu Xu, don't worry!"

Qiao Nianzhi also echoed.

"That's fine. Let's go back first and bring you food later."

Ye Chun nodded and said.

"it is good!"

After Ye Chun and the others left, only Qiao Nianzhi, Xu Zhengfeng, and Xu Xu were left in the ward.

"Didn't my mother come over?"

Xu Xu was a little surprised that she didn't see Sister Cheng.

"I didn't inform her. After all, she is still in the hospital, so as not to worry her."

Qiao Nianzhi replied somewhat unnaturally.

He didn't lie, he really didn't inform Sister Cheng.Because Sister Cheng had just had a kidney replacement operation and had to recuperate in the hospital, she couldn't see Xu Xu at all.But fortunately, the operation was a success. As long as you actively cooperate with the doctor, the possibility of recovery is very high.


Xu Xu nodded, but didn't notice anything.

"So I plan to tell Mom in a few days, and then you can go home and recuperate."

"Okay!" Xu Xu turned to look at Xu Zhengfeng who was on the side, and said, "You go back too! It's fine if you have something to think about here."

"It's okay. I have accumulated several days of vacation this month and haven't taken it. It just so happens that I'm on vacation these days, so I'll just stay here. If anything happens, I can help."

Xu Zhengfeng said cautiously.

"No need..."

For Xu Zhengfeng's father, Xu Xu always felt strange, so he didn't want to bother him.

"Alright, more people and more helpers!"

Qiao Nianzhi interrupted Xu Xu's words, then shook his head at her.

"OK then!"


According to the doctor's instructions, Xu Xu had to stay in bed for the first three months.So when she was discharged from the hospital and went home, she just stayed in bed in another place to recuperate.The sentence of bed rest sounds easy, but it is extremely painful to lie in bed all day and all night, not to mention lying slowly for more than two months.But even so, Xu Xu never complained.

Finally survived the first three months, the fetus was stable and gradually able to get out of bed and walk around.At the same time, the time for the B-ultrasound of the [-]-week birth certificate has also arrived.

Because she almost had a miscarriage before, when Xu Xu went to take the ultrasound, Qiao Nianzhi was very nervous, afraid that something might be wrong.After taking the B-ultrasound, you have to wait for two hours to come out and check the results.Xu Xu wasn't much better, just as nervous and worried.So during the two hours of waiting for the result, the two of them just sat there blankly without saying a word.He didn't dare to speak, for fear that if he opened his mouth, he would say something bad and make the other party more worried.

After two hours of hard work, when the doctor handed over the examination report to Qiao Nianzhi, Qiao Nianzhi's hands trembling even his fingertips.

"Congratulations, it's twins. Judging from the current examination results, the fetus is very healthy."

The doctor said with a smile on his face.

"Twins? Twins?"

Qiao Nianzhi asked in disbelief.

"Yes, twins."

"Is the child healthy?"

Originally, the doctor told them from the beginning that the child was healthy.It's just that Qiao Nianzhi got all his attention from his "twins" and didn't pay attention to the following words at all.

"The fetus is developing very well. Judging from the current inspection results, the fetus is very healthy. Don't worry."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

On the other hand, Xu Xu stood there in a daze, with a smile on his face, as if he was a little overwhelmed by such a surprise.

Qiao Nianzhi turned around, stretched out her arms to hug Xu Xu, and said excitedly, "Honey, did you hear that? It's twins! Twins! So there are two of them, no wonder they are so troublesome."

The smile on Xu Xu's face got deeper and deeper, he stretched out his hand to push Qiao Nianzhi away, and then touched his lower abdomen, his face was full of tenderness.

"There are two babies here."

"Yes, two babies. The doctor said they are developing very well now."

"Read it, I'm so happy!"

"I'm so happy too."

"Let's call our parents and tell them the good news!"

"Yeah." Qiao Nianzhi took out his phone and said, "They will be very happy."


Pregnancy is indeed hard work, but nothing can match the joy of anticipation of waiting for a new life to come.Both Xu Xu and Qiao Nianzhi were new parents, so they were constantly learning during the entire pregnancy.Since her pregnancy, Xu Xu's taste has not been very good.But in order to have enough nutrition to supply the baby in her stomach, she would force herself to eat more even if she didn't want to eat.

They bought a lot of books about babies for reference. For example, the books say that you can talk to the fetus more, which is conducive to the development of the fetus's brain power.So, Qiao Nianzhi bought a lot of story books and came back, chatting and telling stories with the baby every night.From the No.12 week of pregnancy, until the birth of the child, it never stops.

For another example, natural delivery is better for children in all aspects than caesarean section.However, Xu Xu is pregnant with twins, so it is relatively difficult to give birth naturally.But Xu Xu had a firm belief from the very beginning that she wanted to give birth smoothly.Because this is a good thing for the two children, even though there will be many difficulties and she will work harder, she is still unwilling to give up.So throughout the pregnancy, even in the third trimester, when her belly became bigger and her movements were inconvenient, she kept on exercising properly... They spared no effort in anything that is good for the child.

Children are angels who came to this world with God holding hands. Sometimes children are like our teachers. He will teach us a lot and make us a better version of ourselves, just like Qiao Nianzhi at this time.


After Xu Xu was three months pregnant, there were no problems in the results of every prenatal checkup.As time passed day by day, Xu Xu's belly was getting bigger and bigger, and the expected date of delivery was getting closer and closer.Because Xu Xu was pregnant with twins, Qiao Nianzhi listened to the doctor's advice and was admitted to the hospital one week in advance to wait for delivery.

Xu Xu had the attack at three o'clock in the morning on the seventh night of her stay in the hospital.Although it was night, because Qiao Nianzhi had signed an agreement with the hospital before he moved in, since Xu Xu was admitted to the hospital, there were doctors on standby anytime and anywhere.

Xu Xu was quickly pushed into the delivery room. Originally, Qiao Nianzhi planned to go in to accompany the delivery.In the end, it was Qiao Hongrui who held him back, not because he had any taboos, but because he was worried that Qiao Nianzhi would not be able to bear the bloody scene, and would cause trouble for the doctor instead.After all, when Ye Chun gave birth to Qiao Nian, he went into the delivery room to accompany the delivery.He was so terrified that he almost had a mess.

After going in slowly for a full six hours, Qiao Nianzhi didn't even know how he survived these six hours.The sound insulation effect of the delivery room is very good, he can't hear the sound inside at all, let alone know what's going on inside.Countless times I wanted to break into the door; those terrible pictures kept appearing in my mind, and I couldn't control myself to think about the worst; worry, fear, anxiety, suffering... Too many negative emotions, from this life never had.

In just six hours, he seemed to have been waiting for decades.He sat on the bench at first, but as time passed, his legs began to shake and he had to stand up.But he was still anxious, so he paced back and forth, and then fidgeted.

When the door of the operating room opened and Xu Xu was pushed out, he was already sitting on the ground against the wall, his legs were so weak that he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"Congratulations! They are twins!"

 Tomorrow's update at night

(End of this chapter)

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