Chapter 155 My Goddess Is Joy

And because of Sheng Hui's operation, the news that Qin Huanle was too dedicated to filming and didn't need a substitute has spread overwhelmingly on the Internet.

She was hacked so badly a while ago, but now, Sheng Hui seized every opportunity to establish a positive image of her.

Many passers-by have turned fans, expressing that they will support her and look forward to the release of the movie she is currently filming.

The news of [the newly promoted superstar Qin Huanxi is too dedicated and injured while filming] has always been on the headlines.

I love Chibi Maruko——[I Huan is really awesome, take good care of your body! 】

Yi Ye Lang——[A girl who works so hard, whoever dares to say that she walks through the back door in the future will just slap her in the face]

My goddess is joy——[My goddess is so beautiful without makeup]

A beautiful pig——[From now on, my husband will be you]

Liu Miaolin looked at the comments under the topic and almost dropped her phone. .

Her purpose is to make her injured and unable to film.

Unexpectedly, the public relations behind Qin Huanhuan were so powerful that they pushed her into the headlines so quickly.

Not only was it not affected, but it gained so much popularity...

She tried her best to harm her, but unexpectedly, she made a wedding dress for her.

No, it's too bad, she can't swallow this breath.

Turning on the phone, when Feng Xi'an's name was found in the address book, he hesitated for a while, and finally dialed it.

The call is connected.

Liu Miaolin was a little apprehensive, but her attitude was very respectful. After all, the Feng family is a big family, "Hello, Miss Feng, I'm Liu Miaolin, do you remember me?"

Feng Xi'an was making a mask, listened to her words, and took off the mask, "What's the matter?"

"That's right." Liu Miaolin had a flattering smile on her face even though she was on the phone, "I want you to give me some pointers about Qin Huanhuan."

Feng Xi'an's charming eyes turned slightly, with a sneer on her brow, "What did you say? Why don't I understand?"

"Didn't you remind me that day to be careful?"

"Is there such a thing?" Feng Xi'an rubbed his forehead, "Don't talk nonsense!"

"You..." Liu Miaolin choked, Feng Xi'an's attitude was completely different from that day.

"Okay, Qin Huanxi and I are good friends, so don't provoke me and her if you have nothing to do." Feng Xi'an spoke very carefully.

She was afraid that if Liu Miaolin made the call on purpose by turning on the recording, wouldn't she be giving away the evidence?

Feng Xi'an pushed the matter away completely, declaring that it had nothing to do with him, and that she would not participate, so he hung up the phone.


Liu Miaolin looked at the hung up phone and cursed bitterly.

Qin Huanxi is a starlet who has no backing and has not yet become a celebrity. What are you afraid of her doing?
Thinking of Lin Xiner having so many festivities with her, and being beaten into the hospital by her, Liu Miaolin couldn't help wanting to abuse Qin Huanhuan directly.

Red Cotton Garden.

Xiao Moqian has been in the bathroom for ten hours.

At this time, the water was still dripping down.

His wound, from the initial oozing of blood, until now, his skin has become bloodless.

Her lips began to turn purple, and her hands and feet were frozen stiff.

Knowing now, I can barely suppress the evil thoughts in my body.

But the appearance is very embarrassing.

When she came out of the bathroom covered in moisture, she saw Du Shasha was still sitting by the bed.

"Thank you." Du Shasha restrained her usual publicity, and there was still a layer of mist in her eyes.

Xiao Moqian glanced at her indifferently, without asking anything, walked towards the door with long legs.

 My male god is Xiao Moqian.

  Starts tomorrow and ends Friday.

  The recommendation ticket is full of 99 chapters, and it will be updated on Saturdays and Thursdays.

  Tickets smashed over.


(End of this chapter)

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