Chapter 156 Don't Want You

His cold teeth are chattering now...

But the door still won't open.

"It's useless. I took pictures all day, but no one came to open the door." When Du Shasha spoke, her eyes were fixed on Xiao Moqian.

Even if he was in such a mess at the moment, he couldn't conceal his inherent nobility.

Still like a noble prince, people are obsessed.

But Xiao Moqian still ignored her, picked up the chair, and slammed on the door one after another.

Du Shasha explained in a panic, "I don't know why they locked us together. Fortunately, it's you today, otherwise, I'm afraid..."

Pretending to be weak is really a woman's weapon, and Du Shasha has been tried and tested before.

Coupled with her excellent appearance, she has never failed.

But in Xiao Moqian's eyes, except for Qin Huanxi, other women are just creatures to him.

He glared at Du Shasha coldly, making her silence resentfully.

The movement of the hands continued again.

What happened today was the biggest setback in his life.

No one has ever been able to plot against him like this without getting hurt...

Du Shasha, absolutely has nothing to do with this matter.

She thought that if she said that, she would believe her?

If she wasn't the president's daughter...

Xiao Moqian only felt that the wound began to throb...

After a long time, the door was finally smashed open.

And Xiao Moqian's wound, because of this violent movement, oozes blood again...

His face was frighteningly pale.

Holding on to the door, the bodyguards had already been removed.

He walked all the way to the living room, saw many servants, but no one stopped him.

Did they think they succeeded?
In the living room, Zhang Li was sitting and watching international news.

Seeing him in a mess, there was no trace of concern in his eyes.

"Mo Qian..." Zhang Li looked at him with unconcealable scrutiny.

She wanted to know, did it succeed?

Xiao Moqian looked at her disappointedly, his eyes seemed to be looking at a strange stranger who could no longer be stranger.

For Zhang Li, he is a tool.

From today on, she has nothing to do with him...

He glanced at her coldly, and walked forward without stopping.

Du Shasha walked behind, winked at Zhang Li, and gestured again.

Zhang Li was puzzled.

Du Shasha walked up to her quickly and whispered, "It failed, you pushed everything on yourself."

Zhang Li didn't move, Du Shasha thought she didn't understand, and urged, "Hurry up, or he won't have a chance after he goes out."

"This...I'm his mother after all, it's not good..." Zhang Li's tone was hesitant.

But the eyes are calculating.

Du Shasha was slightly taken aback, and said immediately, "What conditions do you have, let's talk about it after finishing this matter."

Zhang Li seemed to understand her words just now, and chased Xiao Moqian and shouted loudly, "Mo Qian, Mo Qian."

Xiao Moqian walked very slowly, but he didn't turn his head back.

Zhang Li caught up with him in no time, and held his hand, "Listen to my mother, I did this for your own good. Ms. Du has a noble status, and only she is worthy of you..."

"Enough." Xiao Moqian interrupted her words forcefully, he didn't want to hear a word anymore, she would only lie to him forever.

Always only for yourself, in order to achieve your goals by hook or by crook.

Zhang Li still didn't give up, her lips covered in lipstick were still one by one, saying, "What's so good about that girl, eight years ago, she could break up with you for [-] million, and eight years later, she found someone better than you." , I won’t want you at all.”

 It's Monday!
  From today to Friday, if the recommendation is over 99, there will be four updates on Saturday!


(End of this chapter)

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