Chapter 163 It Looks So Cute

Just as Qin Huanhuan was about to resign, Mr. Jin had already taken her cup and poured it directly into her mouth.

Qin Huan was annoyed, and with a strong wave, the cup fell to the ground.

A little wine was accidentally poured into her just now, which made her cough violently.

"Are you okay?" Boss Jin took the opportunity to put his hand on her back and patted her gently.

After Qin Huanxi finished coughing, she felt nauseated at the big fat hand on her back.

She frowned, "I'm a little dizzy, go out and get some air."

He made an excuse and ran out.

Seeing this, Liu Miaolin rolled her eyes and followed her out.

In the bathroom, Qin Huan desperately poured cold water on his face to wake himself up.

What she drank just now was high-grade liquor!
Needless to say, my head feels a bit heavy now.

If she had known that she would meet this kind of person, she would have asked Bai Liusu to accompany her here.

After washing her face and opening her eyes, she saw Liu Miaolin leaning against the door, looking at her strangely.

"Hi, what's the matter?" Qin Huan looked into her eyes and couldn't help but speak.

"How do you feel after climbing up to Mr. Jin?" Liu Miaolin walked over, turned on the faucet on the other side, and washed her hands slowly.

"I do not understand what you say."

Liu Miaolin laughed, "Little girl, don't blame my sister for not reminding you, this President Jin has thoughts about you, this is a good opportunity for you to make a career in the entertainment industry."

"Thank you for the reminder, but I don't need such an opportunity." Qin Huanxi frowned, she didn't like Liu Miaolin's tone of voice very much.

"How many people want such an opportunity, but don't come, don't be stupid."

"Senior, thank you for reminding me, I really don't want such an opportunity, even if I'm not popular, I wouldn't use my body to replace it, it's too dirty."

What Qin Huanle said unintentionally made Liu Miaolin's smile suddenly change. Is she cursing herself?

Qin Huanhuan ignored her and said firmly, "Even if this is a big dye vat, I will keep my original intention. I came into this circle because I love art."

After saying that, she nodded to Liu Miaolin and walked out.

"Hahaha, it's so funny. Let's see how I use today's words to slap you in the face when you are down and out in the future."

Liu Miaolin shook her head, took out her mobile phone from her bag, and called the assistant, "Go and ask Mr. Jin to come out and say that Little Sheep is waiting for him."

After hanging up the phone, she smiled coldly, "I will send you to Mr. Jin's bed today, and let him destroy you."

Ming Chuxin happened to be in the bathroom, and she heard what she just said clearly.

I feel that the person who made the phone call later has a wrong intention.

But she came this time to find her daughter, so she didn't have the time to worry about so many things.

After they were all gone, she came out of the bathroom, washed her hands, and walked out.

After walking a few steps, I saw a few people in front of me pulling.

Boss Jin stopped Qin Huanxi and forced her to go with him. Qin Huanxi's delicate eyebrows were already frowned.

And Liu Miaolin and her assistant stood aside with their arms crossed to watch the fun.

"President Jin, please respect yourself." Qin Huanhuan's voice suddenly turned cold.

Ming Chuxin could tell that this was the girl who just said that she would never forget her original intention.

The girl's clear eyes were already full of anger, her eyes were round and round, and her small face was full of anger.

It looks so cute.

Her footsteps stopped abruptly. She, who has always been a nosy person, wanted to stop and see how this girl would deal with this situation.

 Well, the thick-skinned author is asking for recommendation tickets, chapter reviews, and book reviews...

  Hurry up and beat me to death with the recommendation ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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