Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 164 Kick her out of the crew

Chapter 164 Kick her out of the crew
"Stop pretending, come with me." Boss Jin sprayed a strong smell of alcohol from his mouth.

Qin Huanxi frowned slightly, and turned her head away.

Mr. Jin has seen too many girls, and he has seen many girls who want to greet but refuse.

He laughed, the fat on his face trembled, "Master, I like to be obedient. I'll give you another chance. Do you want to go?"

In the words, he expressed his impatience.

Qin Huanxi couldn't stand the smell of alcohol sprayed on his face, so he took a big step back.

But he followed Qin Huanxi's movements and followed closely.

This time, closer.

His lips were close to sticking to Qin Huanhuan's face, rubbing her cheek.

"Go away." Qin Huanxi couldn't bear it anymore and pushed him away.

If she didn't have to pay attention to her image as an actor now, she would definitely beat this old thing up.

President Jin didn't get up, but looked at the hand that Qin Huanxi had touched.

He took his hand to his nose and smelled it, "Well, it smells so good, the chick is spicy enough, I like it."

He got up and tidied up the clothes that were a little messy due to the fall.

Qin Huanxi looked at him and clenched his fists.

His bright eyes are full of warnings to him, if he dares to take a step closer, then don't blame her for being rude.

Mr. Jin just fell down and alarmed the bodyguards he was carrying with him.

Seeing the bodyguards coming over, he smiled even more happily, "Did you see that? If you're disobedient, wait a minute, I'll call them LUN."

"It's ridiculous." Qin Huan didn't pay attention to those two people at all.

"Okay, you guys, catch her." Boss Jin couldn't wait any longer.

Qin Huanxi glared at his bright eyes angrily, making his heart tickle...

Seeing the two tall and burly bodyguards walking towards Qin Huanxi, Ming Chu suddenly became nervous for her.

All her attention was on Qin Huanhuan, but she didn't realize that someone was approaching from behind.

When the big hand rested on her shoulder, she was taken aback and realized that there was someone standing beside her.

Yin Zheng was wearing a suit, with one hand in his trousers and the other on Ming Chuxin's shoulder, as if he was hugging her.

Although he is already middle-aged, he still looks personable.

With a strong elegant temperament, one can see that he is a person of extraordinary status.

"Scared me to death." Ming Chuxin said in a low voice, staring at Yin Zheng's big hand on her shoulder with some embarrassment.

Sensing her gaze, Yin Zhengruo withdrew his hand nonchalantly, "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing, I just think that girl is cute."

Yin Zheng followed Ming Chuxin's eyes and saw the noisy scene.

Just now, Qin Huanxi pushed Mr. Jin away a little loudly, and people came out of the room one after another.

Seeing too many people, Mr. Jin didn't want to lose face, so he directly accused Qin Huanxi of seducing him.

It was loud and attracted a lot of people.

President Jin yelled loudly, "You actually want to seduce me to get the role in the next play, and you don't even look at your airport-like figure."

Qin Huanle looked at him incredulously, this person turned his face too quickly, right?
Just as she was about to refute, An Youxing said, "That's right! She is this kind of person, and she wanted to seduce Director Zhang last time!"

There was a lot of chatter, and Liu Miaolin's assistant also said, "Sister Liu and I have been watching here, but she wants to seduce Boss Jin, and she also said that she has already opened a house. Fortunately, Boss Jin doesn't care about it at all. move."

"It's really restless! Scum."

"Who is it! She should be kicked out of the crew."

 Da Qiao: "I heard that you are going to be put out of the crew."

  Qin Huanxi: "Why?"

  Da Qiao (covering his face and crying): "Because... there are too few recommended votes."

  Qin Huanhuan: "Hurry up and vote, don't let me be kicked out of the crew!"

  Da Qiao (smiling wickedly): "Hey hey."


(End of this chapter)

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