Chapter 168 It's Weird

He looked at the manager sternly, "You manager, do you still want to do it? Believe it or not, I'll complain to you?"

"Sir." The manager was very polite, but what he said chilled Mr. Jin's heart. "This can be used as evidence that you harassed women, and you can be sued."

"I want to sue you and make you lose your job." Boss Jin cursed anxiously. What did the manager say?
Sue him?
Qin Huan just asked him to apologize, but when the manager came out, he said he would sue him?

Shouldn't he help him?

He can't afford to lose this man.

President Jin was still cursing.

But the manager just smiled and said nothing, as good as his attitude could be.

But just like that, Mr. Jin couldn't control it for a while, and even had a high blood pressure attack, and passed out.

Seeing that a slander drama ended without beginning and end, many people were still a little bit unsatisfied.

But Boss Jin fainted, and Qin Huanhuan had no reason to keep chasing after her. Besides, he was still an investor and held the power of life and death of her character.

Qin Huanxi looked at Ming Chuxin gratefully and felt very kind, "Sister, thank you for helping me out."

"Little girl, I'm getting old, you can't call me sister, you have to call me aunt."

Ming Chuxin was wearing a smart white Chanel dress, her hair was coiled up, combed meticulously, and she was wearing pearl earrings. She exuded a noble temperament, and she didn't look very old.

Qin Huanxi said with some embarrassment, "You are so young, you really can't tell your age."

"I'm old enough to be your mother." There was pain in Ming Chuxin's eyes.

Her daughter should be about the same age as the little girl in front of her.

If they were by her side, their mother and daughter should be able to chat happily like this.

But, her daughter's life is not good.

Just after turning three years old, she was tied up by her opponent...

In the fundus of the eyes, a layer of mist could not help appearing.

President Jin was sent away, and the crowd dispersed.

Ming Chuxin looked at Yin Zheng who was waiting for her not far away, and his heart was moved.

For more than 20 years, she was doomed to the man who had never changed her heart, and she could only bear him in this life...
the next day.
Qin Huanhuan woke up and followed Bai Liusu to the hotel restaurant for breakfast.

After she came back last night, she told Bai Liusu what happened.

Bai Liusu was so angry that he almost didn't go to the hospital, so he arrested Boss Jin and beat him up.

She blamed herself very much and said that in the future, she would never leave Qin Huanxi.

As soon as the two entered the restaurant, they felt a strange atmosphere.

The people who were chatting on twitter suddenly became quiet when they saw them coming down.

Although he didn't speak, his eyes kept scanning her.


Liu Miaolin and An Youxing also rarely came to the restaurant for breakfast.

Seeing Qin Huanhuan, An Youxing sat beside her with a plate.

She looked at Qin Huanxi and gloated a little, "Have you heard? Boss Jin withdrew the funding from this drama."


Mr. Jin invested hundreds of millions of dollars in this drama.

Unless a bigger investor is found.

Otherwise, wouldn't this scene not be able to be filmed?

As if seeing through Qin Huanhuan's thoughts, An Youxing smiled darkly, "As you thought, this scene can't be filmed now, it's all about you, the role we worked so hard to get, and it just goes to waste. "

She didn't shy away from it, and said it very loudly.

In the entertainment industry, competition is so fierce, getting a role is not easy?

As soon as these words fell, they immediately resonated.

Many people who worked so hard to get the roles all looked at Qin Huanhuan with resentment.

 Thank you [lefenhu] for your reward, and thank you for your support.

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(End of this chapter)

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