Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 169 Ask Qin Huanxi to Sleep with You

Chapter 169 Ask Qin Huanxi to Sleep with You
They also just came to the restaurant, only then did they realize that this scene could not be filmed.

As An Youxing said, it was Qin Yue who killed her.

If she hadn't caused trouble yesterday, how could Boss Jin have withdrawn the capital?
All of a sudden, accusations sounded out one after another.

"Why is it that because of you alone, everyone has no filming?"

"Go and apologize to Mr. Jin and sleep with him."

"Yes, you go to save it."

"If you don't go, find us an investor and come back."

An Youxing looked at the reactions of the people around, and nodded to Liu Miaolin with satisfaction.

From the beginning of participating in the competition, she was overwhelmed by Qin Huanxi.

Unfortunately, Qin Huanxi's EQ is too low.

Casually, so many enemies have been established.

The people here, who didn't work hard to get the role, now that she said that, they must all be angry.

Bai Liusu saw that they were talking too much, and angrily smashed the drink cup in his hand to the ground.

"Shut up all of you."

These people are really too much to ask Qin Huanxi to sleep with them?
Do they know that the biggest investor in this drama is Xiao Moqian.

If it wasn't for the praise of Qin Huanxi, there wouldn't be this drama.

What the hell is gold?
At that time, it was just following the normal routine of filming and looking for investors.

Xiao Moqian really doesn't pay attention to his hundreds of millions.

Bai Liusu's smashing was just in line with the wishes of those who sow discord.

Liu Miaolin immediately shouted loudly, "No way! Don't even tell me? Isn't this too overbearing?"

"Yes! JIAN people."

"Do you think you're the only one who can smash it?"

"Green tea female watch."

Negative emotions are far easier to mobilize than positive emotions.

For a while, the sound of insults and throwing things was endless.

What's more, someone threw bread, eggs, porridge, etc., directly at Qin Huanxi.

One crew, hundreds of actors.

The scene of throwing food together is really a sensation.

Seeing that the situation was getting a bit out of control, Bai Liusu and Qin Huanxi were both in a state of embarrassment.

The porridge dripped down the roots of the hair, and the body was covered with oil stains, which were colorful.

Bai Liusu was even worse, with noodles and scallions all over his head.

"These people are crazy, Susu, let's run away!" Qin Huanxi covered her face with her hands while leaning close to Bai Liusu.

It's dishonorable to run away, but it's better than being attacked by them here.

Holding hands, the two pushed away several people who stood in front of them. It took a lot of effort to escape.

It was Qin Huanhuan and Bai Liusu who had practiced kung fu. If it was someone else, they would have to let others throw things for nothing.

There are still hot pursuit behind.

The hotel's morning is self-service, and a lot of ingredients are prepared.

Naturally, they were not afraid of waste, and threw whatever they saw at the two of them.

After finally escaping into the room and closing the door, the bodies of the two of them, like Christmas trees, were covered with things.

Bai Liusu's head was covered with pasta, while Qin Huanhuan's head was covered with vegetables, fruits and egg whites.

There are also stains from fruit juice and milk on my body. Those things stick to my body and are very uncomfortable.

Seeing each other's embarrassment, the two couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Although it was miserable being thrown by things, there was a good sister by my side who shared weal and woe, that was enough.

After cleaning up, Qin Huan went directly to the director this time.

Of course, when I went out, I was sneaky, and I was afraid of being seen again.

Arriving at the door of the director's room, he rang the doorbell for a long time, but no one opened the door.

 Hello, there are still [-] recommended tickets to add more!
  Do you want it or not?
  Throw it over if you want...



(End of this chapter)

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