Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 170 You Go to Satisfy President Jin's Request

Chapter 170 You Go to Satisfy President Jin's Request
In fact, Bai Liusu had already sent the matter to Xiao Moqian by text message when Qin Huanhuan went in to take a bath.

Xiao Moqian saw that it could be solved.

Seeing that Qin Huanhuan was clearly upset, but trying to act like he wouldn't worry herself, Bai Liusu wanted to tell her the truth several times, but was hesitant about Xiao Moqian's explanation.

I can't tell Qin Huanxi her real identity.

In the end, she still didn't say anything, and with a deep apology, she followed Qin Huanxi to find the director everywhere.

Mr. Jin said that he would divest the capital, and the director would definitely not go to the set today.

After looking around in the hotel, I finally found the director in the gym.

Seeing Qin Huanxi, the director who had always admired her, also had blame in his eyes.

This movie is a big production.

He has poured a lot of effort into it, and as long as it is aired, it will definitely become popular.

But now, he was about to be cut in half, anyone would have a temper.

"Director." Qin Huan pursed her lips and stood beside him.

The director has been running all the time, just glanced at her, and kept moving his feet.

Qin Huanxi was a little embarrassed, but she still bit the bullet and asked, "Director, is there any way to remedy this matter?"

"Do you want to make up for it?" Seeing her asking, the director slowed down the speed on the treadmill and stopped slowly.

"Well, although it's not my fault, I'm really sorry that such a good show has been ruined like this."

The director picked up the towel on his shoulders to wipe off his sweat, got off the treadmill, walked to the water dispenser, and poured a glass of water.

Qin Huan hurriedly followed, she felt that the director would have a way.

"If you want to remedy it, there are only two ways." The director glanced at her, "You don't necessarily know how to do it."

"You say."

"First, you go to meet Mr. Jin's request."

"Impossible." Qin Huan immediately refused.

The director smiled softly, with the look I had guessed a long time ago, "Second, you quit the filming of this TV series."

"Why...?" So dark?
Qin Huanhuan's powerlessness came up from the soles of his feet in an instant.

"If you don't quit, this movie won't be able to be made. It's better to help us." The director left after leaving this sentence.

Qin Huanhuan suddenly felt that his breath was choked in his heart, and he couldn't get through it.

It's obviously Boss Jin's fault, and now it's all on her head.

Could it be that even if you are bullied, you can't resist?
Is it her fault that she resisted?
She now seems to understand why so many artists suffer from depression and commit suicide.

My heart is stuffy, it's very unpleasant.

When she wanted to pour a glass of water slowly, Liu Miaolin came in, and she also walked to the water dispenser.

Qin Huanhuan doesn't know why so many people always target her.

But the problem before her now made her feel very upset, and she didn't want to cause any unnecessary troubles, so she took a step back and let Liu Miaolin take it first.

Liu Miaolin picked up the disposable cup and took the ice water.

With a full cup, he turned around and made a gesture of invitation to Qin Huanhuan.

Qin Huanhuan didn't move, wanting to wait for her to leave before going over.

Unexpectedly, Liu Miaolin's hand holding water fell towards her.

Bai Liusu was startled, and hurried forward to block Liu Miaolin's hand.

Cold water flowed down her cuffs and into her body.

Qin Huan's eyes were burning with anger, "Liu Miaolin, don't go too far."

It's okay to hurt her, but now it's unbearable to implicate her friends.

(End of this chapter)

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