Chapter 178

Not on stage, but out.

Liu Miaolin was astonished as if she had won a 5000 million lottery.

Under everyone's envious and surprised gazes, she put on airs and walked to the stage without haste.

"Stop, did I tell you to come up?" Xiao Ran scolded, with a sullen face, and handed the microphone to Xiao Moqian.

Liu Miaolin was stunned for a moment, didn't she tell her to come out?
All eyes fell on her, and she felt very embarrassed at this moment.

"Liu Xin." Xiao Moqian said these two words slowly with his thin lips.

Liu Miaolin's pupils constricted, and she looked at the priceless man on the stage in horror.

How did he know his name when he sat on the stage?

Xiao Moqian looked at her coldly with eagle-like black eyes.

With such sharp and cold eyes, Liu Miaolin would never naively think that this man has taken a fancy to her.

The atmosphere was tense, and everyone noticed Xiao Moqian's hostile eyes.

It didn't take long for everyone's cell phones to ring.

Including Liu Miaolin's.

She lowered her head and turned on her phone, and a lot of photos of her sitting on the stage before popped up on it.

One after another popped up, and they couldn't be deleted.


She looked around in a panic, afraid that everyone would find the photos on her phone.

However, she found that the way everyone looked at her was very strange!
"It turns out that her dark history is true."

"Don't look, don't look..."

She found that everyone had the same photos as her in their mobile phones.

In an instant, he roared uncontrollably.

The bodyguard directly brought up the two people who had just helped him.

Liu Miaolin just felt that her dealing with Qin Huanhuan was discovered, and she didn't have the consciousness of offending the Great God at all.

Xiao Moqian looked at those two with hostility in his eyes, "Say what you just said again."

The two of them had already been repaired miserably by Xiao Ran. At this time, they were trembling, fearing that if they made a mistake, they would be beaten again, so they confessed directly.

"It was her who said that if we raped that starlet, she would give us a lot of money. No one would shirk this kind of thing that can get money and be comfortable."

"That's right, last time, she told us to destroy your crew's arrangement overnight and hurt that little star. It was all her instigation, and it's none of our business."

The two of them had lingering fears, Xiao Moqian's methods were too powerful, they now had a shadow in their hearts.

She was also responsible for Qin Huanxi's injury last time!
When Xiao Moqian heard the news, his black eyes became even more cold.

"So what if I did it? She's just a lucky star. You'd better delete the photos you received today, otherwise, I'll let Mr. Jin lose your jobs."

Liu Miaolin didn't realize that all the investors had come, but Mr. Jin was missing.

"Before, you arranged for her to be bullied in the central square of the capital?" As soon as she heard her talking about Boss Jin, Xiao Moqian thought of it.

Liu Miaolin couldn't figure out why Xiao Moqian wanted to reveal what she had done, but it was an unspoken rule of the circle, and there were many people who did it, so was she still afraid to say it?
"So what if I did it?"

"Why did you do this?" Xiao Moqian's words were almost squeezed out from the roots of his teeth. This woman is too hateful and should be cut into pieces.

"It's not good to see her."

Xiao Moqian sneered, "Send all the photos you received today to Liu Xin to increase exposure."

Today's photo?
(End of this chapter)

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