Chapter 179 She is my woman
No, if she gets blown up, her dream of a wealthy family will be over, and she still wants to marry a wealthy family!
Xiao Moqian dropped the microphone and walked up to her step by step, "No? Then tell me the truth, why did you do this?"

He didn't believe it, it was just because Qin Huanxi was upset that he would hit him so hard.

Xiao Moqian's aura was already very oppressive.

Now that he is full of hostility, it makes people feel even more fearful.

"Say, otherwise..." Xiao Moqian looked at her condescendingly. If she didn't say anything, he had ten thousand ways to deal with her.

"Mr. Xiao, Qin Huanxi is just an unknown little star. I have everything you want." Liu Miaolin was still not afraid of death, and even hinted to Xiao Moqian that she could accompany him.

"She is my woman, you dare to touch her?" Xiao Moqian's expression was like a Rakshasa who came out of hell.

As soon as he finished speaking, circles of gossip rippled in the hall. Unfortunately, Xiao Moqian's aura was too strong, and they didn't dare to ask.

This news is really too explosive, even more explosive than Lu Yihan's scandal.

Xiao Moqian ignored the reactions of the people around him, and signaled the two bodyguards to step forward, "Put these photos on the headlines of major newspapers and websites."

"Ah!" Liu Miaolin finally couldn't stand Xiao Moqian's aura, and shouted, "I said."

"It's Feng Xi'an, she brought Lin Xiner to see me and incited me, that's why I did this."

"Where's Wang Ningning?" Xiao Moqian remembered that when he saw Wang Ningning today, Xiao Ran couldn't get through his phone, and he also received Bai Liusu's message after he left.

"I don't know this person. I said everything, please don't send the picture, please."

Xiao Moqian thought for a while, "If I find out that there is any false sentence in what you said, I won't let you go."

"Thank you!"

"Thank you now, it's too early, you don't let you feel what you did to Huanhuan, how can you be worthy of your good intentions?"

Xiao Moqian glanced at Xiao Ran, and the bodyguard took her and the two men away.

One can imagine how to punish her.

It's just two men, and it's too cheap for her.

After Liu Miaolin left, Xiao Moqian glanced at the silent crowd, "Qin Huanxi is my Xiao Moqian's woman, whoever dares to make up her mind, should not exist in Country F."

Xiao Ran promptly told what happened to President Jin, "Just now, President Jin's company has gone bankrupt and is now being deported."

Xiao Moqian's expression was still cold, "If you still react like today, then there is no need to shoot this movie."

Xiao Ran said in a spirited manner, "The existence of this drama is entirely for Miss Qin."

These words undoubtedly dropped a bomb in the crowd.

Qin Huanle turned out to be Xiao Moqian's woman, so what did they do to her before?
Many people were secretly shocked.

If they had known that her backer was Xiao Moqian, then they still cared if they could make the film?
Qin Huanxi has such a strong background, but has been so low-key. Isn't this cheating them?
And Gu Yi, when he heard Xiao Moqian announce that Qin Huanhuan was his woman, his handsome eyes darkened.

His confession in the morning was so ridiculous.

Xiao Moqian ignored their reactions, and said in a low voice, "As long as you do your part well, this film will be finished smoothly for you."

 President Xiao finally admitted that Qin Huanhuan was his woman in front of others, but Qin Huanhuan didn't know it yet.

(End of this chapter)

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