Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 194 How dare you mess around in the Xiao family

Chapter 194 How dare you mess around in the Xiao family
People in these wealthy families all pretend to be dignified on weekdays.

In fact, they are all hypocrites with rotten hearts.

All of them had a look of eagerness on their faces.

If the people inside are really...

Then Si-bi, the son of the two great families, is also the number one drama of the year!
Hurry up, the scene inside must be Tang Yingfeng pressing the girl under him fiercely...

The men fantasize about their two companies fighting to the death so that they can reap the benefits.

But the girls were thinking that the girl's reputation would be ruined, and they lost another strong opponent on the way to marry Xiao Moqian.

When the two men put their hands on the doorknob, they found that the door was locked.

This is the territory of the Xiao family, they can't destroy other people's things privately, and break into the door, right?

Amidst the noise, a voice full of anger came, "What are you doing, are you all stuck here?"

Although Mr. Xiao is getting older, his momentum remains the same as before.

Seeing him approaching, the crowd automatically gave way.

Along with him were Xiao Moqian, the Feng family, the Tang family, and the president's family.

An old friend of Mr. Xiao followed behind.

"It's like this, we can't find Young Master Tang and the lady who danced with Mr. Xiao just now..."

"You suspect they're in there?"

Xiao Moqian interrupted them coldly, with deep black eyes, as if he wanted to shoot through the person in front of him.

The man's eyes dodged, and he was frightened by Xiao Moqian's eyes.

In the next second, that person looked at Feng Xi'an.

Feng Xi'an winked at him, and he nodded bravely, "Yes, we have searched in many places."


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a buzzing sound in the room.

Being so close, many people could hear the sound clearly.

"Listen, there are real people."

The man shouted excitedly.

"How dare you mess around in Xiao's house..." Xiao Moqian's tone was colder than before.

It's just that they didn't know if he was talking about random things, or did he mean that they had searched many places, or was it the sound coming from the room.

Xiao Moqian's cold eyes shot at Feng Xi'an.

She dared to do this kind of thing in Xiao's house, it seems that she forgot the last warning.

Feng Xi'an felt guilty, but she still looked up at him, "Brother Qian, I think it's better to open the door and have a look, I believe joy is absolutely innocent."

"The people inside are definitely not Qin Huanxi."

"You don't let everyone in. There are so many people here. It would be bad if people who don't know the truth spread the word after they go out."

"For Joy's innocence, you better open the door!"

Feng Xi'an's left sentence is for Qin Huanxi, and his right sentence is also for Qin Huanxi.

People who don't know the truth are really deceived by her.

Thought she was really that kind.

But she didn't have to tell her her name at first, but now she even gave her first name and last name.

Is it because you are afraid that after entering, everyone will not know the name of the girl inside?
If you are so afraid that you can't wait, everyone will know about it?

Xiao Moqian's thin lips raised a cold arc, as if I just wouldn't open the door.

In the bottom of her heart, Du Shasha cursed Feng Xi'an secretly.

Really useless.

She looked at Mr. Xiao, "Grandpa Xiao, I think that no matter who is inside, if he dares to do such a thing in the Xiao family, he must be pulled out and severely condemned."

"I think, for the sake of the Xiao family's face, we should quickly find out the people inside."

 Your author is now in Macau, and I am the lovely drafter.

(End of this chapter)

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