Chapter 195 Impure Motives
"Heh, don't you think all the rich ladies in country F like to watch such heavy-tasting things? One or two, can't wait to watch these unsightly scenes?"

An angry and sharp female voice came from the stairs.

Everyone followed the sound and saw Ming Chuxin leading Ming Ye slowly walking up the stairs.

Ming Chuxin's sharp gaze swept towards Feng Xi'an and Du Shasha.

She didn't like these two people.

Du Baoguo, who had been silent all this time, looked at Ming Chuxin with extremely complicated emotions in his eyes.

I haven't seen her for many years, but I didn't expect that she still has the same demeanor.

Even more imposing than back then.

It turned out that the outside rumors that she was in poor health were all fake...

Mrs. Selina, who was beside Du Baoguo, looked at Ming Chuxin, and her expression turned pale. "Madam, do you still know that this is Country F?"

Then you still come?Didn't it mean that it would never appear here?

Serena didn't say the latter words, but looking into Ming Chuxin's eyes, she could vaguely see the flames flickering.

Ming Chuxin directly skipped her and looked at Mr. Xiao, "I don't think that girl will be inside."

Mr. Xiao nodded and agreed, "I also think that the person inside will not be her, but this matter is too coincidental. My Xiao family will never tolerate someone playing tricks behind the scenes."

After the words fell, he looked around warningly, his eyes full of warning.

Xiao Moqian still maintained a calm appearance, and his inner thoughts were hard to fathom.

Does he trust Qin Huanxi too much, or does he not care about Qin Huanxi?
It stands to reason that when a man encounters this situation, his reaction should be more intense, right?

Feng Xi'an frowned, raised her charming face, "Since everyone believes that what's inside isn't joy, it should be a couple of lovers who are like-minded."

"It's just that it's too disrespectful for them to do this kind of thing at Grandpa Xiao's banquet."

"Get them out later and let them give an explanation to grandpa."

Du Shasha took the words, "Yes, let them book the marriage."

In this way, Xiao Moqian is hers.

Feng Xi'an looked at this girl who had been helping her with her words with charming eyes.

She could feel that the other party's motives were impure.

But so what?
Except for Qin Huanxi, she is not afraid of other opponents.

Xiao Moqian heard the conversation between the two of them, his black eyes moved slightly, and his thin lips lifted slightly, "It's a good thing that two noble ladies force them to get married."

"Today Xiao will show the beauty of an adult, let everyone see."

Xiao Moqian seemed to be in a very good mood, and there seemed to be a vague smile on his thin lips.

Ming Chuxin was a little worried, after all, she just saw a maid taking Qin Huan up to the second floor.

If the person inside is really Qin Huanxi, then her life will be ruined...

Ming Chuxin looked at Xiao Moqian, as if he wanted to remind him, "Xiao family boy, you..."

However, Xiao Moqian took out the key as if he didn't see her reminder...

The corners of Feng Xi'an's lips curled up in a cold arc.

Soon, Qin Huanxi will be exposed to others in the most unbearable appearance...

As Xiao Moqian unlocked the door, the voice inside became louder and louder.

The action seemed to be getting more and more intense, and the sound of the bed board hitting was heard from time to time.

Apparently, things were intense inside.

Xiao Moqian just unlocked the door, but deliberately did not push the door open.

Feng Xi'an winked at the person she bribed.

 I am a drafter, and the author said that this week's recommendation votes are over 158, and two updates will be added next week.

  Please count more votes to let the author come back.


(End of this chapter)

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