Chapter 199 was designed
Although he didn't say it clearly, everyone knew that the majesty of the Xiao family was inviolable.

Mr. Xiao's words were obviously intended to force the Tang family to marry the girl in the room.

In order not to offend the Xiao family, they could only agree.

In the end, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Tang's father set the wedding date for Tang Yingfeng and Su Shanshan.

Tang family.

"Too much bullying, really too much bullying, why don't you just die, the old guy from the Xiao family."

As soon as Father Tang went back, he called Tang Yingfeng into the study and lost his temper.

A lot of valuable antiques were smashed, and documents were scattered all over the place.

He knew that Tang Yingfeng could not be blamed for this matter, but he still couldn't control his anger.

Tang Yingfeng has already cleaned up and restored his gentle and jade-like image.

He sat opposite the desk, his clear eyes were full of unwillingness, and he slowly picked up the documents that Tang's father dropped on the ground, his eyes didn't know where to look, and he felt that he was floating far away.

"What happened today is that I was designed."

"Hmph." Father Tang sneered, "Did the Xiao family know Qin Huanxi's identity through this move?"

All along, they have done a good job of keeping this matter secret.

But with the means of the Xiao family, it's hard to say that they don't know.

In the Ming family, if you want to search in a high-profile manner, I am afraid that within a month, you will find out everything.

However, they dare not.

Tang Yingfeng was also a little uncertain, and frowned slightly, "Probably not, Xiao Moqian is too proud, and he didn't even bother to do it when he knew about it. His purpose like this is because he loves Huanhuan too much."

Father Tang looked deeply, "This can be regarded as his weakness, and it may be useful to us in the future."

"Father, you can use anyone, but don't use Huanhuan, and don't hurt her, otherwise, you are forcing me to die."

"You..." Tang's father was suddenly speechless by Tang Ying's style, and it took him a while to calm down.

"That girl, besides her status, what else is good? You unfilial son..."

Father Tang angrily threw out the documents that Tang Yingfeng had packed up.

Documents fluttered all over the floor.

Tang Yingfeng had no choice but to bend over and pick up the document again.

Paternity test report?

His eyes were suddenly attracted by a piece of paper.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the paternity test of Ming Chuxin and Qin Huanxi.

Tang Yingfeng's eyes moved slightly, and he hid the piece of paper alone...

at the same time.

Xiao family.

There was a lot of laughter.

Mr. Xiao was very happy because he helped his grandson repel a competitor.

Sending off the guests attending the banquet is the Xiao family's own party.

The old lady Xiao was very happy because there were two more people at the table, and she kept chattering.

In particular, Xiao Zhiqian said that he would live in the capital for a while, which made the two elderly people even happier.

After the meal, the only entertainment program was still going on, playing mahjong.

The old lady Xiao was so heroic that she kept fighting until two o'clock in the middle of the night.

In the end, it was Mr. Xiao who lost his temper, and she left the scene resentfully.

As for Qin Huanxi and Xiao Moqian, after tossing so late, they naturally stayed in the old house for the night.

"There are no extra guest rooms, why don't you, Huanhuan, just squeeze in with Mo Qian for one night?" The old lady Xiao went back and forth, and came here specifically to ask Qin Huanhuan for his opinion.

Originally, when Qin Huanxi was in the villa, she always slept with Xiao Moqian.

However, Mrs. Xiao's ambiguous and probing eyes when she spoke made her face feel hot.

 Da Qiao: "I am indeed my own mother. I will let you eat meat again in the next chapter. Are you happy?"

  Xiao Moqian: "Happy!"

  Big Joe: "Then you know what to do?"

  Xiao Moqian: "Well, everyone, hurry up and vote for the author!"


(End of this chapter)

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