Chapter 200 So delicious! !

She had no choice but to take a scarf from Xiao Moqian's closet and wrap it around.

By the time Qin Huanxi came down, it was already past lunch time.

The two old men sat at the dining table with Xiao Zhiqian, and it seemed that they hadn't started.

Xiao Moqian took Qin Huanxi's hand downstairs, their focus was not on the hands they were holding each other, but on the scarf around Qin Huanxi's neck.

Xiao Zhiqian, a hardcore single man, asked in surprise, "The temperature is [-] degrees today, brother and sister have a cold?"

When Qin Huanle heard his words, his face suddenly became hot.

He turned his head and glared at Xiao Moqian angrily.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Moqian didn't feel shy at all. Instead, he said openly, "Brother, a single dog like you won't understand the fun of dating people like us."

Xiao Moqian held Qin Huanxi's hand, and sat opposite Xiao Zhiqian generously.

Mr. Xiao also took the opportunity to add fuel to the flames, "Mo Qian is right, you should learn from him, and when you come back, the two brothers will grow the Xiao family together. Don't do such a dangerous job outside."

"That's right!" Mrs. Xiao also took the words, "You see, since you were young, you can't beat your brother in anything, and now you even lost to him when you went to your daughter-in-law. You have to work hard!"

Xiao Zhiqian, "..."

Is it a sin to be single?
Should one be attacked alone?
Why can't Xiao Moqian win since childhood?
He was looking at his younger brother, so let him go?

Xiao Zhiqian vigorously flipped through the newspaper in his hand, suddenly...

[The Xiao family's birthday party surprises a white lotus girl]

The big headline on the newspaper immediately attracted Xiao Zhiqian's attention.

He glanced at ten lines, and only after reading did he realize that those people were talking about Qin Huanxi.

What was said above is well-founded. It said that she cheated others of [-] million yuan eight years ago. Eight years ago, she dumped Xiao Moqian for money. Now that the money was gone, she came back to cheat money.

And the name of the person who broke the news was written up openly, it was Zhang Li.

With a dark face, Xiao Zhiqian handed the newspaper to Xiao Moqian.

Xiao Moqian's complexion also changed after reading it.

What the newspaper says is true.

He got up, took the newspaper and went outside to call Xiao Ran.

"How did this happen, you didn't tell me?"

"Master, I have already dealt with it urgently. All the unsold newspapers have been recycled, and that newspaper office has also asked them to close down."

"Check it out?"

"Yes, it was indeed Ms. Zhang who did it. Fortunately, the influence of newspapers is very small now, so no one pays attention to this matter."

Xiao Moqian squeezed out a few words coldly, "She thinks, I really dare not touch her?"

Xiao Ran sighed, but still persuaded, "The current situation is not suitable for the time being."

"Block all news, don't let Huanhuan see it."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Moqian threw the newspaper into the trash can without hesitation.

So what if it's the truth?
Now Huanhuan already has some love for him, and he doesn't mind, even if Qin Huanhuan loves his money, he doesn't mind either.

"Xiao Moqian, why did you run out without eating?"

As soon as he came back, Qin Huanle put food in his bowl.

Xiao Moqian put the food she picked up into his mouth and chewed it carefully.

Really delicious! !

Looking at Qin Huanhuan, a warm smile appeared on his thin lips, "I just suddenly remembered that there are still some things that the company has not explained."

"Thank you, eat more." Qin Huanle put another oyster into his bowl.

 It was raining, it was very hot the past few days, and now it has become a little cooler.

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(End of this chapter)

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