Chapter 201 Need to make up more
"Yes, it is necessary to make up more." The old lady Xiao put oysters into Xiao Moqian's bowl with a narrow expression on her face.

Then Mr. Xiao and Xiao Zhiqian put them in his bowl.

His bowl was full of oysters.

Xiao Moqian, "..."

"Haha..." Qin Huan saw him being bullied and smiled very happily.

Never had the chance to see Xiao Moqian like this.

Unexpectedly, one day, she would be able to sit and eat with his family and become his fiancee.

Everything is like a dream...
Metropolitan Central Plaza.

in the cafe.

Qin Huanxi is shooting an advertisement here.

Now she is still an unknown little star, she has filmed a few movies and is still doing post-editing, and none of them have been released.

So the workload is not very big.

After finishing this work, she will travel with the three in the dormitory.

When it was time to finish work, she ran into Qin Qingqing, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

Qin Qingqing was wearing high heels, wearing a white skirt, with her arms around her chest, looking at her from a distance.

When Qin Huan found Qin Qingqing, she had stood there looking at it for a long time.

Qin Qingqing came here specially to wait for her today.

Ever since Qin Qingqing learned about Qin Huanxi from Susan Shan, she couldn't sit still.

In the past few months, she has been looking for opportunities to get close to Xiao Moqian, but she hasn't even seen a shadow.

Unexpectedly, Qin Huanxi, who was picked up with a low status, turned out to be Xiao Moqian's fiancée.

The world is so funny!

She is really angry, but the situation is stronger than people.

Qin Huanxi is now Xiao Moqian's fiancée, maybe he can introduce her to the noble sons of those aristocratic families.

Or maybe after being with Qin Huanxi for a long time, Xiao Moqian has taken a fancy to him?
After all, he looks much better than Qin Huanhuan's little hoof.

After thinking for a long time, Qin Qingqing came directly to Qin Huanxi.

Qin Qingqing completely feels good about herself. Anyone who is not blind can tell that Qin Huanxi is more beautiful than her by more than one level.

Looking at Qin Qingqing standing there proudly, Qin Huan felt a little headache.

Every time I see her, there is always some entanglement.

Just as she was about to pretend she didn't see it, Qin Huanhuan's phone rang suddenly.

Qin Qingqing actually called herself?

Qin Huanxi swiped the answer button unexpectedly.

"Sister, let's eat together!"

Bai Liusu has been following Qin Huanxi recently, and when she saw that it was Qin Qingqing's call, she leaned over to listen.

Qin Qingqing had been bullying Qin Huanhuan before, and Bai Liusu was really worried.

Have a meal?

When Qin Hanguo was first hospitalized, Qin Qingqing and her mother didn't even give her leftovers.

Call now to ask her out for dinner?

Is there such a good thing?
Qin Huanhuan thought it was very funny.

I also guessed something in my heart.

Thinking of what Qin Qingqing did to her before, she agreed without even thinking about it.

Now I don't need to rely on the Qin family at all, and Qin Hanguo also has doctors arranged by Xiao Moqian for special consultations, so I don't need to be threatened by them anymore.

Just take this opportunity to speak clearly with them.

Qin Huan directly invited Qin Qingqing to the hot pot restaurant where she ate with Bai Liusu and Xiao Xiao last time.

It's just that this time I want a box.

Bai Liusu was worried that Qin Huanxi would be alone, so he followed her.

As expected, Qin Qingqing was not the only one in the box, Chen Chunhua also came.

She still looked domineering, and looked at Qin Huanhuan with her nostrils, "You damn girl has grown up! You haven't been home for so long, did you do something messy outside?"

 Xiao Moqian: "Stupid author, why do you want me to eat so many oysters?"

  Da Qiao: "Benefit more to have the strength to eat meat!"

  Xiao Moqian: "Get out, if you don't love me, I will have more strength to eat meat."

(End of this chapter)

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