Chapter 253
There was nothing on it except her name and address.

Fortunately, Qin Huanxi is quite courageous. If she were replaced by another actress, she might be scared to death.

Someone is deliberately targeting her, she is now more and more sure.

After putting away her things, she went directly to the police station.

But apart from the courier, there was no other evidence, and the police only made records for her.

When she came out of the police station, Qin Huan vaguely felt that someone was following her.

The driver who picked her up today happened to be busy, so she asked the driver to go back first.

She deliberately walked fast and slow, and the people behind her also walked fast and slow.

Qin Huanle made sure that there was only one person in the other party, so she turned a corner into an alley.

The people behind followed up, but unexpectedly, there was no trace of her.

While looking for it, someone tapped on the shoulder from behind.

When the man turned his head, he saw Qin Huanle smiling at her.

The light was dim, and Qin Huanle only saw what seemed to be a very long scar on the man's face.

The man didn't expect Qin Huanhuan to appear behind him, and there was panic in his eyes. In an instant, the man raised his right hand, and sprayed the things in his hand on Qin Huanhuan's eyes.

Qin Huanhuan quickly closed her eyes, her tears were about to flow out.

The man took advantage of this gap and ran away quickly.

Qin Huanhuan's eyes were tightly closed, unable to open them.

She only felt the burning pain, the burning pain.

Ignoring the person who attacked her, she searched out the phone, unlocked it with her fingerprints, and found the phone key by feeling.

Unable to see, she had to randomly dial a recently dialed number.

The call was quickly connected, but Qin Huanhuan seemed to have passed a century.

"Hi, Huanhuan."

She actually pressed Xiao Moqian's phone number. Qin Huanle was in so much pain that she couldn't stand it, and said in a very urgent voice, "Xiao Moqian, I was sprayed into my eyes by pepper spray in an alley 500 meters behind the police station..."

"Stay where you are." Xiao Moqian's tone was full of urgency, he hurriedly took his coat, and walked out of the company with long legs.

He hung up Qin Huanhuan's phone, and dialed another number, "Doctor Ou, wait for me near the police station first, and bring the medicine kit."

Xiao Moqian moved very quickly, but fortunately, Qin Huanxi's position was not far from here.

Ten minutes later, he and Dr. Ou arrived.

Doctor Ou treated Qin Huanhuan, but the man was so aggressive that Qin Huanhuan's eyes were swollen.

Xiao Moqian looked at Qin Huanhuan's swollen walnut-like eyes, feeling very heartbroken, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Qin Huanle told him the matter, and Xiao Moqian's face became even worse.

Sending horrible couriers, stalking, and spraying pepper spray are all aimed at Qin Huanxi.

"Why don't you stay in the villa during this time and don't go anywhere?"

In the car, Xiao Moqian held Qin Huanxie's hand and tentatively suggested.

"But... my job..." Seeing Xiao Moqian's expression, Qin Huan was a little afraid that he would directly order her not to film.

"Safety is the most important thing."

"But I signed the contract, and the artistry of this show is so high, I really want to do it."

It's fine if it's another director's play, but director Li's play, many actors have been looking forward to it for a lifetime, but they can't wait for it.

"Hey!" Xiao Moqian rubbed the center of his brows with a headache, "How about I let Mo Feng protect you personally!"

"Him?" Qin Huanle was a little incredulous, "That funny guy?"

"He's very skilled. With him around, I can rest assured that I won't go out alone next time."

 Be cute and roll around begging for tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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