Chapter 254

"But..." Qin Huanxi still wanted to refute.

"Either stay in the villa, or let Mo Feng protect you."

Xiao Moqian's tone was tough, he couldn't let anything happen to Qin Huanhuan again.

"Okay! Mo Feng protects me, but don't forget, I'm pretty good too, and I've learned how to snipe recently. If it wasn't for the cunning man just now, I wouldn't have been caught!"

"I know, you are the best!" Xiao Moqian looked at Qin Huanhuan, with a smile in his eyes.

"You laugh at me."

"Don't dare."

The car quickly drove back to the villa. When Qin Huanxi opened the car door and was about to get out of the car, Xiao Moqian quickly came to her.

He took her hand and hugged her up.

"Xiao Moqian, let me down quickly, Mrs. Lin is here!" Qin Huanle whispered in his ear.

Xiao Moqian raised his eyebrows, "Are you shy?"

"Stop talking, let me down."

"You are hurt."

"My eyes were hurt." Seeing Xiao Moqian's calm expression, Qin Huanxi almost gritted his teeth and said these words.

But Xiao Moqian acted as if he didn't hear her, and walked in with her in his arms.

"Master, Miss Qin, you are back!" Aunt Lin walked towards them with a box in her hand, "This is Miss Qin's courier."

Qin Huanxi was placed on the sofa by Xiao Moqian, followed Aunt Lin's voice as she looked over, her heart skipped a beat.

The size of this courier is about the same as what she received today.

Also, she hasn't bought anything online recently.

With a lot of thoughts in my heart, I looked at the courier and my eyes became serious.
Sensing Qin Huanhuan's emotional change, Xiao Moqian gave her a reassuring look, and immediately took the courier outside the door carefully.

Qin Huanxi was worried and followed her out.

"Xiao Moqian, be careful."


Xiao Moqian looked at Qin Huanxi behind him, and said worriedly, "Stay away."

He slowly removed the plastic seal from the courier, and a light blue box slowly appeared in front of their eyes.

Qin Huanxi frowned as she watched, "Xiao Moqian, this is the box..."

Xiao Moqian opened the box, and inside was a small toy doll whose limbs had been cut off.

Moreover, the doll's body was sprayed with red color, which looked terrifying and disgusting...

Qin Huanhuan walked over and picked up the doll. As soon as she picked it up, the doll's head fell off.

Qin Huanle frowned and said, "This person must have a psychological problem, otherwise he wouldn't be so extreme. It looks like he's going to cut his body apart!"

"Aren't you afraid?" Xiao Moqian looked at Qin Huanle's carefully scrutinized expression and felt that she had really grown up.

Qin Huan raised her eyes to look at him, with a smile on her lips, "With you here, what am I afraid of?"

"But you still have to be more careful." Xiao Moqian told him worriedly, he put away all the couriers, and called Xiao Ran to check all these things.

After Xiao Ran found out, he told Xiao Moqian that it was probably Feng Xi'an who did it.

And judging from today's events, she was only targeting Qin Huanxi, but he sent many people out, but none of them found her.

Xiao Moqian listened, and secretly sent several bodyguards to Qin Huanxi.
The matter of Qin Huanxi being adopted as a foster child has become a hot topic on the Internet, and the heat has become even higher these days, but Qin Huanxi chose not to respond in a low-key manner.

Since others deliberately teased her, if she responded, she might fall right into their arms.

In the next few days, Qin Huanxi started working as usual, except for the villa and the studio every day.

Like Bai Liusu, Mo Feng said that he was her assistant.

After following for a few days, there was no movement from the person hiding in the dark.

On the contrary, on the Internet, there was another news about Qin Huanxi abandoning his relatives after becoming popular.

 It's a new week, and this week's recommended tickets are full of 111 plus one update, and full of 222 plus two updates.

  Little cuties, book reviews and so on, come here!


(End of this chapter)

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