Chapter 285 He actually reacted...

"Then you plan to..." Before he could say a few words about how to help me, Qin Huanxi lay flat on the table without any warning.

"Qin Huanxi, Qin Huanxi?" Zhang Li stretched out his hand and pushed her for a long time, but she didn't respond.

On Zhang Li's face, there was a triumphant smile, "Fight with me?"

She walked up to Qin Huanxi and pinched her face so hard that her expression became ferocious, as if Qin Huanhuan had a deep hatred for her.

After pinching for a long time, she took out the ice cubes and picked up a towel to cover her face.

When the ice didn't leave any traces on her face, Zhang Li continued to pinch her, still muttering, "I told you to scold me, I told you to seduce Haohao..."

When she got tired of pinching, she called a few people to come out and carry Qin Huanxi away from the back door.
The driver waited outside for more than an hour, but Qin Huanhuan hadn't come out yet.

He had a bad premonition, and when he entered the coffee shop, he didn't see Qin Huanhuan, so he called Mo Feng directly.

Mo Feng was sleeping at this time, he reached out to answer the phone, "Hello?"

"Hello, Mr. Mo, Miss Qin seems to be missing." On the other end of the phone was the driver's anxious voice.

When Mo Feng heard this, he suddenly lost his sleepiness, and sat up after a while.

The quilt on her body also slipped off, revealing a trace of a naked body.

He looked at his naked self, and was dumbfounded for a moment. From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Xiao Ran, who was sleeping shirtless and shirtless...

"Ahhh..." Mo Feng yelled unbearably.

"Hey, Hero Mo, what's the matter with you?" The driver was startled by his roar like a lion. Now Miss Qin is gone, and Hero Mo seems to be crazy, so what should I do?
Call the president?

When he thought of losing Miss Qin, a layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on his back...

It took a long time before Mo Feng returned to normal. He said to the phone, "Where are you now? I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Mo Feng looked at Xiao Ran who was awakened by him.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds before Mo Feng said, "I... I, we..."

His eyes kept looking at Xiao Ran who was under the quilt, wanting to see if he was also fruitful.

Xiao Ran's face was pale, and he snorted coldly, "Why are you nervous, this is not the first time we have been like this."

"What is this like?" Mo Feng was about to go crazy, he admitted that Xiao Ran was more beautiful than ordinary girls, but he was normal in his heart!He likes girls.

Moreover, he just said... Mo Feng stared at him with wide eyes, "You, just said that this is not the first time we have done this?"

Xiao Ran ignored him, directly lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

He just heard on the phone that Qin Huanhuan was missing, and now he must go find him quickly, or his master will run away again.

Mo Feng looked at his bare upper body, then his abdominal muscles, and then...

"Ah..." Xiao Ran really did.

Moreover, he actually reacted...

Mo Feng was frightened to death.

Turn over the quilt and quickly put on the clothes.

This guy, this guy is poisonous...

By the time they arrived at the cafe by car, 10 minutes had passed.

"Assistant Xiao, why are you here too?" The driver asked anxiously. Did the CEO know that Assistant Xiao was here?
Sure enough, his hunch was correct, and not long after, Xiao Moqian also appeared.

He exudes a gloomy aura, and his face is very scary.

(End of this chapter)

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