Chapter 286
The driver was too scared to speak by his aura.

In the end, it was Mo Feng who found out whether Qin Huanxi had left with Zhang Li.

Xiao Moqian immediately checked the surveillance in the store, and called Zhang Li again.

Zhang Li didn't answer over there, Xiao Moqian became more and more flustered.

On the surveillance, I checked several times, but there was no sign of Qin Huanxi and Zhang Li.

After watching it for a long time, Xiao Moqian came to a conclusion, "This monitoring system is probably hacked."

The monitoring could not find it, and Zhang Li's phone call was not answered. He hurriedly summoned his men and searched for Qin Huanxi all over the city.

He had no news of Qin Huanxi until the afternoon, and she seemed to have evaporated from the world.

In the car, Xiao Moqian rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

He has mobilized all possible means, including asking Xiao Ran to go to the police station to check all the surveillance cameras in the capital, and sending people to search for Qin Huanxi in all possible places, but everything is in vain...

Even he himself drove around the capital several times, but still had no news.

Could it be that he was out of town?
Xiao Moqian frowned tightly, his whole body was shrouded in worry.

He looked at the increasingly late sky, and was very worried in his heart, so he called Xiao Ran to let Xiao Ran pay attention to the movements outside the city,
After hanging up the phone, he stepped on the accelerator and flew towards the cotton-flower garden.

Zhang Li didn't answer his phone, no problem, he can go find her by himself.
Red Cotton Garden.

Zhang Li is drinking afternoon tea leisurely.

Xiao Moqian rushed in angrily, but the attendants couldn't stop him, he walked all the way to Zhang Li.

His deep black eyes were full of anger, as if he wanted to swallow Zhang Li alive.

The voice of the opening was very restrained and obscurity, very blunt, "Say, where did you take Huanhuan?"

Zhang Li put down the quilt in her hand, and there was deliberately complicated expression in her eyes, "Mo Qian, that girl is not suitable for you, I don't want my son to be ruined by her hands."

"I'm not your son." Xiao Moqian's thin lips were pursed tightly, and the veins on his forehead were full of veins. If it wasn't for asking Qin Huanxie's whereabouts, he might have turned the table over by hand.

"Mo Qian, how could you treat your mother like this? Just because of that woman who can't stand on stage?" Zhang Li looked heartbroken.

She clutched her chest tightly, "I went to find her today, just to persuade her to live a good life with you, but I didn't expect..."

Having said that, she paused, and looked at Xiao Moqian with sad eyes, "She actually knew Haohao, we just arrived at the cafe, and Haohao also came over, when she saw Haohao, she followed him through the back door gone."

"Don't say that, I won't believe it, you hand her over." Xiao Moqian approached her, his black eyes were icy cold.

"I didn't hide her, what did you ask me to give you? Maybe she will go home after chatting with Haohao."

Zhang Li shook her head slowly, as if she couldn't believe that her son would treat her in such pain.


With a loud noise, the dining table in front of Zhang Li shattered.

The attendant ran up quickly, and was about to fight Xiao Moqian.

"Stand back." Zhang Li yelled, and all the followers stood in place.

She looked at Xiao Moqian, and said earnestly, "I really didn't hide her, if you don't believe me, you can search, or, you can make a phone call, go home and ask, to see if she has gone back?"

Her eyes were frank and sincere, and she met Xiao Moqian's black eyes without fear.

(End of this chapter)

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