Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 302 Don't Love Xiao Moqian at All

Chapter 302 Don't Love Xiao Moqian at All

Suppressing the discomfort, she said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about? Wang Ningning, you have to speak with your conscience!"

Seeing Qin Huanhuan yelling at herself like this, Wang Ningning shrank her neck in fear, "Huanhuan, I can't let you lie, even if you go back and beat me or scold me, I can't let so many people be killed. You cheated.

She doesn't love Xiao Moqian at all, she is just greedy for President Xiao's money..."

Wang Ningning had a righteous face, as if she was going all out, "She still loves Tang Yingfeng. If you don't believe me, I have a recording of her confession."

Wang Ningning turned on the phone, which was secretly recorded by Qin Huanxi when she was filming.

Besides sending it to Xiao Moqian, she saved a copy in her mobile phone.

The reporters listened carefully. They were already good at catching wind and shadows. Now, with this recording, they don't know how to write.

Qin Huanhuan was physically weak at first, and now he has no strength to fight back.

After the recording was finished, Wang Ningning put away the phone and put it in the bag.

When I lowered my head, there was an uncontrollable smile in my eyes, Qin Huanxi, let's see how you die this time!
She was so happy that she wanted to spin around immediately.

But she couldn't, trying her best to suppress the excitement in her heart, Wang Ningning raised her eyes, "Now, do you know what kind of person she is? What qualifications does a person like her have to stay by President Xiao's side? What qualifications does she have to become the first The wife of a male god?
I think President Xiao will make the right choice after knowing her true face. "

Qin Huanhuan's head hurts from her accusation.

If it was in a normal state, she would definitely pounce on it first, beat her to the ground and then come to reason with her.

But just now because of Xiao Moqian, she was too sad, and now she is in a very bad state...

Thinking of Xiao Moqian, the grief in her eyes overflowed again...

While immersed in grief, a cold voice sounded, "She is not qualified, do you think your crippled face is qualified?"

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound. Xiao Moqian was wearing casual clothes with messy hair, but he couldn't conceal his innate arrogance.

With long legs, he walked towards the crowd step by step.

Qin Huanhuan couldn't believe her eyes. She couldn't be too sad and hallucinated, right?

She rubbed her eyes, Xiao Moqian in front of her didn't disappear, but got closer and closer to her.

Hearing Xiao Moqian's words, Wang Ningning's entire face turned pale...

The reporters surrounded him even more excitedly. President Xiao appeared, and the climax of the matter came.

Usually they wanted to interview him, but they couldn't meet anyone. Unexpectedly, today, he came out by himself.

Xiao Moqian's eyes were always on Qin Huanxi.

Seeing her pale face, Wei Mi's sluggish affection, the self-blame in my heart deepened a bit.

He really shouldn't, shouldn't have been unable to control his emotions, and made Qin Huanxi feel wronged.

Qin Huan stared blankly at the man who was getting closer and closer to him, and couldn't help trembling in his heart...

Xiao Moqian walked up to Qin Huanhuan, without even thinking about it, he hugged her into his arms.

The reporter immediately raised the camera and the flashes kept flashing to record this historic moment.

Du Shasha was sitting in the car, from the moment Xiao Moqian appeared, her eyes had been glued to him.

Seeing him walking towards Qin Huanxi, she couldn't see anyone else except Qin Huanxi in her eyes. Her nails were ruthlessly grabbing the leather of the car seat, and the leather seat made her buckle cracks...

Things seem to have turned so unexpectedly.

Wang Ningning, who was surrounded by reporters just now, stood aside with a pale face...

 Today's update is complete!

  Thank you to the little cuties who voted for me!
  Thank you to those who support me!

(End of this chapter)

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