Chapter 303 Fucked with Bao Sihao
After hugging for a long time, Xiao Moqian whispered in Qin Huanxi's ear, "Huanhuan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The tears in Qin Huanhuan's eyes couldn't help falling down. She didn't want to be photographed by the reporter, so she hid herself in his generous arms.

She wiped away her tears, and with a hoarseness after being sad, she asked in a low voice, "Xiao Moqian, do you want me anymore?"

Since yesterday, when the news broke out yesterday, she has been worrying about this problem.

Just now, when he saw the picture of terror, her heart was completely flustered. Is he blaming her?

Did he dislike her?

But she, facing such a real photo, couldn't find anything to refute.

She couldn't remember at all when those photos were taken of herself...

"How come, my baby, it's too late for you, how could I not want you..." Xiao Moqian hugged her tightly, his voice trembling, if he lost his Huanhuan, then he really deserved to die.

"But...but, you lost your temper with me just now, and I heard the sound of you smashing the mirror..."

"No, I'm not angry with you, I'm angry with the person who designed to frame you..."

"So, do you believe me?" Qin Huanxi withdrew from his arms in disbelief, and looked at him fixedly.

"I believe in you, I think you should also believe in me, I love you!" Xiao Moqian said affectionately, looking at Qin Huanxie's tear-stained face, couldn't help it, and kissed her.

This time, the reporter would not let it go. They took pictures during the whole process, and someone even started a live broadcast.

This time, President Xiao sprinkled a lot of dog food on the single dog.

After he had kissed enough, he brought Qin Huanxi to stand in front of the reporter, and the aura of a superior person was undisguised.

"You guys bullied her just now?" Xiao Moqian's deep black eyes scanned the crowd.

Just one glance made those people tremble with fear.

Xiao Moqian embraced Qin Huanxie's slender and thin shoulders, declaring his sovereignty, his eyes were deep, his voice was soft but with oppression that could not be ignored, "Qin Huanxie is my wife, the wife of President Xiao, how dare you bully her? Have you thought about it?" Is it the end?"

There was a moment of silence in the arena, and the reporters were overwhelmed by his aura.

After a long time, when his coercion was not so strong, someone said weakly, "We also have the right to freedom of the press, and it is legal for us to do so..."

Xiao Moqian looked in the direction of the sound, and the reporter who had just spoken fell silent immediately.

The look in his eyes is really terrifying.

"I didn't deprive you of your right to freedom. Of course, you have to be clear. If you don't give my wife face, you don't give me Xiao Xiao's face. If my wife is unhappy, then, you..."

He paused for a moment, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, which was very warning.

Although he didn't finish his words, it was even more terrifying than finishing his words.

They have also heard a little about what happened to the reporters who blocked Qin Huanxi in the dress shop last time...

Thinking about it, cold sweat trickled down his back.

Looking at the expressions of the reporters, Wang Ningning felt unwilling.

They planned for so long and made so much effort to provoke him and Qin Huanxi, but they failed every time.

How could Qin Huanhuan be so lucky?

How can you have such a perfect man?
She refuses to accept it, she doesn't want to!

The expression on Wang Ningning's face became ferocious because of jealousy, and her voice became sharper, "Xiao Moqian, don't be fooled by her, she obviously slept with Bao Sihao that day."

 Little cuties, can I weakly ask for a ticket?

  Both the recommendation ticket and the monthly pass...

(End of this chapter)

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