Chapter 324 Treasure in hand
It's a pity that Xiao Moqian held such a treasure in his hand, but he didn't know it.

Thinking about it this way, Tang's father's heart, bleeding from the loss of such a good project, instantly felt better.

He readily asked someone to deliver the contract, and after signing it, he quickly took Susan away.

When Qin Qingqing saw that Su Shanshan was leaving, she followed behind her and walked out.

But after walking a few steps, she heard Xiao Moqian's cold and stern voice, which made her stop suddenly in fright.

"Miss Qin, I advise you not to provoke my wife casually, otherwise, it won't be so easy to let you go next time..." Xiao Moqian's voice was cold and without warmth.

Qin Qingqing couldn't help shivering after hearing this, nodded and said, "I remember."

As soon as she finished speaking, she disappeared into the office like the wind.

Seeing that everyone had left, Qin Huanle and Mrs. Xiao came out of the lounge.

"My good grandson, grandma is amazing. You have benefited so much by acting in a random play." The old lady Xiao came out with a proud face, as if everyone should come and praise me.

Qin Huanhuan had a smile on his brows and eyes.

This was just an extremely simple thing in their daily work, but it allowed her to see Xiao Moqian's ability to dig holes.

This man is really outstanding.

"Huanhuan." Xiao Moqian did not answer the old lady, but instead turned his eyes on Qin Huanhuan.

This little girl, did you just see Tang Yingfeng in the video?

He carefully looked at Qin Huanxi's expression, and found that there was no trace of sadness or pity, so he settled down.
Susan followed Tang's father back to Tang's house. The family doctor helped her deal with the wound on her face, and she stayed in the guest room to rest.

Woke up after a nap, the sky was slightly dark.

Tang's house is manor-style, and Susan happened to be resting in the building where the owner's house lived.

When she woke up, her first reaction was to find Tang Yingfeng.

It's a rare opportunity to come to the Tang family, how could she not hurry up and develop a relationship with Tang Yingfeng?
Going out along the corridor, the doors of many rooms were tightly closed. She searched one by one, but couldn't find Tang Yingfeng.

When she reached the corner of the stairs, she wanted to go directly downstairs, but unexpectedly, Father Tang's voice came from inside.

"Xiao Moqian is really too much. Since he is so heartless, we can't blame us for Qin Huanxi's status."

"Father..." Tang Yingfeng interrupted him rather disapprovingly, "Huanhuan is innocent, she has the right to know her background."

"The benevolence of a woman." Tang's father was full of anger. His son was raised too gentle and not domineering enough.

Tang Yingfeng wanted to refute, but he didn't dare to offend his father's coercion.

Tang's father went on to say, "If Xiao Moqian knows that Qin Huanhuan is the daughter of the Ming family, then it may be impossible for our Tang family to surpass the Xiao family in this lifetime.

I'm all for the future of our Tang family, can you understand? "

Seeing Tang's father explaining to himself earnestly, Tang Yingfeng finally nodded, "I understand."

"It's good to understand. When Mingye comes next time, we will tell him directly that we haven't found it."

"However, if the Ming family finds out in the future, will they turn their anger on us? After all, they are a big family in country A. Not to mention the current status of the president, the strength of the Ming family alone cannot be ignored." Tang Yingfeng asked To be worried, of course, his actual mind is to persuade his father to change his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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