Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 325 Sleeping With You Today

Chapter 325 Sleeping With You Today
"What are you afraid of? You can't do big things because you are afraid of your hands and feet. If you were more decisive at the beginning, Qin Huanxi now belongs to our family. You still use it to mess with Big Susan's belly, and you are forced to marry such a person who is right in our family." A useless woman?"

Father Tang's tone suddenly rose, and his tone was full of blame for Tang Yingfeng.

Tang Yingfeng remained silent and stood there quietly.

Tang's father saw it, and became even angrier. He took something from the desk and threw it at him, "Get out."

Tang Yingfeng shouldered it abruptly, and walked towards the door without saying a word.

Knowing that Tang Yingfeng was coming out, Susan's heart beat fast.

It's just that she had just eavesdropped on such an important secret, and she was a little guilty, not daring to be hit by Tang Yingfeng. She saw that there was an open door next to her, so she quickly dodged to hide in it.
Qin Huanhuan's work is coming to an end. After filming today, she arranged for senior nurses to take care of Qin Hanguo in the hospital, and took Qin's mother to the villa.

There are two days until her wedding with Xiao Moqian, and Qin Huanxi has already made preparations.

The wedding dress that Lu Di helped her design was placed in the villa, which immediately caught Qin's mother's attention.

It was a wedding dress that combined oriental and western elements. It looked very noble but not soft and elegant.

Under the exquisite handcraft, countless rain butterflies are lifelike, presenting an excellent elegant beauty.

This wedding dress is really suitable for Qin Yuele's elegant temperament.

Qin's mother felt that Xiao Moqian must love Qin Huanxi more than she imagined if she could customize such a special wedding dress for his wife.

Qin Huanxi was also stunned by the beauty of the wedding dress. She knew that Xiao Moqian had been preparing for a long time, but she never expected it to be such a dignified, noble but graceful wedding dress.

All of a sudden, moved, surprised, and warmth filled her chest, full of warmth.

Qin Huan arranged a room for Qin's mother. At first, she wanted to rely on her to sleep with her mother, but how could Qin's mother not understand the thoughts of young people, she finally refused to let Qin Huan sleep with her.

However, it was already late at night, and Xiao Moqian also walked out of Qin's mother's guest room countless times, but Qin Huanxi still nestled on the sofa in Qin's mother's room and refused to leave.

"Huanhuan." Mother Qin felt a ripple in her heart when she saw her daughter who was so dependent on her.

The daughter she raised loved her after all.

After struggling for a long time, she took out the jade gourd from her bag, which was the one Qin Huan saw in the hospital last time.

When Qin Huan heard her mother calling him, she raised her eyes in surprise, "Mom, do you agree that I will sleep with you today?"

She ran from the sofa to Qin's mother and hugged her.

The corners of Qin's mother's lips curled up into a smile, and she nodded her head fondly with her hand, "They are all about to get married, and they are still so rude."

"But, I haven't had a good chat with you for a long time. I miss you so much." Qin Huanxi hugged Qin's mother even tighter.

Mother Qin's heart was complicated, so she finally raised her hand and placed the jade gourd in front of Qin Huanxie's eyes, "This jade gourd will be your mother's dowry."

"Wow!" Qin Huanxi didn't know why, but he liked this little thing very much.

At this time, seeing Mother Qin giving the jade gourd to herself, her eyes were particularly bright, like stars in the night.

Seeing Qin Huanxi so happy, Qin's mother gently scratched the tip of Qin Huanxi's nose, "Silly girl, everything is written on your face, you will suffer a lot!"

"No, no, I'm just so cute in front of you." Qin Huanhuan smiled innocently.

 The author Jun got sunburned in Tianjin. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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