Chapter 326
"Yes, you are my mother's sweetheart." Qin's mother untied the red string of the jade gourd and put it on Qin Huanhuan's neck, "Huanhuan, you must wear this jade gourd with you, promise mother."

Qin's mother spoke very carefully. Infected by her emotions, Qin Huanxi couldn't help but nodded.

She rubbed the cool pendant, and her heart rippled.

Every time she saw this pendant, she felt familiar.

Qin's mother carefully put the jade gourd into Qin Huanxi's clothes, and asked again, "It's just mother's family heirloom, you must keep it well."


"Okay, that kid Mo Qian's footsteps are getting faster and faster. If you don't go back, he might break the floor later." Mother Qin looked at Qin Huanhuan teasingly.

"Mom..." Being ridiculed by her mother, Qin Huanhuan's fair and delicate face suddenly turned red.

"Let's go, let's go!" Mother Qin took Qin Huanhuan's hand and pushed her out of the door.


Qin Huanhuan was pushed out by Qin's mother in a few moments. When she looked back, Qin's mother had already closed the door tightly.

She sighed helplessly, turned around and walked towards the bedroom, just two steps away, she saw a man wandering back and forth in the corridor.

Xiao Moqian was wearing pajamas at home, with the laziness after bathing, his hair was slightly wet, and the broken hair on his forehead was casually turned aside, adding a bit of gentleness to him.

His steps were messy and hurried.

Her dark eyes were deep and her thin lips were tightly pressed, as if she was controlling her emotions.

Seeing his lost appearance, Qin Huanxi laughed softly.

Hearing the noise, Xiao Moqian raised his eyes, and at a glance, he saw the smiling little woman standing opposite.

His deep black eyes were full of tenderness, his thin lips showed a smile, and he walked towards Qin Huanhuan quickly, "Huanhuan."

He hugged Qin Huanxi tightly, and because of his excitement, he hugged her and turned around several times in a row.

Qin Huanxi felt a little dizzy, "Xiao Moqian, put me down quickly, I'm dizzy."

"En." Xiao Moqian hugged Qin Huanxi in his arms. He thought that he was destined to stay alone in the empty room tonight, but he didn't expect Qin Huanxi to come back.

When he walked to the door of the bedroom, seeing that Qin Huanle's expression had improved a little, he excitedly threw her up again.

"Ah!" Qin Huanxi screamed loudly when she was caught off guard by this unexpected action.

She was thrown high by Xiao Moqian, and then fell steadily into his generous arms.

"You scared me to death." Qin Huanxi patted Xiao Moqian's chest lightly, and his slightly coquettish tone made the man's Adam's apple roll up and down several times.

"Little fairy, you are seducing me." Xiao Moqian's voice was low and hoarse to the extreme.

Qin Huanxi was speechless, and her beating him turned into a seduction?

She curled her lips and teased, "Then you are too seductive, aren't you? Hit you casually a few times, with this look on your face, I don't feel safe marrying you!"

"I only responded to you." Xiao Moqian's voice was a few degrees lower than before.

He hugged Qin Huanxi, and easily let go of one hand to open the door.

As soon as he entered, he walked towards the big bed.

Qin Huanxi knew his purpose, and was afraid that he would leave marks on her body. When she got married the day after tomorrow, she wouldn't even be able to wear the wedding dress.

She said hastily, "Xiao Moqian, put me down, I'm going to take a bath."

"I do not mind."

"But I don't want to, I want to take a bath."

"Then together."

Before Qin Huanle made any objection, Xiao Moqian turned around and carried her to the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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