Chapter 333 Why Did It Disappear?

Before the smile on Xiao Moqian's face disappeared, the second after Qin Huanhuan's body disappeared, he gave an order, "Lockdown the entire hotel, not a single mosquito can fly out."

Things happened very quickly, and Xiao Moqian's reaction was also very fast.

Before everyone could react, KINGPARK was immediately blocked.

Even the president who came to the wedding was no exception.

Du Baoguo glanced at Du Shasha quietly, and Du Shasha nodded to him calmly, and his hanging heart finally settled down.

Now that the decision has been made, there is no room for regret.

I just hope that Shude can do it cleanly, and don't let Xiao Moqian catch any tricks.
The bodyguards looked around, but they didn't find anyone going out in the hotel.

But Qin Huanxi just disappeared without a sound...

Xiao Moqian frowned, his whole body exuded an extremely cold hostility.

Xiao Zhiqian also mobilized the power of the army and searched around the capital, but there was no trace of him.

Good man, why did he disappear?

After confirming that Qin Huanxie was not in the hotel, and checking all possible people, Xiao Moqian finally let the guests who came to drink the wedding wine go back.

On the day of the wedding, the bride disappeared in a strange manner. This incident could have been reported as a headline.

But Xiao Moqian was in an extremely bad mood, no newspaper office dared to touch his bad luck.

On the seventh day after the wedding, there was still no trace of Qin Huanxi.

Xiao Moqian has been so decadent recently, so decadent that people can't recognize that this is the former Mr. Xiao who turns his hands into clouds and turns his hands into rain.

His hair was disheveled, his beard was long, and his clothes were wrinkled like dried pickles.

Since Qin Huanxi disappeared, he has searched for her day and night for seven days, but there is still no news.

Many people gave the fact that Qin Huanhuan had been killed, but Xiao Moqian didn't believe it, he was still persistently looking for it, without sleep or sleep.

Looking at the past with Qin Huanxi, the man's eyes were full of sadness, and his voice was extremely hoarse, "Huanhuan, tell me, where are you?"

Heartache, Xiao Moqian's heartache was so painful that he couldn't breathe when he thought of her disappearing from his own world.

Tears overflowed uncontrollably from the eyes of this strong man...

When the tears became uncontrollable, he actually covered his face and wept softly.

How sad is that to make this man, who can't be bothered with emotions, lose his composure?
After a long time, when the sky was getting dark, the door was gently knocked.

"Master." Xiao Ran stood quietly outside the door.

Xiao Moqian licked his dry lips, because he had been tired for a long time, and his lips were already chapped.

After crying for too long, even under his intentional control, the voice of his mouth has a faint nasal sound, "Say."

Across the door, Xiao Ran could imagine Xiao Moqian's sad appearance, with his lowered eyes, why is he not the same?

After a pause for a few seconds, Xiao Ran restrained his small thoughts, and said respectfully to the room, "Just now there was news from the eldest son, it seems that Miss Qin was discovered."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Moqian rushed to the door and opened it.

Xiao Ran was taken aback by his appearance, his scarlet eyes exuded an inaccessible aura...

"Say it quickly." He eagerly grabbed Xiao Ran's shoulders, very hard.

Xiao Ran hesitated a little, the news from Xiao Zhiqian was not good, can such a master bear it?

But if you don't take him there, will you just let him be decadent? -
They frantically rushed to the construction site that Xiao Zhiqian said.

Along the way, Xiao Moqian was very anxious, but he wanted to see Qin Huanxi in his best appearance. In the car, he took the time to change his clothes, tidy his hair, and shave his beard. He looked a little more energetic .

But the scarlet eyes are still there.

After all, there has been no rest for too long.

The place was already surrounded by people brought by Xiao Zhiqian.

After getting out of the car, Xiao Moqian ran wildly impatiently.

His Huanhuan, he is about to see her...

However, when he pushed aside the crowd and looked at the woman lying there quietly.When the body fell, the whole person instantly felt dizzy.

After spitting a mouthful of blood from his mouth, he fell straight to the ground, unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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