Chapter 334
Time went back to the night when Qin Huanxi and Xiao Moqian got married.

When Xiao Moqian's hot lips were about to touch Qin Huanxi, Qin Huanxi felt a sudden violent movement under his feet, and his whole body was pulled down by gravity.

She tried to grab something, but it was all in vain.

She fell so fast that she was knocked out almost as soon as she reached the ground.

The moment she fainted, she vaguely saw the figures of many men...

Those people were very fast and didn't do anything to her, but quickly pulled her into the car, and then she fell unconscious.

The car drove to the outskirts of the capital, which is only a few kilometers away from the city. Even if Xiao Moqian wanted to check, he might not have stretched his hand that far.

Just as they were handing over to Shu De, a group of people rushed out unexpectedly and opened fire without saying a word.

Shude burst into foul language angrily on the spot.

They were planning to evacuate today, but no one would dare to stop them.

He grabbed Qin Huanxi, who was unconscious, and wanted Qin Huanxi to block some bullets for him, but dragging someone along made him slow down a lot.

Just when he felt that Qin Huanhuan was too in the way and wanted to throw her down, a bullet flew towards him, and the trajectory was right on him.

Without even thinking about it, Shu De directly pulled Qin Huanxi up to block the bullet, the bullet pierced Qin Huanxi's chest, and blood gushed out.

The severe pain brought Qin Huanhuan back to his consciousness a little.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw the scene of the two sides fighting.

As for Bao Sihao, he was disguised, only a pair of eyes were exposed at this moment.

Seeing Qin Huanhuan being shot, his pupils constricted, and he desperately wanted to kill Shude.

The firepower is getting stronger and stronger, and the battle is becoming more and more intense.

Although Shude is the number one killer of the Tukri organization, his subordinates are too weak, and they didn't bring many people this time.

Soon, there were very few people left on their side.

Seeing this situation, Suo De gritted his teeth and squeezed out from the root of his teeth, "Withdraw!"

Those who came with Bao Sihao today are all members of the Death Squad.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to wipe out the firepower on Shude's side so quickly.

He left the scene to his subordinates, hugged Qin Huanxi and boarded the private plane that had been prepared long ago. Originally, he wanted to fly directly to country A, but seeing Qin Huanxie's bloody gunshot wound, he directly let the plane fly to him A private estate in Country F.

Afraid of being found out by Xiao Moqian, Bao Sihao did not take Qin Huanxi to the hospital, but asked his exclusive doctor to help Qin Huanxi deal with it.

Fortunately, the position of the bullet was a little bit away from the heart, otherwise, Qin Huanxi would have died by now.

Qin Huanxi was in a coma for several days, and she didn't wake up until the seventh day.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw white in the room!

White ceiling, white glowing walls, white sheets...

Just when I wanted to move, I found that I still had a hanging needle in my hand!

Just now, he moved too much and pulled the wound, Qin Huanxi felt a tingling pain in his right chest that went straight to his heart!
what happened?

She suddenly felt a little panicked!
Where's Xiao Moqian?

How is Xiao Moqian?

The bright eyes scanned the surroundings, and found that this did not look like a ward.

The pain in the chest still continued, spreading little by little.

Glancing at the mobile phone not far away from the corner of his eye, Qin Huan gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and moved towards the mobile phone.

The nurse in charge of taking care of her just came back at this time. As soon as she opened the door, she saw her moving slowly, and ran over to support her in fright.

"Miss, your wound is not suitable for moving..."

"Where's Xiao Moqian?" Qin Huanle's heart was tied to Xiao Moqian, she was injured, so what about Xiao Moqian?

how is he

Could he be more seriously injured?

(End of this chapter)

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