Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 102 Blood Prison Town Asura

Chapter 102 Blood Prison Town Asura
Li Xiuxian woke up, but Leng Ruling beside him didn't have such a good foundation. Li Xiuxian used elixir to temper his body every day, coupled with the tempering of the purple thunder in the Wanhua Pearl, made Li Xiuxian's body stronger than ordinary monks. Much stronger.

Li Xiuxian made a secret plan in his heart, and found that with his current strength, he could not escape the pursuit of these black-robed monks at all!
"Sura is ruined just like that!" Li Xiuxian felt extremely regretful. After all, it is not easy to find another thug in the foundation establishment period. Until now, Li Xiuxian didn't even know where Shura's mutation came from. There is no way to re-refine one.

"This... this is..." Li Xiuxian suddenly found a small ice crystal not far away, but unlike before, there was no trace of coldness on this small ice crystal, which was completely different from when Li Xiuxian met this small ice crystal What surprised Li Xiuxian even more was that there was a black "bug!" frozen in the small ice crystal.

Or it can't be said to be a bug, Li Xiuxian took a closer look and found that this "little bug" is completely a shrunken version of Shura!
As for the little ice crystal, Li Xiuxian has never understood what it is. As for Shura, it is even more mysterious. No one knows where he came from. These two things are quite mysterious, let alone these two things. combined.

Although he didn't understand the origin of the mini Shura in this little ice crystal, Li Xiuxian subconsciously believed that Shura was not dead.

"Fight! It's a big deal to lose a little blood!" Li Xiuxian gritted his teeth.

With a tumbling, the little ice crystal was in his hand, and then he pulled up the unconscious Leng Ruling, and the flying tiger wings behind him opened instantly, and then a mouthful of blood was sprayed on the flying tiger wings, absorbing the blood essence. The speed of the power flying tiger wings also soared, and Li Xiuxian disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The sudden upheaval did not give these black-robed monks enough time to react. When they reacted, there was no shadow of Li Xiuxian?
"This kid belongs to the rabbit?" Brother Yu couldn't help scolding.

"We don't know, this kid is too fast, and we didn't even realize it." The rest of the black-robed monks said with a bitter face.

"What are you doing in a daze, chase after us! If the young master finds out that we are not good at doing things, there will be good fruits for us to eat!" Senior Brother Yu roared angrily!
Eleven monks above the eleventh level of Qi training besieged a monk at the eighth level of Qi training and one monk at the eleventh level of Qi training, and even with the help of the power of the top-grade Dharma Blood Prison Cauldron, the other party escaped. Can let the other party escape without Xue Wuya punishing himself, I am afraid that he has the idea of ​​ending himself!

"Pfft!" Li Xiuxian, who was running, spurted out a mouthful of blood again, and the blood turned into a blood mist and merged into the flying tiger's wings. The snow-white flying tiger's wings had turned red at this time, even a little Ferocious, lost its original appearance.

Although the middle-grade flying magic weapon is not unique in Yizhou, it can be said to be extremely rare, and most of them are in the hands of the foundation-building monks. The situation like Li Xiuxian is already a special case. As for the Qi-training monk I am afraid that one of the hundreds of thousands of monks may not be able to find such a thing as having a high-grade magic weapon in his hand. Li Xiuxian does not believe that his luck will be so bad!
The speed of Flying Tiger Wings was already terrifying. Under the full force, even a cultivator on the [-]th level of qi training would not be able to catch Li Xiuxian in a short time. In addition, Li Xiuxian spit out blood and performed the blood spirit technique desperately. It has reached the point of terror.

Although the speed is faster, the consumption of spiritual power has also reached a terrifying level. If it weren't for the heaven-defying treasures such as stalactite milk in his hands, Li Xiuxian wouldn't be able to last long!
After swallowing a drop of Zhonglingshi milk, Li Xiuxian's pale face finally had a tinge of blood. Although Zhonglingshi's milk is good, it is not a panacea. After spitting out five or six mouthfuls of blood in a row, even the iron can't stand it. Weakness is not because of the essence in the body. If the blood is superfluous to ordinary people, Li Xiuxian can be exhausted by spitting out three mouthfuls of blood!

Li Xiuxian was desperately trying to catch up, but he didn't know that the Moyunmen monks chasing behind him couldn't help cursing their mothers. Is this still the speed of an eighth-level Qi training monk?
Several masters of the twelfth level of Qi training chased after him with all their strength, but they didn't even see Li Xiuxian's shadow!
"Where does this kid have so many secrets?" the leader and Brother Yu wondered in their hearts.

I thought it would be the limit for a monk on the eighth level of Qi training to have a talisman on his body, but a flying magic weapon appeared on his body. Just throw them away. Although they don't have any flying magic weapons on them, the speed of the monk's sword at the [-]th level of Qi training is also extraordinary, but he just didn't catch up!
After a stick of incense, the Moyunmen cultivator's face became pale and pale, and beads of sweat dripped from his head one after another. It seemed that his spiritual power had been exhausted.It is also quite a rare scene for a group of monks on the [-]th floor of Qi training to exhaust their collective spiritual power.

After spraying three mouthfuls of blood to activate the Blood Prison Cauldron, they chased after Li Xiuxian non-stop. They were lucky to last for a stick of incense before fainting!

"Senior Brother Yu, no...no...it can't be done!" Several black-robed monks said out of breath.

Running all the way is a huge test for spiritual power. Although they also have Huiyuan Dan on their bodies, the number is not much, and the medicinal effect of Huiyuan Pill will take a while to play. It's a ghost if you can hold on to it.

Senior Brother Yu gritted his teeth. Although he could still chase, the other party didn't know where he had gone after seeing the situation. Even if he chased him, it would be pointless.

"Forget it, retreat, go back and join the young master!" Senior Brother Yu almost gritted his teeth.It is a shame and a shame to let a junior who has practiced qi training eight levels slip away in front of his eyes!

"Boom!" Li Xiuxian didn't know how far he ran, and finally plunged into the lake.

"Gulu!" After several blisters appeared on the surface of the lake, Li Xiuxian's head popped out, and he walked up step by step with the unconscious Leng Ruling in his arms.

Just this simple movement consumed all of Li Xiuxian's strength, and he sat powerlessly on the shore and gasped heavily!

"The people of Moyunmen are really hard to deal with!" Li Xiuxian thought in his heart.

Li Xiuxian looked at the little ice crystal that sealed the mini Shura in his hand and frowned. Although Li Xiuxian wished that Shura was not dead, it was hard to imagine that Shura would be sealed in this small ice crystal!
"Forget it, don't think about it!" Li Xiuxian directly threw the little ice crystal into the Wanhua Pearl.This is almost already Li Xiuxian's habit, and the precious things are usually sent directly to Wanhuazhu.

Looking at the chaotic spiritual power in his body, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but wryly smiled. It was just a few mouthfuls of blood, and the spiritual power in his body was so chaotic. If it wasn't for his solid foundation, this alone might be enough Let him go crazy.

After several hours of breath adjustment, Li Xiuxian suppressed the chaotic spiritual power in his body. As for the comatose Leng Ruling, he was just stunned, and his injuries were not even as serious as Li Xiuxian's.

"I can't pass this day, there are still six more days!" Li Xiuxian cried bitterly and looked at the sky of Xiaoqian World with deep hatred.

The monks of the various sects were beaten to pieces by Moyunmen, and the survivors could be counted with two slaps, and there are at least forty or fifty people in Moyunmen, there is no comparison in terms of strength, Li Xiuxian I can only pray that in the next six days, my luck will not be so bad, and I will be found by the people of Moyunmen.

"Crunch!" There was a sudden sound from above the head!

Li Xiuxian was startled, and hurriedly looked up, and found a monkey eating fruit on it!
"It turned out to be a monkey." Li Xiuxian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he had made a big deal out of a molehill.


Li Xiuxian was startled, where did the monkey come from in Xiaoqian World, even a monkey is a monster, Li Xiuxian hastily clenched the Seven Star Shocking Thunder Sword and Mother Sword and looked at this "monkey" vigilantly

This little monkey didn't seem to understand why Li Xiuxian was still gnawing on his own fruit while looking like he was facing an enemy.

After confronting each other for more than half an hour to make sure that the monkey was not malicious, Li Xiuxian's tense nerves relaxed, and he leaned weakly against the big tree.

Li Xiuxian took out a vermilion fruit from the Wanhua Pearl and prepared to bite it off!
"Crack!" Li Xiuxian only felt a gust of wind flash past his ears, and then the vermilion fruit in his hand disappeared!

"Crack, crunch!" The little monkey shouted happily while holding Li Xiuxian's vermilion fruit.

"What kind of speed is this!" Li Xiuxian looked at this harmless little monkey in surprise. Who would have thought that a little monkey with an ordinary appearance could have such a speed!

"Crack!" The little monkey bit the vermillion fruit, then quickly ate the vermilion fruit in his hand, and looked at Li Xiuxian expectantly.

Li Xiuxian shook his head helplessly, the vermilion fruits he took out were all at least 500 years old, and even 1000 years old vermilion fruits, even if the elixir of such a high age was not used to refine the elixir, it would be swallowed raw It is also very beneficial for cultivation, of course, the premise is that it must be able to withstand such a strong medicine, otherwise it will be blamed on others for the end of a body exploding to death.

Even Li Xiuxian only dared to swallow vermilion fruits that were about 500 years old, and the number would not be too many, at most two a day, but this ordinary little monkey swallowed a 500-year-old vermilion fruit and nothing happened!

"Crunch!" The little monkey's voice became more and more urgent.

Li Xiuxian nodded helplessly, and took out another vermilion fruit, but for the sake of safety, this time he only took a vermilion fruit about 200 years old.But who knew that this little monkey simply dismissed the 200-year-old Zhu Guo and threw it back to Li Xiuxian.

It was also the first time Li Xiuxian saw a monkey with such a picky mouth. The 200-year-old vermillion fruit was worth a lot outside, but in the eyes of this monkey, it seemed to be no different from ordinary fruits.

After taking a 500-year-old vermilion fruit and handing it to the little monkey, the little monkey took it and gnawed it with a smile on his face. After a while, the vermilion fruit was gnawed clean by the little monkey, and the little monkey burped comfortably.

"Crack, crunch!" The little monkey kept jumping around beside Li Xiuxian, Li Xiuxian's two vermilion fruits had already bought it completely, and he was not at all wary of Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian looked at the jumping little monkey and frowned. This monkey is a monster. Li Xiuxian didn't have the guts to let a monster follow him. Who can guarantee that this little monkey won't take advantage of him not paying attention? What time to cut his throat?He doesn't have the skills of a monk in Wanshou Villa, who can train monsters into spirit beasts and let him drive them.

"Crack!" The little monkey jumped onto Li Xiuxian's shoulder suddenly!
Li Xiuxian was startled, and the Seven Star Shocking Thunder Son and Mother Sword in his hand was about to stab out.

The little monkey didn't seem to notice Li Xiuxian's nervousness, sitting on Li Xiuxian's shoulder and shouting happily.

Li Xiuxian's nerves were tense, as long as the little monkey did something out of the ordinary, he would kill it without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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