Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 103 Blue-eyed Amethyst Ape

Chapter 103 Blue-eyed Amethyst Ape

But the facts proved that Li Xiuxian was really worrying too much. Apart from being a little interested in Li Xiuxian's long flowing hair, the little monkey didn't do anything other than keep playing with Li Xiuxian's hair with its two paws, which made Li Xiuxian heave a sigh of relief.

Li Xiuxian took out a Rejuvenation Pill and swallowed it, the effect of the Rejuvenation Pill spread in Li Xiuxian's body bit by bit, repairing Li Xiuxian's damaged body.

"Crack!" Suddenly the little monkey arched its body, its hair stood up all over, and looked ahead nervously!

The strangeness of the little monkey also awakened Li Xiuxian from his cultivation. Li Xiuxian's spiritual consciousness was instantly released, and he knew all the troubles within a hundred feet.

"First-class top-grade monster poisonous toad!" Li Xiuxian exclaimed.

Li Xiuxian will never forget how that highly poisonous toad chased him to heaven and earth without a way in the ghostly forest of mist, and the poisonous toad is even more inaccessible. If there was no Shura at that time It's hard to say what will happen to Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian secretly groaned in his heart. At this critical moment, he encountered this difficult monster. His injuries have not fully recovered. In addition, Leng Ruling is still in a coma, and he has to take care of Leng Ruling distractedly. It would be good to survive against monsters like the poisonous toad.

"Boom!" The poisonous toad immediately saw Li Xiuxian, and its huge body rushed over in an instant, collapsing a lot of numbers along the way!

Li Xiuxian gave a wry smile. His luck was really bad. He escaped so far and thought he had escaped the Moyunmen, but who would have thought that he would enter the territory of the poisonous toad.The Seven Star Shocking Thunder Sword and Mother Sword in his hand flashed, and an arm-thick purple thunder instantly hit the poisonous toad!
"Cuckoo!" The poisonous toad was knocked to the ground by the sudden attack, and its body was entangled in a purple arc, and it couldn't move for a while!

Li Xiuxian was panting heavily. He had consumed a lot of blood and blood, and his body hadn't recovered yet. Coupled with the forceful use of spiritual power, it put a huge burden on his body.

"Huh! Huh!" Beads of sweat fell from Li Xiuxian's forehead.Based on the current Li Xiuxian's move just now was already at the limit, he simply couldn't bring up his spiritual power to give the poisonous toad a fatal blow.

"Quack!" The poisonous toad is a first-class monster after all. Although Li Xiuxian's purple thunder is strong, it can only temporarily paralyze the poisonous toad. After five breaths, the poisonous toad regains its ability to move. There was even a spark in his eyes, Li Xiuxian's blow just now had already annoyed him!
"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Li Xiuxian frantically circulated the spiritual power in his body, but the spiritual power in his body didn't listen to him at all, and kept running around in his body.

Looking at the poisonous toad that was already close at hand, he was very anxious. The wide mouth of the poisonous toad opened, and Li Xiuxian could even see the purple venom in the mouth of the poisonous toad!

"Boom!" The poisonous toad flew upside down!
Li Xiuxian stared at the little monkey standing in front of him. This little monkey actually knocked the poisonous toad away!What kind of power is this!
"Roar!" The little monkey suddenly let out a run like a beast, and kept hitting his chest with both hands!
Li Xiuxian stared at the crazy little monkey dumbfounded. He has been cultivating for more than 20 years, and he has seen too many weird things. He has seen even the second-level middle-grade monster silver-horned ice python, but he has never seen it before. Had such a weird thing.

A small monkey the size of a human head is constantly growing in size, and its reddish-brown hair has turned purple!It's just that in two breaths, the original little monkey has disappeared, replaced by a giant ape with a height of two feet!

"Roar!" The giant ape punched the poisonous toad with its washbasin-sized fist.

"Quack!" The poisonous toad was startled, and hastily spewed out a mouthful of venom and shot it at the giant ape.

Li Xiuxian was shocked. The poisonous toad's venom was so poisonous that even a second-level monster would not be able to please it. Although this giant ape was extremely brave, it might not be able to resist the poisonous toad's venom!

"Roar!" Unexpectedly, the giant ape did not dodge or evade, and with a roar, the poisonous arrow of the poisonous toad suddenly disintegrated and fell powerlessly on the ground!
"Eh..." Li Xiuxian was stunned, and he disintegrated the poisonous arrow of the poisonous toad with just a roar. What is the origin of this giant ape?Is this still the harmless little monkey sitting on his shoulder?

The poisonous toad didn't expect his poisonous arrow to be deciphered so easily, and fell into a short-term consternation. It was this short-lived absence that the poisonous toad completely lost the chance to escape.

The giant ape's fist hit the poisonous toad's back without any resistance!

"Crack!" The poisonous toad's body swelled like a balloon, and with a soft sound, the poisonous toad's body exploded instantly!
It actually directly exploded the body of the poisonous toad!What kind of power is this!
"Roar!" After the giant ape blew up the poisonous toad, he turned his head and stared at Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian suddenly felt that his back was soaked with sweat. He looked nervously at this giant ape. This giant ape easily killed the poisonous toad. No matter which one, the current Li Xiuxian can't fight against it.

"Roar!" The giant ape roared fiercely, and then its body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it shrank back into a little monkey after a while!

Then the little monkey jumped onto Li Xiuxian's shoulder, and scratched Li Xiuxian's hair with its paw affectionately!

Li Xiuxian glanced at the little monkey sitting on his shoulder and frowned. This little monkey is too weird, killing the poisonous toad in seconds, no one would think that this monkey is an ordinary monkey with such strength, especially after seeing it After the transformation of the little monkey.

"Blue-eyed Amethyst Ape!" There was a sudden exclamation from behind Li Xiuxian!
"Leng Ruling! You're awake!" Li Xiuxian was overjoyed.

"This is an ancient beast with blue eyes and amethyst ape!" Leng Ruling looked at the little monkey sitting on Li Xiuxian's shoulder in surprise!
"Blue-eyed Amethyst Ape!" Li Xiuxian looked at the little monkey.

Leng Ruling nodded: "I also read it in ancient books. Except for the difference in body shape after transformation, the rest is the same as the blue-eyed amethyst ape. Look, are his eyes blue? green."

Li Xiuxian was stunned for a moment, then took off the little monkey on his shoulder, and sure enough, the little monkey's eyes were really green. Reminiscent of the purple hair after the transformation, Li Xiuxian had already believed Leng Ruling's words.

"The blue-eyed amethyst ape is an ancient alien species. It is said that the blue-eyed amethyst ape in ancient times was a fourth-level monster, equivalent to the existence of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage." Leng Ruling said.

Li Xiuxian looked at the little monkey in his hand. It was hard to imagine that such a monkey was actually a fourth-level monster. What is the concept of a fourth-level monster? This is equivalent to the existence of the Nascent Soul Stage in human beings. In human form, it is far superior to human monks in combat.

"The blue-eyed amethyst ape has been extinct in Yizhou for a long time. I didn't expect there to be one in the world of Xiaoqian. If word got out, I'm afraid the whole Yizhou would be robbed." Leng Ruling said.

Li Xiuxian was taken aback: "You probably won't say it."

Leng Ruling shook her head: "No."

Li Xiuxian nodded. Although there was no vicious curse, Li Xiuxian believed in Leng Ruling.

"Crack!" The blue-eyed Amethyst Ape reached out to Li Xiuxian's storage bag.

Li Xiuxian didn't know what this little guy was thinking, so he took out a vermilion fruit and threw it to the little monkey.

Leng Ruling looked at Li Xiuxian who was getting along with the blue-eyed amethyst ape and couldn't help shaking his head. The extremely proud blue-eyed amethyst ape would be so close to humans.

It is very difficult for humans to control monsters without a contract. Even the beast control technique of Wanshou Villa is based on the soul imprint. It is not possible to control monsters without the soul imprint. This is the case in Yizhou It hasn't happened yet, at least Leng Ruling has never heard of such a thing.

But what made Leng Ruling gratified was that this blue-eyed amethyst ape was from his own side. The blue-eyed amethyst ape was powerful, so he didn't have to worry about meeting people from Moyunmen.

Leng Ruling glanced at the Shuihan Sword in his hand and frowned. There was a gap in the Shuihan Sword made of thousands of years of ice. Although it was not big, it lost a bit of the Shuihan Sword's power. Mostly.

The impact with the Blood Prison Cauldron actually damaged the Shuihan Sword. Thinking of the mountain-like Blood Prison Cauldron being as cold as a spirit, I couldn't help shivering. The power of the top-grade magic weapon is indeed terrifying!
The massacre in Xiaoqian World is continuing, while the outside of Xiaoqian World has turned upside down.The soul jade slips of the disciples of some sects shattered one after another, and the sect hurriedly sent disciples to inquire.

It’s okay, you have to know that those who enter Xiaoqian World are all the elites of the sect. It is no exaggeration to say that this group of people will be the pillars of the sect in the future. A large number of people died, and some sects were even made into dumplings!

Ling Daozi looked at Xiaoqian World surrounded by the barrier and snorted coldly: "Open the barrier!"

"Uncle, you mustn't, if the barrier of Little Thousand World is forcibly opened, it will make Little Thousand World collapse!" Chen Qun hurriedly urged.

"Collapse will collapse, and Hunyuan Qizong will be wiped out if we wait any longer!" Ling Daozi snorted coldly.

The pitch-black alchemy furnace slammed into the barrier without hesitation. Xiaoqian World is opened every 50 years, and each time it is opened for one month, during this period only the forbidden jade token can be used to break the ban. Unless the one-month period expires, Xiaoqian The world's restrictions will not be opened, and the only way to break through the restrictions of Xiaoqian World is to break through!

"Damn it, fight it!" The beast roared loudly, a big sword appeared in his hand, and the sword blasted towards the restriction.

"Both of you have started, and I can't lag behind!" Qiu Shudao closed his folding fan, only to see a violent whirlwind fly out of Qiu Shudao's hand, and hit hard on the barrier.

Chen Qun and the others took a look at each other. Since the big shots have already started, they can't be idle!

"Bang bang bang!" There were violent explosions for a while, combined with the attacks of dozens of foundation-building monks, they couldn't break through the restriction of the small thousand world.

"What a strong defense, it is indeed the formation left by the ancient monk!" Ling Daozi snorted coldly.The spells in his hand are continuously poured into the pill furnace!
"Boom!" A scarlet spiritual fire burst out of the alchemy furnace, pouring down on the restriction!

"This is your natal spiritual fire. You are worthy of being an alchemist. Even your natal spiritual fire is different from me!" Beast Maniac laughed, and then he played a magic formula, and suddenly a group of yellow spiritual fire appeared on the big sword. fire.

"Everyone, stop hiding, let's break through this formation together!" Qiu Shudao laughed.The folding fan in his hand opened again, and the blue spirit fire turned into a hurricane and attacked the restriction.

For a while, the colorful flames almost submerged the barrier, but even the barrier of Xiaoqian World only shook a few times, and it was still too early to break through!

A cold light flashed in Ling Daozi's eyes, and the spells in his hand kept on, the crimson flames continuously burning the barrier of Xiaoqian World.

(End of this chapter)

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